  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Not long now people, Janib, Mark, Elaine, Myself, Maureen (my neighbour) are we all getting excited.

I am leaving home 7.45am travelling from LHR train station to meet up with you at St Pancras, I do hope the weather is kind to us, as I really do want to wander around outside looking at stuff.

See you all soon


'nixon' wrote:

Not long now people, Janib, Mark, Elaine, Myself, Maureen (my neighbour) are we all getting excited.

I am leaving home 7.45am travelling from LHR train station to meet up with you at St Pancras, I do hope the weather is kind to us, as I really do want to wander around outside looking at stuff.

See you all soon


Yep! Just trying to find a few things that have gone missing since my last trip! Good luck everyone travelling through London at rush hour.

Cindy. We have Cathy and another Jan to start with as well don't we?

See you soon folks.

  • (Member)
Hope you all have an interesting, enjoyable and thought provoking tour. Safe travelling and best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hello All,

Found passport, have tickets and Euros, French dictionary still hiding, suitcase full of clothes when I moved South in March 😛 Nearly ready then :thumbup:

See you Friday and do not forget, the longest Champagne bar in the world :)


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
yes I think your correct, I have been preoccupied the last few weeks so the tour has been at the back of my mind, godsons funeral is Friday 15th, so I will be back for that.

See you Friday and no the deaf dog is t coming with us! ☀️

Hi All,

Yes, I'm aboard too! Keeping an eye on the weather, the rain forecast for Saturday seems to have cleared and it could be up to 25 by Monday! Always difficult to know what clothes to pack at this time of year as it's so changeable but can't bear to be cold and it could be chilly standing at the Menin Gate remembrance service. Clearly 'layers' is the answer! I'm catching the train into Kings Cross in the morning with just a short walk across to St Pancras so hoping it won't be too bad. Looking forward to seeing Elaine again and meeting everyone else.

Cathy 🙂

Funny you should say about the French dictionary Jan. 😛 I have been dredging some LONG forgotten French phrases up.

I am coming straight into Pancras so I hope I don't get lost. 😃 Expecting to be in some time shortly after 9am if East Midlands Trains behaves.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

like you I can't handle being cold my Fleece and jacket take us half the case !!!!! I have also packed scarf gloves and brolly, so should cover most weathers. I think we will be out in the elements so dressing for comfort.

Mobile and camera are charged, passport tickets money travel insurance are on the side, so ready to rock n roll.

See you all soon and let's hope for dry weather!


  • (Member)
Hi all

Have a great time and one of you do write a comprehensive review as I would be very interested to read it.
