Brenda K
'sallyc' wrote:

Hi Mandy

Actually it's a very sensible question. It really depends on the Tour Manager. Some will arrange wake up calls particularly if its a very early time and we are due for a flight, others leave it up to individuals. I would say from having experienced missed or late calls, it's best to take a small alarm clock or use your phone. Boots, Argos etc sell very neat travel alarms or you could pick one up at the airport if you don't find one before then.

If you have any other questions please do ask - any excuse to mention the holiday! :thumbup::D

Hi Sally

Holiday holiday holiday :thumbup: only 2 weeks you must be positively desperate now, I know I am! Are you taking trainers? Just thinking of the Haleakala trip? I tend to live and die in flip flops when I'm on hol, but wondering if something a bit sturdier might be needed?


  • (Member)
Hi, from what I've read I'd definatly reccomend taking trainers or something similar if you're doing the crater trip. It looks quite rocky in the pictures and will be dark when we first get up there although I don't know if there's paths or anything. I think it gets quite cold up there too so you'll want some warmer layers to wear.

I'm also taking my little bedside alarm clock + my phone alarm, since I have a tendancy to hit the snooze button in early mornings. Wrote my packing list at the weekend, its looking a little bit long, and thats without deciding what clothes to take yet!

  • (Member)
Hi Bren

It's a yes to the trainers / walking shoes - if it's -6C at the volcano (and dusty I presume) I don't think I want to have my toes out! I'll also have them for the day at the zoo as there will be lots of walking involved.

I must admit to being slightly disappointed that the tickets haven't arrived yet - usually they come up to a week early but as of today they are officially late! Ah well, I shall have to continue stalking my postman for a bit longer!!!!

A couple of other things I thought about this weekend when doing my packing list - a tshirt to snorkel in for those having a go. I have previously had very bad sunburn whilst snorkelling and don't fancy that again. Also, if anyone is locking their suitcase, use a TSA approved one - these are a code type lock with a keyhole in the bottom which the US authorities hold a key for. They are quite easy to get at supermarkets etc.

Angie - glad to have you along, and nice to be able to learn another name beforehand.


  • (Member)
'Brenda wrote:

'turnke' wrote:

'Mandy wrote:

Hi Sally

I have another question hope not too silly. When we have to get up early in mornings do we get early morning phone call from the hotel or do we have to bring some sort of alarm clock with us on holiday. Just try to get my self sorted and what to pack.


Hi Mandy

I always take an alarm clock as I need to time taking inhalers,but,most hotels have a wake up call,either automatic or reception.The instructions to set this will either be on the phone or the hotel's in room information,which is usually in the desk drawer,or bedside drawer.if not openly on display.

Tee shirts are always around to buy,although bearing the destination perhaps Hawaiian shirts are more appropriate.

See you on the 7th


Hi Keith

I think Hawaiian shirts are a must have :thumbup:

I use inhalers too, chronic cough very very annoying so I apologise to all now! Unless I collapse just ignore me 😃 (am joking that's thankfully never happened!).


Hi Bren

Just looked at the Hard Rock Cafe's website,as there is one in Lahaina,which shows a suitably garish red Hawaiian shirt in their online shop.


  • (Member)
Yay - the tickets and final info arrived this morning. Before suggesting meeting times etc, just a word to anyone wondering about the section mentioning flight connections to Las Vegas - I spoke to the office and this is a mistake (unless you specifically booked a flight through there!) - we should be flying direct to LA from Heathrow.

So anyway, we do get access to the Servisair lounge which is good news. I am aiming to be at check in for 7am, then will be going through Security and having breakfast at around 7.30 ish at 'Giraffe' and heading for the Servisair lounge at around 8am. All timings are approximate as it depends how busy everything is. Giraffe is in the departure lounge - as you exit Security, turn right and it's on the left opposite WHSmiths. Anyone is welcome to join me, or I'm equally happy being 'billy no mates'. If you would like specifically to meet up, ask Julia on this forum to pass on your email and we can exchange mobile numbers. (Julia could you take it as read that I am happy for you to pass on my email to anyone posting on this thread. Thanks). Otherwise, I'm sure we'll find each other in the lounge or in the long queue for Immigration in LA!

