  • (Member)
Hi Sally, Brenda & Mandy

My suitcase is still gathering dust in the attic but I'm really looking forward to our holiday. Meanwhile, I found an article in a travel magazine about Kapalua Beach on the west coast of Maui. Apparently you can see 'yellow butterfly fish glide beneath your feet' together with 'curious monk seals'. Spinner dolphins and migratory whales can also be seen on the distant horizon. Snorkelling gear can be hired from 'Boss Frogs Dive and Surf' - sounds great doesn't it! From what I've managed to find on 'the net', this beach is about 10miles from our hotel so it maybe worth a visit. Look forward to seeing you soon.


  • (Member)
Wow - sounds incredible. I have also read that the beach by our hotel has amazing snorkelling as well as Black Rock further up the beach. I think a disposable underwater camera may be needed. :thumbup:
Brenda K
Hi guys

Oh wow that sounds amazing!

Suitcase is out yeah, be this weekend for me too to start to sort it out. Every time hawaii comes up at work we all start to hula so I am getting a fix at work too 🙂 just missing the grass skirt and coconuts! 🙂 do you think we will we get a lei when we arrive?


  • (Member)
Not sure about the lei - according to yahoo answers it is something you have to arrange in advance and pay for however the initial blurb on the JY paperwork says "Today you’ll transfer back to Los Angeles for your flight to Honolulu, state capital of Hawaii which is located on the island of Oahu. On arrival you will be welcomed to Hawaii with a traditional flower garland Lei greeting. You will then transfer to Waikiki". I guess we'll find out when we land.
  • (Member)
Hi all, getting really close now! I think this holiday has already given me almost a year's enjoyment just in planning and looking forward to it, so excited! I wasn't going to pack till the night before we go but I'm thinking I need to be a bit better organised than that with all the stuff I want to take, no idea how I'm going to fit it all in with going to the 2 different climates and I always take too much. Will start my list at the weekend. Almost done all my shopping though, just struggling to find some factor 50 sun cream in the shops, I burn so easily, think I'll have to order it online.

I was thinking of trying snorkelling in Maui too, since we have a bit of free time there. Although never done any water sports things before and I'm not a strong swimmer so wouldn't go on my own, sure they'll have something for beginners though. Or I might just be lazy and stay on the beach, got my kindle loaded up with books 🙂 nice to have somewhere warm to look forward to now that the weather's starting to turn colder here!


Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'sallyc' wrote:

Not sure about the lei - according to yahoo answers it is something you have to arrange in advance and pay for however the initial blurb on the JY paperwork says "Today you’ll transfer back to Los Angeles for your flight to Honolulu, state capital of Hawaii which is located on the island of Oahu. On arrival you will be welcomed to Hawaii with a traditional flower garland Lei greeting. You will then transfer to Waikiki". I guess we'll find out when we land.

Hi Sally

I think the Traditional Flower Garland Lei greeting is all ready paid for in the holiday price by Just you so we will get it. If you were going with your family you have to ask and pay for it to happen.

I have never snorkelled before but I would like to try if possible.


Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Ariya' wrote:

Hi all, getting really close now! I think this holiday has already given me almost a year's enjoyment just in planning and looking forward to it, so excited! I wasn't going to pack till the night before we go but I'm thinking I need to be a bit better organised than that with all the stuff I want to take, no idea how I'm going to fit it all in with going to the 2 different climates and I always take too much. Will start my list at the weekend. Almost done all my shopping though, just struggling to find some factor 50 sun cream in the shops, I burn so easily, think I'll have to order it online.

I was thinking of trying snorkelling in Maui too, since we have a bit of free time there. Although never done any water sports things before and I'm not a strong swimmer so wouldn't go on my own, sure they'll have something for beginners though. Or I might just be lazy and stay on the beach, got my kindle loaded up with books 🙂 nice to have somewhere warm to look forward to now that the weather's starting to turn colder here!


Hi Ariya

For some factor 50 sun cream try Boots or some of the big supermarkets I have seen some in there,


Hi I'm Sue.Yes off to Hawaii in October, I live up North so am travelling down to Heathrow from Newcastle the night before, and staying in a hotel
  • (Member)

From your other post are you going to Hawaii on 21st Oct? This thread is about the 7th October JY trip. Are you perhaps going with Travelsphere or is it a typo on dates?


Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sally

I have another question hope not too silly. When we have to get up early in mornings do we get early morning phone call from the hotel or do we have to bring some sort of alarm clock with us on holiday. Just try to get my self sorted and what to pack.


