  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi this isn't so much sharing tips but looking for some. I know there is a thread on the general topic of suitcases on the forum, but my question is more specific. Last year I bought a new hard suitcase and I bought a strong padlock to go with it. For the first time ever, I locked my case as we are advised to do. Somewhere between Rio and Heathrow, my case was opened and the lock disappeared. Everything in my case was fine, but I was very annoyed about the disappearing padlock. There was no note/sticker on my case to indicate it had been searched. I was in Vietnam/Cambodia in February this year and this time around I decided to leave my case unlocked, as I didn't get a new padlock in case the same happened again. Everything was fine on the way out and on the three internal flights but when I got back to Heathrow and collected my suitcase from the carousel, I saw that it was half opened. I dragged it to one side and opened it up. Both my toilet/travel bags were open and although nothing seemed to be missing, I was extremely annoyed that my luggage had been searched again and they didn't have the courtesy to even close the travel bags up again. Creams, lotions etc could easily have spilt inside my case and ruined my clothes. Any advice for future holidays? Have I just been unlucky or should I just expect this type of treatment in future (or is it just a Heathrow issue)?

Hoping some folks can enlighten me,



Mick W
  • (Member)

Can't recall mine ever been searched so think you've been unlucky.

I use plastic ties to secure my case so security could easily cut them off if required. Will add I nowadays put a pair of nail clippers to cut them off in the front compartment which i dont tie, otherwise you cant get in yourself.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Mick, I'd like to hear from some other folks as well before I decide what to do for my next holiday...strange it's happened on two holidays in a row, never before.

All the best,


PS I'm putting up a thread on the Ask the Editor section about Antelope Canyon on the National Parks tour, which might interest you!

  • (Member)
H Bob

I had my case searched a few years ago going to America , but they did put a note in case saying they search random cases. If you are going to use locks use TSA locks security can open these lock and not damage them.


  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

It hasn't happened often to me, but on the occasions I've had a case damaged, opened or gone astray the common factor has been Heathrow airport. I live in Scotland and fly several times a year and have had no problems at any other British airports, though the incidents may have happened overseas. Coincidence?


  • (Member)

I don't bother locking my case there's nothing in there that is important, and I know too many people that work at airports and if they want to get into a case for whatever reason they have ways round opening all far as I know my cases have never been rummaged around with. At LGW or LHR.. When I go away with Hubby he does lock our cases.


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

I've used US Transportation Security Administration compatible locks for years in the USA and Europe with no problems.

I visited Lower Antelope Canyon 3 years ago and it was fantastic. The Upper Canyon is supposedly less good: wider and easier and hence more crowded.

I responded to your post of 13 March about the Grand Canyon helicopter but it wasn't posted and I didn't get a response to my reminder: the helicopter dropped below the level of the rim but not to the bottom.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Paul,

Many thanks for your answer. I did read elsewhere that there's no point in using TSA locks outside the US as in other countries they can't open them. As I said on my last holiday the case wasn't locked and I don't know why it was searched. It was just disgraceful that they didn't close my toilet/travel bags or even zip up the case properly. As Lois said, maybe it is just a Heathrow problem? Their security is probably stricter than just about anywhere else.

I hope I get to visit Antelope Canyon and thanks for your info on the helicopter ride - I wouldn't want to go on the boat trip in the Grand Canyon again as it wasn't that exciting but I would like to do another chopper ride!

All the best,


  • (Member)
There are two issues regarding your bags being searched. The first is the Customs officials lawfully examining your bags for drugs and other contraband (not that I'm suggesting for a minute that they would find something:P) and then the baggage handlers / back room staff rifling through your bags for something to steal. You can't stop either when your bag is out of your sight but you will stop the casual thief by putting padlocks on your bags.

Of course padlocks can easily be cut off bags (as the officials will do) but at least you are helping the odds. If an official anywhere in the world has opened your bags they should leave you a note in the luggage to say so but of course this is not always done. Ultimately you were very unlucky to have your stuff left open, however this is a very useful lesson for others reading this to show that you really do need to keep all your valuables in your hand luggage.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sally, I agree I always bring cameras etc in my hand luggage. Better safe than sorry! But I don't always want to be buying new padlocks, so still not sure about locking my case.



  • (Member)
Hi Bob

I know it is only a padlock, but perhaps may be worth complaining? It is very rude. We now live in a world where even locked luggage is not safe. As Cindy says, there are lots of ways to open a suitcase even if it is locked and this is how theft happens. We live in an age where there are security cameras everywhere which should stop the pilfering but again this is not the case.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya, I had presumed that it was over zealous security at Heathrow, but perhaps it was baggage handlers or someone else?? Who knows and certainly difficult to prove anything. As has been commented before, Heathrow is the common denominator but I'm sure others have had problems at different airports? As for making a complaint, to be honest I wonder sometimes is it worth the effort as it usually doesn't get any satisfactory results! Hope things are going well for you.

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

I guess you are right - it is not worth the effort in making a complaint as you will only be wasting your time.

All is well with me. I have had my second chemo cycle - spent a total of 9 days in hospital having continuous treatment! Am waiting for the results of the PET scan I had yesterday - I am very positive it is going to be clear so they can start the process for stem cell transplant. I am just counting the days when I can go ahead and book my holidays! Reading about all the wonderful places everyone on the forum is planning to visit is making me a little bit jealous!!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya, sounds like so far so good! Hope you get the good news you deserve and can start planning your much needed hol before long.

Take care,


  • (Member)

Positive thoughts coming your way that you get to hear the news you need to then start booking holidays to look forward to.Good Luck


  • (Member)
Thank you Bob and Cindy. Good news - the scan was totally clear so now the next stage is stem cell transplant. I have an appointment at UCHL tomorrow (Wednesday 24 April) and a chemo appointment at Mount Vernon on Monday 29 April after which I am presuming they will harvest my stem cells for transplant. Can't wait for all this to be over.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thinking of you Jaya, please God all goes well.


  • (Member)

Good news regarding the scan and good luck with the stem cell procedure

I Shall keep you in my prayers


  • (Member)
Thanks Bob and Cindy. I believe in the power of prayers. If all goes well the stem cells will be harvested on 8 and 9 May.


  • (Member)
Hello Jaya

I have only just read these posts and therefore wasn't aware of what you've been going through. I would like to add that I also will keep you in my prayers and wish you lots of best wishes for the stem cell procedure. Kind regards Olive

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