  • (Member)
I too expected to go to Bruges as this is a normal trip and not an optional trip. I have never been there, so quite disappointed by this :(


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

Even better! More monry to spend!


  • (Member)
'nixon' wrote:

'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Cindy

There are plenty of shops and cafes at St Pancras. I don't use St Pancras often now, but did for a few years. In fact the longest Champagne Bar is at St Pancras though not sure it will be open at the time you arrive - perhaps too early in the morning for Champagne!!



It's never to early for champers!!!!! ( I don't like it if I am honest) more a rum or brandy girl !!!!

Good to know there's cafe and shops ...

When and where is your next trip, are you off to Iceland with Bob and Sally?

Then battlefields later in the year, what else?


Hi Cindy

Bosuncat is right - I am off to Namibia in May with Bob and Sally. Would love to do Iceland one day though. Bob is certainly one lucky guy. He has already been to so many lovely places despite starting his travel adventures only a few years ago!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

'nixon' wrote:

'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Cindy

There are plenty of shops and cafes at St Pancras. I don't use St Pancras often now, but did for a few years. In fact the longest Champagne Bar is at St Pancras though not sure it will be open at the time you arrive - perhaps too early in the morning for Champagne!!



It's never to early for champers!!!!! ( I don't like it if I am honest) more a rum or brandy girl !!!!

Good to know there's cafe and shops ...

When and where is your next trip, are you off to Iceland with Bob and Sally?

Then battlefields later in the year, what else?


Hi Cindy

Bosuncat is right - I am off to Namibia in May with Bob and Sally. Would love to do Iceland one day though. Bob is certainly one lucky guy. He has already been to so many lovely places despite starting his travel adventures only a few years ago!


I know he sure is getting around isn't he!!!! :thumbup:

I am sure you will have a great time away with him and Sally in Namibia...let's hope one day there's something where we can all meet up ON!!!

Iceland tour does look good...

I am off to tenerife withHubby, younger son,partner, and baby in May

Are you keeping well now?


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

Yes, I am a lot better than what I was when I had the stem cell transplant. There are some problems due to chemotherapy, but this are nothing compared to what I had to go through. You just learn to live with them! Enjoy your trip to Tenerife. I went there a long time ago with my brother, sister and mum and we enjoyed the trip. Tenerife is nice though it may have changed a lot since we went.

Here's hoping that one day there is something where we can all meet up. It would be lovely.

All the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Cindy

Yes, I am a lot better than what I was when I had the stem cell transplant. There are some problems due to chemotherapy, but this are nothing compared to what I had to go through. You just learn to live with them! Enjoy your trip to Tenerife. I went there a long time ago with my brother, sister and mum and we enjoyed the trip. Tenerife is nice though it may have changed a lot since we went.

Here's hoping that one day there is something where we can all meet up. It would be lovely.

All the best



Glad things are OK with you, I have two friends battling Cancer nasty thing that it is.

I have been to Tenerife many many many times over the years and the CANERY Islands, only went once to Lanzarote, and yes let's hope there will be something one day.


I think I had better pay my balance tomorrow!!

Julia. Has a TM been appointed yet?

  • (Member)
Hi Bosuncat,

Not just yet, but as always, ask again and I'll take another look.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Julia.

Have we had an increase on 18 by the way?

  • (Member)
Hello All,

Like Bosuncat thought I had better pay before Friday, so all paid :)


  • (Member)
Hi Bosuncat,

No, in fact you've had a decrease to 17.

For those who are interested there are 4 men and 13 women.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
NOOOOOO don't tell me we have scared one person off the tour before it's even begun!!! LOL...BTW mines is all,paid for awhile back, for the cheap seats!!!
  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

I am sure it does not matter whether you are in a cheap seat or an expensive one. I too have not opted for an expensive seat when I go in September (hopefully there will be enough people for the tour to go ahead then). It is not a long train journey. I am very excited as I have never been on Eurostar - I am sure the trains will be better than some of the ones we have to use in the UK!!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Cindy

I am sure it does not matter whether you are in a cheap seat or an expensive one. I too have not opted for an expensive seat when I go in September (hopefully there will be enough people for the tour to go ahead then). It is not a long train journey. I am very excited as I have never been on Eurostar - I am sure the trains will be better than some of the ones we have to use in the UK!!



Eurostar will be a first for me also, I went to Disneyland Paris many moons ago but they was by coach and boat!!!!! I hope your tour gets the go ahead how many are book at the moment?


  • (Member)
Hi Cindy

I have no idea now many are booked for September as have not asked Julia yet. Julia, how many are booked for the Battlefields tour in September? Would be very disappointed if it did not go ahead though I think there will be enough people wanting to go as only two dates are on offer. Have a great time Cindy and do post a review on your return. Would be interested to know how you felt about the Eurostar experience as well.


  • (Member)
Hi Jaya,

There are 6 of you currently booked on the September date.

Have a fantastic weekend.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Of course I will post a review when I get back, I think the subject matter might be somber even so there will be lots to see and do, I am in process of researching my local war memorial to WW1 17 of the young men are in memorials on the tour so hope to get pics of those boys!!! God bless them all


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

Have train times been confirmed for this tour yet? Just anxious to get my bus tickets. 🙂

Thanks, Mark

  • (Member)
Hi Julia

How many do you need for the September tour to go ahead? I really want to do this tour and can't in May as I am doing the Namibia tour.

Have a wonderful weekend and hope the sun shines.