  • (Member)
'Mandy wrote:

Hi Sally

I have another question hope not too silly. When we have to get up early in mornings do we get early morning phone call from the hotel or do we have to bring some sort of alarm clock with us on holiday. Just try to get my self sorted and what to pack.


I have travelled many time to the USA with JY most hotels offer a early morning call, I always set up the alarm on my mobile phone, or just take a travel clock with you... I would say. Most rooms have a radio alarm but never had the nerve to try them ..then again if your like me and suffer with jet lag I am LWAYS awake !!!!....have fun


  • (Member)
Hi Mandy

Actually it's a very sensible question. It really depends on the Tour Manager. Some will arrange wake up calls particularly if its a very early time and we are due for a flight, others leave it up to individuals. I would say from having experienced missed or late calls, it's best to take a small alarm clock or use your phone. Boots, Argos etc sell very neat travel alarms or you could pick one up at the airport if you don't find one before then.

If you have any other questions please do ask - any excuse to mention the holiday! :thumbup::D

  • (Member)
based on previous trips, the tour manager makes sure we get an early mornig call, although the volcano tour seems to be leaving so early it seems almost not worth going to bed
  • (Member)
'Mandy wrote:

Hi Sally

I have another question hope not too silly. When we have to get up early in mornings do we get early morning phone call from the hotel or do we have to bring some sort of alarm clock with us on holiday. Just try to get my self sorted and what to pack.


Hi Mandy

I always take an alarm clock as I need to time taking inhalers,but,most hotels have a wake up call,either automatic or reception.The instructions to set this will either be on the phone or the hotel's in room information,which is usually in the desk drawer,or bedside drawer.if not openly on display.

Tee shirts are always around to buy,although bearing the destination perhaps Hawaiian shirts are more appropriate.

See you on the 7th


Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi every one thank you for all your replies I might look into boots or argos and see what they have. Or I might just use my phone. See all very soon.
This is my first Just You trip - I was already excited but after reading the reviews I am looking forward to the trip.


Brenda K
'Ariya' wrote:

Hi all, getting really close now! I think this holiday has already given me almost a year's enjoyment just in planning and looking forward to it, so excited! I wasn't going to pack till the night before we go but I'm thinking I need to be a bit better organised than that with all the stuff I want to take, no idea how I'm going to fit it all in with going to the 2 different climates and I always take too much. Will start my list at the weekend. Almost done all my shopping though, just struggling to find some factor 50 sun cream in the shops, I burn so easily, think I'll have to order it online.

I was thinking of trying snorkelling in Maui too, since we have a bit of free time there. Although never done any water sports things before and I'm not a strong swimmer so wouldn't go on my own, sure they'll have something for beginners though. Or I might just be lazy and stay on the beach, got my kindle loaded up with books 🙂 nice to have somewhere warm to look forward to now that the weather's starting to turn colder here!


Hi Hayley

Definitely try boots my local one still had quite a lot yesterday.

I've never snorkelled before but would like to, and from descriptions given by Tim and Sally it does sound like there are some fab places to try.


Brenda K
'TimH' wrote:

based on previous trips, the tour manager makes sure we get an early mornig call, although the volcano tour seems to be leaving so early it seems almost not worth going to bed

Hi Tim yes I was thinking that too on the volcano tour, it's a very early, or late start depending on your perspective! :cool: Bren

Brenda K
'Mandy wrote:

Hi every one thank you for all your replies I might look into boots or argos and see what they have. Or I might just use my phone. See all very soon.

Hi Mandy

Thank you for asking questions cos I'm not even thinking about things like that and I'd certainly be soo disappointed if I missed a trip! I am wondering how and if the time difference will affect me, I seem to be better going forward in time rather than back as we are on this trip, I'll see soon enough :thumbup:


Brenda K
'turnke' wrote:

'Mandy wrote:

Hi Sally

I have another question hope not too silly. When we have to get up early in mornings do we get early morning phone call from the hotel or do we have to bring some sort of alarm clock with us on holiday. Just try to get my self sorted and what to pack.


Hi Mandy

I always take an alarm clock as I need to time taking inhalers,but,most hotels have a wake up call,either automatic or reception.The instructions to set this will either be on the phone or the hotel's in room information,which is usually in the desk drawer,or bedside drawer.if not openly on display.

Tee shirts are always around to buy,although bearing the destination perhaps Hawaiian shirts are more appropriate.

See you on the 7th


Hi Keith

I think Hawaiian shirts are a must have :thumbup:

I use inhalers too, chronic cough very very annoying so I apologise to all now! Unless I collapse just ignore me 😃 (am joking that's thankfully never happened!).
