(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi I am thinking of going to China in May and looking for anyone who is going then. Would love input on China by anyone who has been.
Barb W
Hi Heatherjane,

I did this amazing holiday in May this year & if you don't mind a full on tour I'd say go for it! You can read my review if you put the name of the holiday in the search bar in the top right hand corner. Go on you know you want to!!



Hi Heatherjane & All

I did this holiday in June 2017 with Just You,  It was the best holiday ever,  Full on, I took 1,768 photos.

Go for it - you will never look back with regrets.  The Rep's were so professional,  1- UK +  1-Local .

The only let down was China Air = 10-hours in airport - waiting for connection.  But we did have 10 flights in all.


Hey Dance_lenny,

Thank you for the amazing review! Is there any chance you would be happy to share some of your photos with us so that we could use them to promote this tour in our marketing?

If you would, please could you email them to community@justyou.co.uk 🙂

So glad to hear you had a great trip with us!



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