That's great userpa, thought you had changed your mind. This will be my third trip with JY.
I was worse than nervous on my first trip, but, I got over it as everyone was ok. I'm sure you will be fine once we are in the airport exec. lounge and you can have a drink and something to eat and start to relax.
Last year I went on safari to Kenya and the group ranged from 25 to 69 and we all got on well. there were 22 of us - 20 ladies and 2 men.
I read at the moment this trip stands at 10. I am sure there will be more before we set off.
I am looking forward to China very much.
I think we could do with some tips from the people who have done this trip, and they can let us know how many steps there are to climb to get us on the wall. I have heard there are over a thousand. I wonder if we get a rest break every third step . :-)
Do you think there will be the option of a lift?
HA HA don't think so do you ??
I am still in contact with three ladies off the trip.