(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Olly

Can you please look into and pre warn future passengers.

On the out going trip from Heathrow to Bourgas via Sofia.

When we reached Sofia to go thru border / passport checks on route to the other terminal for the internal flight to our destination we came across a major issue which resulted in a very ugly scene.

Once we went thru passport and border checks we found ourselves being shepherded outside the sterile area on route to our connecting flight which resulted in us going through security checks again. The problem this created was if anybody had bought items such as water & or alcohol airside at Heathrow. Then these items were confiscated. As our main baggage was automatically transferred between aircraft at Sofia. Should we not have been escorted via an alternative route?

Surely if we had to go thru these checks then we should have been re acquainted with our baggage to enable us to put these away properly. One chap had a bottle of vodka taken from him which resulted in an un pleasant an unsavoury situation. And was not a good start to our trip. Perhaps you could pre warn future travellers that caution should be taken when purchasing something in the Uk on route to other countries

Hope this makes sense

Regards Andy

  • (Member)
Hi Andy

I see the problem - that is unfortunate. I will pass on your comments to my colleagues here.

I think the only solution is to avoid buying alcohol and other drinks for your hand luggage when you still have connecting flights to board.

Thanks for letting us all know.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Olly

Please note I had no issues . But a couple of our group did


  • (Member)
As far as I understand it, when you have connecting flights you can't avail of duty free, or else if it is possible, you have to go to huge lengths to go through the proper protocols. As I have to get connecting flights from Ireland, I can never get duty free on any of my hols, but it is a small price to pay to be able to go on them! I thought people in general would know this, but it's probably no harm to make it clear in documentation - and to warn people when booking when a connecting flight is part of the journey.

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
I am checking out everything re. Bulgaria and just found this post. Forewarned is forearmed. Only hope I still remember come October. Regards Janet
It's not just Bulgaria where this happens so it might be worth Just You mentioning it in their documentation, as has already been suggested.

I flew back from Barcelona to Newcastle (via Heathrow) yesterday and went through customs at Barcelona and again at Heathrow. I was prepared though as I've had to go through again at Heathrow before, but I can appreciate someone who doesn't travel regularly not knowing this.

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all

I fully understand the protocols of airport security fully. However in Sofia. We never went outside the building as both terminals are under the same roof. We were also using the same air line company.

Regards Andy

  • (Member)
Obviously common sense does not seem to prevail under these circumstances. I strongly feel that as long as you can prove that you purchased the items AFTER clearing airport security at the first airport, then they should let you keep those items and take them with you. It is the same with water bottles - why don't they just make you take a drink from the bottle you have, to prove you are not carrying anything sinister, before going through security instead of asking you to bin it? Water always costs more after security and this is just a way of making travellers spend more!! Obviously rules and regulations are there to protect everyone, but if only more common sense was used then we would not have such problems.


  • (Member)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All

The thing is When travelling to Bulgaria. When we reached Sofia.

We never actually left the building as both terminals were under the same roof. Also we were using the same airline.

I can fully understand if we were using different Airlines or alliances as I Did with my connecting flight As I went from British Airways to Bulagrian Airways and from Terminals 5 & 4 ( Via London Paddington ) dont ask how lol.. And going to completely different buildings/ Terminals

Anyway it is just a point everyone should be aware of when travelling to other destiantions in the world. Just be aware. And before flying, Do a little preperation and planning.

Regards Andy