  • (Member)
Hi I can't believe the views of some people who are complaining about the price of a phone call that will only cost them a few pence when they are spending anything from hundreds to thousands of pounds on a holiday, it makes no sense at all! Try ringing and travelling from Ireland and you will know all about extra expense - but I am more than happy to do this to go on fabulous holidays with an excellent company! There are some people who use JY from Spain, the Caribbean and even Thailand whom I've met on previous holidays and they are more than happy to use JY despite the considerable extra expense they have to incur!

The new website is a huge step forward in terms of the information available and new services; given that there is a massive amount of new content available it is inevitable there will be some teething problems. I could say a lot more about the tone of a couple of previous comments but I will refrain!!



Yes I agree with Cindy and Mark. I think the website looks great and gives you so much more information that it did before. Having helped run a website and fan forum myself on a very minor scale it does take time for things to settle down.

Well done to everyone at JY for producing a new website that gives us so much more information! :thumbup:

  • (Member)
I am sorry to say, but some people like to moan about any little thing. Life does not always run smoothly and we all have to deal with ups and downs and this is the same with any other change. I totally agree with Cindy - take a chill pill and relax! As for 0844 and 0870 numbers, majority of companies use these numbers, but sometimes there is always a landline number. I have a land line number to get in touch with Just You!


  • (Member)

I have to pay set up fee for all the calls I make via my BT landline, not just for 0844 or 0870 numbers. Few years ago you did not pay this fee, but now you have to. Things don't remain the same! Companies are in business to make profit, albeit at the expense of users but they would not be in business if they could not make a profit. This is life....!


Ooops! Chill pill taken ... feel much better! Sorry to have upset all of you ...


  • (Member)
'Grasshopper' wrote:

Ooops! Chill pill taken ... feel much better! Sorry to have upset all of you ...


Ha ha! Hi Don, I take a metaphorical chill pill every day, otherwise I would lose my reason and sanity!



  • (Member)
'wanny' wrote:

hello Julia,

I cant log on my account now, I try to resend my password but never get. was hoping to pay some of my balance off today. not that I could my trip up on system.

Hi, sorry to hear you're having problems logging in. Have you registered on the new website or are you using your details from the old website? Logins for the old website won't work anymore, but if you register on the new one, you should be able to view your bookings.



  • (Member)
'Asti' wrote:

I have tried several times to register on the new website, but nothing happens after I press the 'Register' button.

Hi, sorry to hear you're having problems registering. Are you seeing any error messages when you register? Are you using a password that has at least 8+ characters, contains 1+ upper case character and contains 1+ number, e.g: Justyou123?



Hi Julia/Tim and others

I hope I am not being premature is saying that I have not had any problems with the new website! I registered and logged on first time without difficulty. I'm not really a whizz at computers but do like to dabble.

Well done to all at JY for moving with the times. And sorry I missed JY Will's departure and welcome to his successor - whose name has escaped me!



  • (Member)
Yes I do like to have a moan occasionally but when you are paying £1000's for a holiday you should expected good service, ease of booking and quality of accommodation etc. JY usually come up to this high standard but are now being let down by their new website. I still can't make a payment on my holiday, and why should I pay extra to make a call even if it is a few pence, more on my mobile, when its the companies site which is not letting me pay. I can understand minor hiccups and problems not being shown during testing of a site, but the ability to pay seems to be a major oversight. As for 0844 numbers if you are at work during JY opening hours the mobile is my only option, then having to hold for an advisor is definitely a hang-up time.

All I can say JY is a few niggles can loose a lot of business, first time bookers reading posts may think if they can't get this right what are the trips like. So come on JY get the site sorted .

Hi Julia and Tim

I've succeeded in registering on the new site and got up a list of my holidays by putting in the latest booking ref. Even I thought 'wow' when I saw how many are listed lol. However, there are four others not listed - West Coast of America, East Coast of America, Austria, Lake Garda. I'm not sure if Highlights of Tuscany was listed either. Talk about a good advert for Just You holidays! Is there any way these records can be found and added to the list? Like Cindy, I'm not sure I have the booking references now.

