
I don't think I put the question very clearly!

If on holiday, I book an excursion via the Tour Manager, and pay by credit card, would this be a payment to JY (who will then pay the local tour provider), or would I be paying the LOCAL tour provider DIRECTLY.

So, say I'm in Australia, and pay for a tour of the Blue Mountains. It's clearly going to be run by a local operator, but will I be paying JY or will I be paying the local operator directly.

It's important, because if I pay JY, who are an UK company, I can't be charged extra for the use of a credit card (under UK law), but if I pay (in this case) an Australian company, I can be charged extra (and usually will). On a long holiday this surcharge could amount to just under £100, a not insignificant amount.



Hi Stu,

Apologies, I understand what you mean now.

To advise, any card payments that you make via your Tour Manager are directly with Just You - it is through our system and we do not charge any fees our end and all payments are collected in GBP only.

If there are any excursions whereby you're required to pay directly to the agent, i.e some helicopter rides etc, this will be clearly explained to you by your Tour Manager.

I hope that helps!

Many thanks,
