  • (Member)
  • (Member)
Hi Will,

You need to sort out those pictures, when I just hovered my mouse over it, it said Venice - aerial!! Nice shot, though. And a great city to visit, I went there on a day trip from a holiday in Slovenia around 15 years ago.



  • (Member)

Oh NO vast expances of water..LOL...looks a bit like a runway!


  • (Member)
Recognise Venice without cheating so there :p


Hi Will,

What an amazing picture - Its either Atlantis before it sank ... or Venice!?


  • (Member)
JY Will
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
you were all right of course!

here's a new city break to take you into the weekend!


  • (Member)
'JY wrote:

you were all right of course!

here's a new city break to take you into the weekend!


Looks like Dubai!!!



'JY wrote:

you were all right of course!

here's a new city break to take you into the weekend!


I could be wrong Will, looks like Miami to me.


Puer aeternus
Dubai of course. How did I know? well, as I'm sure most people 'guessing' correctly knows, if you right-click on the picture and choose 'properties, it tells you what/where the picture is from!

Not really a true 'suspense' is it!!!!

JY Will
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Puer wrote:

Dubai of course. How did I know? well, as I'm sure most people 'guessing' correctly knows, if you right-click on the picture and choose 'properties, it tells you what/where the picture is from!

Not really a true 'suspense' is it!!!!

I can't believe you would cheat!

  • (Member)
'Puer wrote:

Dubai of course. How did I know? well, as I'm sure most people 'guessing' correctly knows, if you right-click on the picture and choose 'properties, it tells you what/where the picture is from!

Not really a true 'suspense' is it!!!!

We all know you can do this PER but I do not cheat ..what's the point...

If you choose not to cheat then there is a point in guessing and therefor a suspense factor.


  • (Member)
Hear hear Cindy (nothing at all to do with the fact that with an iPad I can't 'right click'!!)
  • (Member)
'Puer wrote:

Dubai of course. How did I know? well, as I'm sure most people 'guessing' correctly knows, if you right-click on the picture and choose 'properties, it tells you what/where the picture is from!

Not really a true 'suspense' is it!!!!

Many thanks for this, PA. I shan't be using it but had been wondering why people were saying right-click on the picture because when I did so (after the event, I hasten to add) nothing happened.


'nixon' wrote:

'Puer wrote:

Dubai of course. How did I know? well, as I'm sure most people 'guessing' correctly knows, if you right-click on the picture and choose 'properties, it tells you what/where the picture is from!

Not really a true 'suspense' is it!!!!

We all know you can do this PER but I do not cheat ..what's the point...

If you choose not to cheat then there is a point in guessing and therefor a suspense factor.


Well done Cindy, I am with you 100% with this one !


Puer aeternus
'JY wrote:

'Puer wrote:

Dubai of course. How did I know? well, as I'm sure most people 'guessing' correctly knows, if you right-click on the picture and choose 'properties, it tells you what/where the picture is from!

Not really a true 'suspense' is it!!!!

I can't believe you would cheat!

It's not cheating, it's using technology to it's full capacity! :thumbup:

The rest say they don't do it,........but I don't believe them! :sleepy:

There all in denial!!!!

'JY wrote:

'Puer wrote:

Dubai of course. How did I know? well, as I'm sure most people 'guessing' correctly knows, if you right-click on the picture and choose 'properties, it tells you what/where the picture is from!

Not really a true 'suspense' is it!!!!

I can't believe you would cheat!


Just a thought :idea: ……. especially when you post a photo on a Friday …… why not hold on to the replies for a couple of days so that we can all have a go at guessing, without the answer being given immediately by those who click. I have enjoyed guessing and have a sense of satisfaction when I get it right!

JY Will
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Julia is in charge of publishing posts, so hopefully she will hold off for a bit before publishing people's guesses to today's
