'Avocet64' wrote:

'JY wrote:

'Hils' wrote:

Hi Will,

Food and drink (I presume!) in Italy - but where?!



you are right.... but where!

Bolognaise, Parmesan...

I'll have a guess at Bologna


So where was this, cant see the answer


  • (Member)
'JY wrote:

here's another tricky one...


Hi Will

That looks like Kylemore Abbey in the west of Ireland, absolutely beautiful. I visited there with my late father some years ago. The whole Connemara region is beautiful and would make for a very relaxing JY hol!

Best wishes,


ooh looks like somewhere I would love to visit... I have a soft spot for castles.. and always wanted to be a princess when I grew up!!
JY Will
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Avocet64' wrote:

'JY wrote:

here's another tricky one...


A walking holiday in Galway maybe

you are on excellent form! and you got Bologna!

  • (Member)
'BGray' wrote:

'JY wrote:

here's another tricky one...


Hi Will

That looks like Kylemore Abbey in the west of Ireland, absolutely beautiful. I visited there with my late father some years ago. The whole Connemara region is beautiful and would make for a very relaxing JY hol!

Best wishes,


Reckon you are right Bob - could be a possibility for me.


  • (Member)
'JY wrote:

Well, we have almost finished our research into new holidays for the September brochure. And as ever, I want to give our Community the first sneaky peaks at what we have.

We have a new range of holidays to join City, Tour, Explore, Escape and Festive - any ideas what it may be?

We also have a host of new holidays in the existing ranges as well. Mostly European this time around, but a few further afield as well!

Stay tuned to this thread for some pics!

Well Will, you mentioned a new range of holidays and no one seems to have taken you up on what that might be! Judging by the hints dropped so far, it looks like a range of walking holidays, could I be right? To be honest, these don't interest me much as I'm busy when working and I want the minimum of exercise when on holiday - but that's not to say that others won't be very excited at the prospect! I just hope JY don't go down the road of offering more and more "activity" based holidays such as walking, skiing and sports based, to the detriment of your range of touring holidays! A certain competitor of yours already does this and I don't think the market is big enough for both of you to offer duplicate holidays! A couple of your new holidays really interested me until I read things like "included dancing lesson" and excursions involving kayaking and snorkelling etc - definitely not for me and if there was no alternative excursion offered for the same time I would just find myself opting out and that's not what these holidays are about for me!



Not an area of Ireland I have been to. Only done Cork and Kerry which I really enjoyed despite the weather. :thumbup:
JY Will
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

'JY wrote:

Well, we have almost finished our research into new holidays for the September brochure. And as ever, I want to give our Community the first sneaky peaks at what we have.

We have a new range of holidays to join City, Tour, Explore, Escape and Festive - any ideas what it may be?

We also have a host of new holidays in the existing ranges as well. Mostly European this time around, but a few further afield as well!

Stay tuned to this thread for some pics!

Well Will, you mentioned a new range of holidays and no one seems to have taken you up on what that might be! Judging by the hints dropped so far, it looks like a range of walking holidays, could I be right? To be honest, these don't interest me much as I'm busy when working and I want the minimum of exercise when on holiday - but that's not to say that others won't be very excited at the prospect! I just hope JY don't go down the road of offering more and more "activity" based holidays such as walking, skiing and sports based, to the detriment of your range of touring holidays! A certain competitor of yours already does this and I don't think the market is big enough for both of you to offer duplicate holidays! A couple of your new holidays really interested me until I read things like "included dancing lesson" and excursions involving kayaking and snorkelling etc - definitely not for me and if there was no alternative excursion offered for the same time I would just find myself opting out and that's not what these holidays are about for me!



as ever Bob, it's hard to please all of the people all of the time. We are always looking to do new things, but we will never stop doing the things that we know are always popular.

We've had so much feedback on what sort of holidays people are looking for from us and we are trying to work as many of those ideas into holidays as we can.

JY Will
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
about time for a City holiday I think...


Puer aeternus
'BGray' wrote:

'JY wrote:

Well, we have almost finished our research into new holidays for the September brochure. And as ever, I want to give our Community the first sneaky peaks at what we have.

We have a new range of holidays to join City, Tour, Explore, Escape and Festive - any ideas what it may be?

We also have a host of new holidays in the existing ranges as well. Mostly European this time around, but a few further afield as well!

Stay tuned to this thread for some pics!

Well Will, you mentioned a new range of holidays and no one seems to have taken you up on what that might be! Judging by the hints dropped so far, it looks like a range of walking holidays, could I be right? To be honest, these don't interest me much as I'm busy when working and I want the minimum of exercise when on holiday - but that's not to say that others won't be very excited at the prospect! I just hope JY don't go down the road of offering more and more "activity" based holidays such as walking, skiing and sports based, to the detriment of your range of touring holidays! A certain competitor of yours already does this and I don't think the market is big enough for both of you to offer duplicate holidays! A couple of your new holidays really interested me until I read things like "included dancing lesson" and excursions involving kayaking and snorkelling etc - definitely not for me and if there was no alternative excursion offered for the same time I would just find myself opting out and that's not what these holidays are about for me!