Sooooo excited now - I even bought a dish at Tesco purely because it was called 'Hawaiian Chicken'! :thumbup:

Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'sallyc' wrote:

Yay - the tickets and final info arrived this morning. Before suggesting meeting times etc, just a word to anyone wondering about the section mentioning flight connections to Las Vegas - I spoke to the office and this is a mistake (unless you specifically booked a flight through there!) - we should be flying direct to LA from Heathrow.

So anyway, we do get access to the Servisair lounge which is good news. I am aiming to be at check in for 7am, then will be going through Security and having breakfast at around 7.30 ish at 'Giraffe' and heading for the Servisair lounge at around 8am. All timings are approximate as it depends how busy everything is. Giraffe is in the departure lounge - as you exit Security, turn right and it's on the left opposite WHSmiths. Anyone is welcome to join me, or I'm equally happy being 'billy no mates'. If you would like specifically to meet up, ask Julia on this forum to pass on your email and we can exchange mobile numbers. (Julia could you take it as read that I am happy for you to pass on my email to anyone posting on this thread. Thanks). Otherwise, I'm sure we'll find each other in the lounge or in the long queue for Immigration in LA!

Sooooo excited now - I even bought a dish at Tesco purely because it was called 'Hawaiian Chicken'! :thumbup:

Hi Sally I will be at the airport at 7am so we could meet at the check in and go for breakfast together if that is fine with you.


  • (Member)
I just received my info pack today too, although didn't get anything that looks like a ticket, apart from on the page where it lists the flights it says that is instead of a ticket. Just wondering about the fact that it doesn't mention any flight to Maui though. Does anyone know anything about that? I vaguely remember someone bringing it up on the forum before but did a search and couldn't find anything so not sure if I'm imagining it!

I didn't know we'd get access to a lounge, that was a nice surprise 🙂 I'm aiming to be at the airport for around 7, then will probably have a wonder round and buy some snacks for the flight and see you all in the lounge. First time in Heathrow so want to have a bit of an explore lol. Will make sure I have my just you labels on show too.

Looking forward to meeting you all soon, although I am pretty shy and do get a bit nervous when it comes to meeting new people. Sure I'll be fine once I've got talking though, its just that first saying hello that's hard 🙂

  • (Member)
My paperwork has arrived, only 8 more days at work 🙂, booked for all the optionals, so just need to work out how to pack everything in under 23kg
  • (Member)
Hi Sally, I'm arriving at Heathrow by coach at about 05.30am. I didn't fancy booking myself on the coach arriving at 07.25 as it didn't allow any leeway for motorway queues etc en-route. Anyway, I'll find Giraffe and hopefully see you there. Cheers, Mike
'sallyc' wrote:

Yay - the tickets and final info arrived this morning. Before suggesting meeting times etc, just a word to anyone wondering about the section mentioning flight connections to Las Vegas - I spoke to the office and this is a mistake (unless you specifically booked a flight through there!) - we should be flying direct to LA from Heathrow.

So anyway, we do get access to the Servisair lounge which is good news. I am aiming to be at check in for 7am, then will be going through Security and having breakfast at around 7.30 ish at 'Giraffe' and heading for the Servisair lounge at around 8am. All timings are approximate as it depends how busy everything is. Giraffe is in the departure lounge - as you exit Security, turn right and it's on the left opposite WHSmiths. Anyone is welcome to join me, or I'm equally happy being 'billy no mates'. If you would like specifically to meet up, ask Julia on this forum to pass on your email and we can exchange mobile numbers. (Julia could you take it as read that I am happy for you to pass on my email to anyone posting on this thread. Thanks). Otherwise, I'm sure we'll find each other in the lounge or in the long queue for Immigration in LA!

Sooooo excited now - I even bought a dish at Tesco purely because it was called 'Hawaiian Chicken'! :thumbup:

Hi Sally, so nice of you to suggest we all meet up for breakfast, I'd love to as will not feel like eating before I leave home !! I plan to be there at 7am as well, might see you at check in or if not I'll find Giraffe and join you - Really looking forward to meeting everyone 🙂

Brenda K
Hi everyone :D

So trainers is a must then, thank you Sally and Hayley.

Keith garish red is just my colour so the shirt sounds fab :thumbup:

Angie will be good to meet you :)

Yeah docs have arrived too, haven't read every word yet, yes shocking I know!!

