  • (Member)
Hi Avocet,

It's being discussed, but at the moment the priority for the team is to get the accounts fully integrated with our existing system and making sure that travellers can get the most out of their current and future bookings (being able to book optional excursions online, view documentation online, updating their API information, adding insurance details, update mailing preferences, integration with the Just You Community, etc). And looking at ways to continually improve the non-secure pages so that travellers have as much information about each holiday on the website.

Kindest regards,


Website still will not accept my email address 😞
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Avocet,

It's being discussed, but at the moment the priority for the team is to get the accounts fully integrated with our existing system and making sure that travellers can get the most out of their current and future bookings (being able to book optional excursions online, view documentation online, updating their API information, adding insurance details, update mailing preferences, integration with the Just You Community, etc). And looking at ways to continually improve the non-secure pages so that travellers have as much information about each holiday on the website.

Kindest regards,


It's still all very much a work in progress then with, understandably, the keyword being 'prioritization' and lots of hard work being done by the team. I'm sure it will all work perfectly in the end.


  • (Member)
Absolutely! And the conversations I've had with the website manager, the website team and our IT department is that they will continually be looking at ways to update the new site to improve the online experience for our travellers. They have already been taking notes of comments that have been made on the community and put them into the development plan (or bug list).


  • (Member)
'badskittler' wrote:

Website still will not accept my email address :(

Hi badskittler,

I've raised this with our development team who have looked into this for me. Our developer has strict validation in place to help prevent spam and unfortunately your email address meets one of the criteria. I've had a few words and they have said it will get this fixed as a matter of urgency.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
'badskittler' wrote:

Website still will not accept my email address :(

Hi badskittler,

I've raised this with our development team who have looked into this for me. Our developer has strict validation in place to help prevent spam and unfortunately your email address meets one of the criteria. I've had a few words and they have said it will get this fixed as a matter of urgency.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

The "add-on" tab for Walking in Nepal is showing 15 days for 2015 dates but only 12 days for 2016, I presume this is a typo?

Great to see 2016 dates being added to tours all the time at the moment!



  • (Member)

my holiday ref A****** is still not reconized. ive made new log ins etc like suggested when I rang up but its still not reconized and id prefer to pay online instead of phone. maybe you have any idea to help?


* This post has been updated to remove booking information

  • (Member)
Hi Julia, my last post on this thread hasn't appeared yet but maybe it will along with this one! I've just noticed under the destinations tab that Mexico is listed under South America! On a number of the add-on tabs to various tours, instead of apostrophes there are question marks which is quite annoying. Also when describing the Feefo reviews, independent is still spelt wrong!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Bob - yes there is a typo, I have raised this with the team who are looking at getting this amended.

Ann, there isn't a reason why you can't see your booking. I have a member of IT investigating this at the moment.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I think this website is keeping you all on your toes! But it's good that we can see things and they then get put right so keep up the good work.

Have a good weekend Julia
