hi you all, well must agree with remembering names,no very good either. have checked out exchange rate [do it every week ] last time i checked it was about 9 to pound. suppose it depends where you go i suppose tho.would be nice to hear from other people who have been on trip, still that is wat makes it fun and interesting finding out when we sll get there. time is going fast now B.F.N.all john
Hi all

its getting closer now and seems more real, off to have vaccinations done today what joy lol and hopefully should get everything together for the visa by tomorrow. Have got to get some euros tomorrow will ask about exchange rate for this holiday at the same time. Its about time I started looking around for this one will be October before we know it.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Carole

What jabs you having.? According to my health centre I am all jabbed up.

Could I have missed one do you think.?

Yes let us know on the exchange rate.

I have not been checking so I don't know if it is good or a=bad at the moment. No history so that I can check. !

August already can't believe it. October will soon be here.

Yes me too, to sort out visa this week. It's all go :-)


  • (Member)
Hi everyone.

Have anyone had a look on the 'www' at our new hotel in Beijing, looks very nice.

Also Daniel, the tour manager for the 3rd November trip to China has put some useful information about currency and clothing on the Community and Tour Managers section.

10 weeks, 3 days!


Hi all

Have checked out new hotel too looks good & has good feedback on tripadvisor, although did read that the old hotel had a silk market near it but am sure will find another.

Sandra have only had the normal holiday vaccinations mine had run out this year am sure if you been told you up to date then you dont need any more.

Have not looked at getting currency yet apart from asking how much notice was needed, was thinking of getting some cash & putting some on a cash card usually do travellers cheques but understand these might be difficult to cash.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All

Had a change of hotel letter and can't find the grand gong da jian guo Hotel.

Found Jian guo hotel though ? it could be the same one. Must say I am dissappointed about the change as the Qianmen Hotel was round the corner from Tienamen square, and this one ( if it is the same one)is a 10 mins taxi ride away.

I suppose those that want to go to the aquare can all get together in a taxi. I'm sure our tour leader will help us get there. He might be glad to get us out of his hair 🙂.

I have n ot checked the rate of exchange yet, must do that. Need to get a site where I can get the history of it's rates.

Will do that soon and get back.

Hope everyone ok looking forward to the holiday and meeting you all, well all three of you, so far. :-)


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Found the Grad Gong now.

Have to say it is no where near as nice as the Qianmen Hotel. :-(

If could be a holilday Inn anywhere.:-(

The Qianmen looked like a chinese hotel in China.

Such a shame we hve to move.!


  • (Member)
Hi All,

My friends did a similiar trip 2 yrs ago and took travellers cheques, got currency on arrival and exchanged it back before leaving. They used money only for shopping when sightseeing and drinks but did not spend a great deal - but then depends on individuals.

If anyone is interested - they recommend buying a silk duvet which is vacuum packed to go into bottom of suitcase - don't take it out of packaging as it is a nightmare!

Up to date with my jabs so got off light this time - hoorah! Not long to go now....

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

We are very quiet no one writing any messages.

Did I get the wrong hotel when I googled ?

I thought the replacement hotel looked like a holiday Inn. Not as nice as the first one :-(

That was really nive, very chinese.

Not long now.

Need to have confirmation of the flight times from Heathrow. Need to get my connection from Mancheter to tie in.

Think I might ring the office and see what JY are charging for a connection flight.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Has every one fallen out with the message board ?

Are all you all busy with holiday packing. ?

Still noot bookedconnecting flight, as not had confirmation of flight times from Heathrow.

Think I will ring and ask.


  • (Member)
I have only just discovered this part of the Just You site. I was so pleased to read some of the messages from you all travelling to China on October 20th. I had begun to get cold feet as I have never done anything as "adventurous " as this before (although I have been on two Just You holidays )......but you all sounded very friendly and welcoming...thank you.

I have to say I hadn't even thought of injections!!!! What do we need? Currency .too, is something I need to look into too. What about weather.....anyone know what we can expect? Regards, Barbara.

Hi all & welcome Barbara

Not been around much lately as either working or been on holiday. Still not long now to the big holiday of the year cant wait, hopefully our passports will be returned quickly.

Was reading on a different post that travellers cheques are difficult to change up & the rep recomended that sterling was used instead so have finally made up my mind thats what I shall do.

I like the sound of a silk duvet lol will bring my luggage scales think I might need them.

Just waiting to hear back from JY then I can book the car parking and apart from the packing will be pretty much ready, packing will prob be done last minute like usual.

Not long now


  • (Member)
Hi everyone, hi Sandra.

Just had a look back at those using the message board and out of the 30+ going to China on 20th Oct, there’s only about 6 of us that have been leaving messages!

Not yet put too much thought to packing, would be handy to have some idea what the weather might be like and also whether I need my dancing shoes! What vaccinations have you all been getting, something else I need to get sorted. As for currency, the pre-paid Cash Passports sound like a good option, any thoughts on that anyone?

Looking forward to seeing you all at Heathrow in a month’s time.


Hi all

Not long now 🙂 think I am boring everyone at work with a countdown on how long left lol. Forgot to ask last time was on here what time is everyong planning on arriving at Heathrow. Am hoping to get there for about 16.00. Need time to get my duty free shopping in, seriously like to aim to get there early as will be travelling round the M25 and traffic can be a nightmare.

Read on one of the other posts that yuan and currency are the best options to take, also a credit/debit card are ok to use in stores as long as your bank knows you will be away.

Hope this helps

See you all soon


  • (Member)
Hi All,

Just asking if anyone is travelling up from Kent to Heathrow? I've yet to decide how to get to Heathrow....didn't fancy driving espcially on return journey after long flight.

Looking forward to meeting you all!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sue Carole Adi and Barbara

I am flying from Manchester. To meet the flight time from London I am having to get a flight at 15.30 hours to arrive at LHR at 16.25 hours. I will need to get my bag and transfer terminals, so allowed plenty time.

hopefully I will have plenty time to look around before I go to the exec. lounge.

I have been checking out the exchange rates for the Yuen/Yuan ? Thomas Cook were offering 9.7 to the pound. The post office 9.1.

Thomas Cook only wanted 24 hours notice the post office wanted two weeks.

Looks like I will be going to Thomas Cook.

I will take sterling as well as Yuen/Yuan ?

Always carry my debit card and credit card, so if need be I can use them.

Going to check out the weather before I pack.

Think I will pack to layer up !I think that will be the way to go.

As for dancing shoes, pack em, who knows.

If there is no dancing planned, we will do our own. :-)

Starting to feel excited now. Not a lot, just a bit for now.

Next week it will hit me I think.

Looking forward to meeting you all at LHR.

You never know we could meet up by chance in the duty free while we are killing time before going to the exec. lounge.


  • (Member)
Hi Carole, the silk duvets are compressed and fit easily into the bottom of your suitcase. I came back from the china trip 2 weeks ago, we had a wonderful time hope you do too.

Thanks Beatie am sure we will all have a great time am really looking forward to it, have just booked an extra day off work as I realised the clocks go back the day after we get home & would be too confused.

Am travelling from Essex Sue but unless there is something major wrong with the anticlockwise M25 will not be going through Kent usually try and avoid the Dartford crossing, so unfortunately cant help you Sue.

Is anybody else building up a shopping list of items that people want you to bring back or is it just me lol.

See you all soon


hi sue. i am travelling from kent [margate] have got parking reserved, so if your nr me let me know and will give you lift. have gog currency and tesco gave good rate see you all soon
  • (Member)
Hi - I live in Broadstairs so can we do a deal??!!