Sally would be fab to meet up for breakfast so I will aim for giraffe at the same time thank you. Shame I haven't got the red Hawaiian shirt yet you'd know who I was in an instant!

So excited to meet everyone and get holidaying :thumbup:

Bren x

Brenda K
'Ariya' wrote:

I just received my info pack today too, although didn't get anything that looks like a ticket, apart from on the page where it lists the flights it says that is instead of a ticket. Just wondering about the fact that it doesn't mention any flight to Maui though. Does anyone know anything about that? I vaguely remember someone bringing it up on the forum before but did a search and couldn't find anything so not sure if I'm imagining it!

I didn't know we'd get access to a lounge, that was a nice surprise 🙂 I'm aiming to be at the airport for around 7, then will probably have a wonder round and buy some snacks for the flight and see you all in the lounge. First time in Heathrow so want to have a bit of an explore lol. Will make sure I have my just you labels on show too.

Looking forward to meeting you all soon, although I am pretty shy and do get a bit nervous when it comes to meeting new people. Sure I'll be fine once I've got talking though, its just that first saying hello that's hard :)

Hi Hayley

Everyone on here sounds so nice try not to worry too much. It is hard when you don't know anyone, but take some comfort in that we're all in the same boat. I think we are all going to have a wonderful holiday together :)

Bren x

  • (Member)
So the end of the week has finally arrived - I think I'm pretty much sorted, or at least I hope I am 'cos I've just found out I'm working tomorrow. :dodgy:

Mandy - I'll see you Monday at 7am at check in (I will have a red and grey rucksack with my JY label on), Brenda, Tina, & Mike - I'll see you in Giraffe, everyone else - see you in the lounge or in LA.:D


  • (Member)
Hi, I'll meet you for breakfast too. Never heard of giraffe but tbe menu looks quite tastey. Are you planning on meeting people outside the cafe or should I look for you inside? Will make sure I have my label on my bag too 🙂 Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that the American government sorts things out by the time we get there. Missing pearl harbor and haleakala would be a big disappointment. will bring a warm jumper with me anyway just in case.
'sallyc' wrote:

So the end of the week has finally arrived - I think I'm pretty much sorted, or at least I hope I am 'cos I've just found out I'm working tomorrow. :dodgy:

Mandy - I'll see you Monday at 7am at check in (I will have a red and grey rucksack with my JY label on), Brenda, Tina, & Mike - I'll see you in Giraffe, everyone else - see you in the lounge or in LA.:D


All the best Sally,

Enjoy your forthcoming holiday. I bet you are excited now! I was exactly 1 year ago today when I started my JY holiday to Australasia.


  • (Member)
Thanks Eric - fingers crossed the Americans sort themselves out quickly.

Hayley - it's probably best if we all meet 'inside' as I'm sure we'll all be there at slightly different times. If you see anyone wandering around the airport with a JY label, bring them along!

Good news for me - my work tomorrow has been cancelled so I can get sorted calmly this weekend.

Brenda K
'sallyc' wrote:

So the end of the week has finally arrived - I think I'm pretty much sorted, or at least I hope I am 'cos I've just found out I'm working tomorrow. :dodgy:

Mandy - I'll see you Monday at 7am at check in (I will have a red and grey rucksack with my JY label on), Brenda, Tina, & Mike - I'll see you in Giraffe, everyone else - see you in the lounge or in LA.:D


Hi Sally I don't think I'm any where near sorted and its Saturday evening almost, honestly all these months and I'm still not ready, but yes I will see you, and everyone else Monday, and probably at check in as I expect I will be up way before I need to be. Got a bright orange bag and a pink suitcase so you should spot me 😃

'sallyc' wrote:

Thanks Eric - fingers crossed the Americans sort themselves out quickly.

Hayley - it's probably best if we all meet 'inside' as I'm sure we'll all be there at slightly different times. If you see anyone wandering around the airport with a JY label, bring them along!

Good news for me - my work tomorrow has been cancelled so I can get sorted calmly this weekend.

Hi Sally,

Expect you are back from your Hawaiian adventure by now. Hope everything went well.

Will you be doing a review on the community board? Would be intrested in your comments.


  • (Member)
Hi Eric

I wasn't sure if it was worth it as the holiday isn't in the next brochure, but as you mention it, it may be worth it if people fancy doing it with Travelsphere. Will put some words to iPad over the weekend.
