Hello All
Many thanks for the information that's great.
I am happy now that I know a bit more.
Trying to keep my weight in my suitcase to a minimum, so that its easier to carry, and room for gifts if I buy any.
Checked the weather and it is going to be sunny for most of the time we are there.
Just two dull days I think, no rain.
Getting excited now, still nervous though.
I am sure we will all get on :-)
Looking forward to meeting the group that have been on the message board.
Well last day at work today :-)
See you all tomorrow at Heathrow.
I'm going from Manchester and will arrive at 16.30 hours, but don't know which terminal, as BA have not said on my booking confirmation.
They have said I am flying back to Manchester from terminal 5, so I am assuming I will land at terminal 5 tomorrow.
If so I will have to transfer to terminal three after getting my suitcase back.
See you tomorrow 🙂 🙂 :-)