Having travelled back from Route 66 yesterday and experiencing a frightening time through airport security checks I thought I would pass on information I have found after researching what could have prompted my horrible experience to all travellers, especially women.
As I went through the metal detector at LA airport a different sound went off and I was called aside for a hand swap test where my hands were wiped with a small wipe and put into a machine. The result was positive (but positive for what I was not told - I wrongly assumed drugs). They then tested other personal items in my luggage and said that as too many positives had come up I would have to be taken to a room and seen by two people. It was a most frightening experience and I couldn't understand why these tests were showing positive. Eventually I was told I was able to go and only caught my plane by running through the airport.
On researching the internet last night it seems that this can be caused through overusing hand lotion which contains glycerin and it would appear that they were suspicious of explosives. On the way to the airport I had used the last of my hand and body lotion on my hands and had rubbed it all over my arms too. I then obviously was touching my hand luggage and items in my hand luggage.
I would advise anyone not to use hand lotion before going to an airport as I am sure this must have been the cause of my awful experience.