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Any more takers for this holiday?. There was one other than me, but, not heard from them since their first post, looks like I could be home alone in China 🙂

hi. yes i am going on trip. and am really looking foreward to it . as it is my first trip on my own i am a bit apprehensive
Hi am also on this trip when I booked was told there were 10 on it so far.
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That's great userpa, thought you had changed your mind. This will be my third trip with JY.

I was worse than nervous on my first trip, but, I got over it as everyone was ok. I'm sure you will be fine once we are in the airport exec. lounge and you can have a drink and something to eat and start to relax.

Last year I went on safari to Kenya and the group ranged from 25 to 69 and we all got on well. there were 22 of us - 20 ladies and 2 men.

I read at the moment this trip stands at 10. I am sure there will be more before we set off.

I am looking forward to China very much.

I think we could do with some tips from the people who have done this trip, and they can let us know how many steps there are to climb to get us on the wall. I have heard there are over a thousand. I wonder if we get a rest break every third step . :-)

Do you think there will be the option of a lift?

HA HA don't think so do you ??


I am still in contact with three ladies off the trip.

Hi this is my 1st time with just you but been on about 4 holidays with another singles holiday company and Sandra is right once every one meets and start chatting the nerves soon go. Have never had a bad singles holiday.

Am also really looking forward to this holiday.

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Hi Carole and userpa

I am really looking forward to going to China.

It's a place I thought I would never get to.

We will have to post a note on the tour managers slot and ask about getting onto the wall. I hear there are over one thousand steps to climb. I would like to know about the temperatures we can expect in October. I think it could be nice and warm, but not scorching hot.

If any one is reading this that has been to China before, all tips would be greatfully received.


hello again,sorry i cannot get used to computers,which is why i take so long to reply.i am now getting a bit excited,even tho it ios still long way off. maybe next year i will try kenya,if this goes well
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello again you two.

i have received a reply from one of the editors of the YJ community. You will be pleased to know that there are only 50 steps and not 1000 to climb to get onto the wall.

Also the weather will be 10-15 degs, so we are adivsed to take layers, to ward off any chilly weather.

This is good to know.


Hi good to know that there are only 50 steps to Great Wall & temp is about what I thought it was going to be, not too bad for sight seeing especially as we got a lot to do in a short period.

Hopefully some of the other people that will go will find there way on here too.

hi san2 have got few days off work, so am trying to find out more about trip,ie which money to have is it best to have local currency, or travellers cheques, or dollars, glad to hear there is only 50 steps to climb up the wall, so will only need one pump[asthma]
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Hi userpa and carole

From reading other posts about china, it looks like the local currency is the best way to go.

We should only need money for drinks and presents, as all the meals seem to be included.

I have read that we are allowed to take 6000 yuen. At todays rate of exchange that is over £400 I think one of the posts stated.

Maybe nearer October the £ will rally and it won't cost us as much for that amount of yuen.

Hope you find some information in your search as it would be very useful for us three going on this trip.

Still nobody else posted has there.!


hi san.i suppose it really depends if you are a drinker or not on how much money to take. if i have to have aroom in amongst the clouds i will have to have one or three. will keep trying to find out more, but maybe nearer the time we will here of more coming on trip
hello sandra , and carol.

hope you both ok. have just sent message to tour manager is there still only 3 of us going up to now

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Userpa 1985 & Carole

You can ask for a room on a low floor if you have breathing problems. Even if you did not ask at the time of booking I'm sure it could be changed, as we have a while to go yet.

I'm sure there will be more than us three, but, hey ho if not. Just think of the personal attention we will receive from the tour manager.

We can ask all the questions we like, will not have to wait for forty odd other people to make it back to the coach on time. It will be like our own private tour. HA HA.


hi san2

i have already asked for lower floor, they said they will try to help. i hope i do not seem like an old fuddyduddy, i,m not really,

i do hope like you said there are not too many people on trip

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi User pa

Do you have a name ? :-)

Did you find out if there are more than just us three going on this trip in October ?

You don't sound like an old fuddy duddy. My friend has asthma and would eventually struggle if she had loads of stairs to climb.


hi sandra, yes i do have name,it is john, not very unusual is it? no i haven't found out if there are any more than us 3, tho did get intouch with editor, asking about luggage weight and money. i thought he would be tour manager,but my mistake.sorry if this message sounds a bit short, but would sooner talk face to face. still role on october
Hi John & Sandra

Been on long shifts recently & not had chance to check in on here. I asked when I booked & was told there were 10 already booked & usually there is about 15-20 which is a good number. The others prob not found there way here yet.

Meant to ask where are you travelling from, am from Essex.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Carole and John

Had a busy week myself and not been on YJ site.

I am flying from Manchester to Heathrow, so will have to book a flight soonish.

Will have to settle for 20kgs luggage. It will make me think about what I take, maybe leave a lot at home. I always manage to pack too much anyway.

Will have to make time to search for any reviews on China from the people that will be returning from a recent trip and see if I can get any tips.

I have changed my routine at the gym, and am now on the stepper, which has a famous building setting, with a list from the tower of Pisa to the Eiffel Tower. The tower being the tallest building on the list.

I am climbing the Tahj Mahal at the moment, 4 times week to get me up the steps to the great wall of china 🙂 Don't think I will make the Eiffel Tower at the end of the list. :-)

Will keep checking the site for tips and contact from you two.


hi corole and sandra, hope you both keeping well and fit, tho i do admit to being overweight and very unfit, being truck driver going to europe every week, i don,t get a lot of time for the way carol ,i live in kent you know that seething metropolise called thanet ,on the coast