hi sue will need your contact details to arrange pick up time etc regards john
  • (Member)
Hi John, my contact no. is ***** - look forward to hearing from you - and thanks.

Used to live in London and jumped on the tube to Heathrow, or got a taxi on previous trips, bit different in Planet Thanet!


Editor's note: I'm not allowed to publish personal information such as mobile numbers but I'll be happy to pass this information on by email if requested.

  • (Member)
Hi everyone.

Just checked out the 10 day forecast for Beijing, sunshine and showers seems to be the order of the day, highest temperature 19C, lowest 6C.

Not long now, got my money sorted, passport and visa tucked away, train ticket to Heathrow purchased and chopsticks standing by. Just a bit of packing to sort although still not decided on the dancing shoes yet Sandra!

See you all at Heathrow on Wednesday.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Not long now people. getting nervous wondering what I have forgotten to do / get/ iron/ wash etc etc.

Can I ask our friends who have just come back, do I need to take a hair dryer.

I am taking some instant coffee drinks to cope with not having milk etc in chengde.


  • (Member)
Hi, just read all the messages and wondered why I haven't looked on message board before.

I am getting very excited and a bit nervous. Really worried about what clothes to take. Any advice.


  • (Member)
china san2

There are hairdryers in all the hotel rooms as well as all toiletries,toothbrushes and toothpaste,combs, tissues etc. I took coffee sachets too hope you enjoy your trip I had a brilliant time.

Hello Sandra, I went to china 29th September, 1st October was National Holiday this lasted for a week, so met lots of chinese people. Do not be nervous!!. All the hotels are good and yes they all have hairdryers in the rooms, some of the hotels supply two smallish bottles of water, our drivers all had bottled water to sell 3 bottles for ten yuan. Travellers cheques where a trouble to change in the hotels as the banks where closed all week. Sterling was no trouble to change in fact the rate was better in china than at home. The train journey soon goes as the trolley dollies love bartering their goods they where lovely and great fun.Vegeterians take lots of snacks. Take english tea bags. Beware the travel information travelling from Heathrow reads 30 kgs all the way through, not so 30 kgs from Heathrow and back home, it is 20kgs in china with Air China. Some people had bought bed spreads etc from silk factory and other gifts, our guide had arranged a room in the hotel to leave these and any excess items in whilst we went to Xian. Take plenty of hand wash and wipes also toilet tissue when you leave hotel as its not always there. We where lucky with our weather it only rained and blew on the Great Wall but that did not matter. Hope this is of use to you. Enjoy your holiday. Lillie.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello All

Many thanks for the information that's great.

I am happy now that I know a bit more.

Trying to keep my weight in my suitcase to a minimum, so that its easier to carry, and room for gifts if I buy any.

Checked the weather and it is going to be sunny for most of the time we are there.

Just two dull days I think, no rain.

Getting excited now, still nervous though.

I am sure we will all get on :-)

Looking forward to meeting the group that have been on the message board.

Well last day at work today :-)

See you all tomorrow at Heathrow.

I'm going from Manchester and will arrive at 16.30 hours, but don't know which terminal, as BA have not said on my booking confirmation.

They have said I am flying back to Manchester from terminal 5, so I am assuming I will land at terminal 5 tomorrow.

If so I will have to transfer to terminal three after getting my suitcase back.

See you tomorrow 🙂 🙂 :-)


  • (Member)
Hi anyone that is still reading this. Thanks for making 'Wonders' a great holiday for me and lovely to meet you all. Sorry that I was unable to say goodbye to you all at Heathrow, had a train to catch at Kings Cross and time was short, perhaps we'll meet up again sometime. Got back home at 10.45pm, in bed by 10.55! Still woke early though even without a phone call and a palace/temple to view, must be still on China time!

Be happy,


hi adrian, and everyone else on china tour. that was my first, but certainly wont be my last. to sue, hope ride home wasn,t too terryfying thanks again too all for memorable trip john[truck driver ]
Hi to everyone too also had a great time and met a great bunch of people back at work now but have lots of wonderful memories.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

It was great to meet you and the 30 odd others on this trip.

I had a great time, still falling asleep when home from work.

I arrived home after midnight on friday night wide awake 😞 sat for an hour or so to chill out before bed.

Went to bed awake a 3am. Just lime being on holiday.

Think I was waiting for the phone call to get us up for our next adventure. :-)

Hope everyone ok.

Hope Tim is better now, he looked awful on the way home.

You never know we could all meet up on another holiday.


  • (Member)
Hi All,

Thank you for making China such an enjoyable experience despite the early morning alarm calls!!Hope you have all recovered enough to start planning some retail therapy - on a train of course....

John - thanks for the lift and glad you enjoyed the trip.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Do yu know if Tim got his lift home ok.

He still did not look well.

When I looked on my camera when I got home I had 809 photo's !

I bet some had even more. !!!


  • (Member)
Hi Sandra, yes Tim's taxi was waiting for him so hopefully all ok and he had a speedy journey home.

The holiday seems a long time ago already - only a month!

Take care, Sue.