Sorry have to disagree with you Bob, I'm hoping that Just You offers LOTS more holidays like this! For me nothing is more depressing than sitting on my behind on holiday!! Hate sun-baking (as they say in OZ!) love the touring holidays but these can be more tiring than 'Activity' holidays! I'm not young in age but young in mind and still want to Ski, Walk, Snorkel, Dive, Dance, keeping active until me knees go! :s

Plenty of time to sit in the proverbial armchair, I want to keep active and mobile as long as I can, combining this with a holiday is the best of both worlds! :thumbup:

Puer aeternus
'JY wrote:

about time for a City holiday I think...


Marrakesh of course!

  • (Member)
So glad to see you are putting Morocco back on - this was my first (of 12) JY holiday, and it was superb.

I agree entirely with Bob, re the debate about "activity" holidays - JY's USP is based on touring holidays - as Bob has mentioned, JY's main competitor specialises in "activity" holidays and has limited touring holidays. If I wanted to do a walking holiday/golf etc. etc. I would go to them, not JY! So, if you want that type of holiday, look elsewhere!



  • (Member)
Hello Will,

That is the easiest photo so far. Djemma el Fna in Marrakech. Best orange juice for 30 p and return the glass ! As long as you keep to the local customs, this is an amazing city. Our Riad was 500 metres down a narrow alleyway where motorbikes quite happily weave their way through. We only saw the Atlas Mountains as we were leaving as they had been shrouded in a haze!

I found a cookery day school deep in the souks as part of my daughters' birthday present. They gave us a shopping list and money, telling us to find the ingredients in the market. We then made our dinner. Ever since then, I have bought Harissa and use it in my cooking. I adore mint tea after a meal as it aids digestion.

Beware the beggars as they asked for 'baksheesh' very common, especially at night. To see women sitting with a small child fast asleep is common.

The best Arabic words is 'La Shokran'- no thank you. I speak French so found it easy as the lads kept telling Sarah that they were her husband when we spoke in English, easier to talk in French so we were not bothered much.


Puer aeternus
'Hils' wrote:

So glad to see you are putting Morocco back on - this was my first (of 12) JY holiday, and it was superb.

I agree entirely with Bob, re the debate about "activity" holidays - JY's USP is based on touring holidays - as Bob has mentioned, JY's main competitor specialises in "activity" holidays and has limited touring holidays. If I wanted to do a walking holiday/golf etc. etc. I would go to them, not JY! So, if you want that type of holiday, look elsewhere!



Theres no way I can let that 'go elsewhere' comment go unchallenged!

I'm a Just You customer, and like many others would like a more varied and mixed holiday type. Its economics and good business sense to offer what customers want!

I disagree that JY's USP is simply touring holidays. That's too narrow a business stance and Just You listens to it's customers, that's why it's offerring more varied and 'activity' holidays! :thumbup:

I don't want to 'go elsewhere' I'm quite happy with Just You thanks you very much! 🙂 and will be as long as they cater for all types of holidaymakers and not just those who want to sit on a coach all day! :rolleyes:

Imagine if you went into Teco's, ASDA, Sainsburys for a product/service and they said 'go elsewhere', 'go to a competitor'!!!!!! 😞

  • (Member)
Hi Julia/Will,

When are the new tours going to be available online?


  • (Member)
Hi Mark,

Once the tours have been loaded into the reservations system, it takes a few days for it to filter into our website database and for us to add the tour itinerary and accommodation to the website. You'll find new tours will start appearing around the time that the brochure begins mailing.

Kindest regards,


Puer aeternus
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Mark,

Once the tours have been loaded into the reservations system, it takes a few days for it to filter into our website database and for us to add the tour itinerary and accommodation to the website. You'll find new tours will start appearing around the time that the brochure begins mailing.

Kindest regards,


thanks Julia, one more question, do the dates for the new holidays overlap with ones in the existing brochure? I'm interested because if Jersey's in there it would be good to know the dates ranges in case I book something else that already exists, that may clash. Thanks, PA.

  • (Member)
Oh dear Hils, you sure did rub Puer Aeternus up the wrong way. I totally agree with him/her as I have only done the one trip with Thomas Cook- never again as there was 15 couples and 3 singles, 2 over the age of 70 plus and me. Since then I have had 4 trips with Just You with 2 more booked in November and May. I love this company as they go to where I want to go and see things that are on my Bucket List. I have looked at the competitors, not impressed.


Hello Will

I have to agree with Per aeternus and disagree with Bob and Hils. I think JY should be commended for giving the customer what they want and actually listening to us. I've travelled on the activity holidays with a competitor, but like Per aeternus want to do this type of holiday with JY.

Keep up the good work.



  • (Member)
How does the expression go, something like this.

You can please some of the people some of the time,

But you can't please all the people all of the time.

I don't worry about the tours I don't want to go on, there are some fantastic tours in this new brochure but they are not for me, the same as full on sightseeing tours I do are not for others
