  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, Is there any chance that JY could drop the necessity for a Moderator to check all messages being posted on the Talk to Other Travellers section. Everyone seems so nice and are keen to talk to each other yet it can take such a long time for messages to be posted, especially at weekends/holidays, when obviously the Moderator will want to take holiday. It's May 7 today and last posts were May 3 - I'd hate to see the Moderator's workload this morning 🙂. Why can't we just chat and request messages to be removed if appropriate - as most sites do?
  • (Member)
Hi sookie,

There are a few reasons why we have the moderation for example:

We have quite a bit of spam that attempts to make it onto the boards (even with filters to prevent this) - innocent looking threads which aren't very innocent. By moderating we are able to prevent these making an appearance on the site

There are some threads which call for us to add a comment - if they all go on as normal, we can't see these and are unable to address them.

In addition to this, and perhaps the most important, we want to make sure that members don't accidentally slip up and give out their personal details in what is a very public forum.

I appreciate that it is frustrating to some members as they would like to chat throughout the weekend. Where there is mutual consent, we are always happy to pass on email addresses so that you can chat away from the community.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
I know that it is hard to please everybody, but I do agree about the security on personal details, when my son was in the forces I belonged to a Royal Navy forum and it was so easy to slip up with personal details, as you form a bond with people on the boards, but we honestly do not really know people, so it is good that the boards are moderated..


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