I've enjoyed all my trips. There can be the odd niggle but that's life. I take a chill pill. 😃 Newbies, don't hold back. GET BOOKING...

Best wishes to all.


  • (Member)
Hi Tim,

Something seems to have happened in the meantime, as I tried 'already registered' and I got on to a page which has no info about me, but when I put in the booking ref it said it would be updated in 24 hours. I had tried the 'already registered' option before but it said it didn't recognise my details. No worries, it seems to let me log in now. Sorry for any confusion.

Had the same issue with registering, after 2 weeks and several activation requests with no responses, decided to re-register with using a different user name and email address and that worked.
  • (Member)
'lizabc' wrote:

Hi Julia and Tim

I've succeeded in registering on the new site and got up a list of my holidays by putting in the latest booking ref. Even I thought 'wow' when I saw how many are listed lol. However, there are four others not listed - West Coast of America, East Coast of America, Austria, Lake Garda. I'm not sure if Highlights of Tuscany was listed either. Talk about a good advert for Just You holidays! Is there any way these records can be found and added to the list? Like Cindy, I'm not sure I have the booking references now.

I've enjoyed all my trips. There can be the odd niggle but that's life. I take a chill pill. 😃 Newbies, don't hold back. GET BOOKING...

Best wishes to all.


Hi Liz,

If you can let me have one of the booking references that you do have in your account, I can try and track down the information for your 'missing' bookings....

One caveat, is that if they were booked a number of years ago, they may have been on our old reservations system and at this stage, these aren't available for your account.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia, sorry to add once again to your workload but two of my bookings are not listed on my profile - two I did last year! Unfortunately I don't have the booking refs for them but they are the tours to Costa Rica/Nicaragua in March 2014 and China in Sept 2014. It would be nice to have them listed along with all the others!

If you have too much on your plate at the moment, don't worry I'll survive without this!

All the best,


  • (Member)
Have dropped you an email Bob,

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Many thanks Julia, my extensive list of JY holidays is now complete!!

Best wishes,


'Julia' wrote:

'lizabc' wrote:

Hi Julia and Tim

I've succeeded in registering on the new site and got up a list of my holidays by putting in the latest booking ref. Even I thought 'wow' when I saw how many are listed lol. However, there are four others not listed - West Coast of America, East Coast of America, Austria, Lake Garda. I'm not sure if Highlights of Tuscany was listed either. Talk about a good advert for Just You holidays! Is there any way these records can be found and added to the list? Like Cindy, I'm not sure I have the booking references now.

I've enjoyed all my trips. There can be the odd niggle but that's life. I take a chill pill. 😃 Newbies, don't hold back. GET BOOKING...

Best wishes to all.


Hi Liz,

If you can let me have one of the booking references that you do have in your account, I can try and track down the information for your 'missing' bookings....

One caveat, is that if they were booked a number of years ago, they may have been on our old reservations system and at this stage, these aren't available for your account.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

The earliest holiday listed is Booking ref A****** Arg & Brazil, on 13/10 2009. I know some holidays were before this so perhaps on the old system. Thanks for your help, but not urgent 🙂


Please note: this post has been edited to remove booking information

  • (Member)
Hi Liz,

Yes, that was around the time that we were moving systems so any earlier bookings would not show at the moment.

Kindest regards,


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Liz,

Yes, that was around the time that we were moving systems so any earlier bookings would not show at the moment.

Kindest regards,


Good morning Jules, hope you had a good weekend.

'at the moment', does that mean that the 5 holidays I have missing 2005-2008 will eventually show up? Mine start 11/2/09. I know in the grand scheme of things it's not important but its just nice to have a record. They are the only ones I didn't keep the booking references for (I have the itineraries). Are they lost forever?
