Hi All,

I've just spent Xmas & New Year in Thailand and the age group ranged from 24 up to 70. Believe me it's not an issue, got on with everyone and peoples ages didn't come into the equation. When booking another Just You Holiday I wouldn't worry about the age range at all, more on how am I going to fit all these holidays in ;o)

Paul Southgate...

  • (Member)

I'm 41 and new to Just You. After reading all the messages, it does seem as if there is a great range of ages.

I'm still trying to pluck up the courage to book a holiday, but am hoping to go on the Venetian cruise in July.

Best wishes,


I am a 25 year old and have recently booked myself on the Classic Italian Cities which departs September 27th 2007. I did it on a bit of a whim as Italy is my dream location - have never left the UK before. I am blowing my savings on it but am confident of having a good time. The whole point is that I dont want to go clubbing and get drunk I can do that at home for far less money!!

I am very nervous about my first trip abroad and about not knowing anyone but most folk I know have partners to travel with and have already booked their holidays this year. I firmly believe I can get on with anyone regardless of age and having read everyone's comments I feel like I'll meet plenty of people who simply want to see an amazing (hopefully!) country and that one thing will bind us together. If I only meet one person that I can have a laugh with I'll regard myself very lucky regardless of their age. I'm a bit shy and lack a little confidence with my peers anyway!

Never know unless I try!!

Ps if anyone else happens to be going on the same trip it'd be nice to hear from you

  • (Member)
Hi Mandy

Have just read your message and wanted to say you will have a wonderful time, Italy is magical, it's a fabulous place to go for the first time you go abroad, it was where I went the first time I went abroad (Lido di Jessolo which I notice is on your trip) more years ago than I care to remember! I've been to Italy 3 times with Just You although not done the actual trip you are doing but have been to Venice and Florence, and I am sure you will love it. I've done about 6 or 7 trips with Just You so far and agree with the other posters here, it doesn't matter about age, one of the best times I had was when, aged 57 myself, I got together with another lady on the trip - 83 going on 17, she was brilliant! - so you see it's all an attitude of mind, not the years you've clocked up or not! Have a wonderful time


Does age really matter when your on holiday? I dont think so!! Just enjoy yourself! I'm comfortable with people of all ages (I'm 55). I'm pretty sure that the variation in ages can only add to the experience> Enjoy!!
Hi Catrina,

I did the Black Forest House Party last November. It was great fun the age range was from about 30 to 70.

We had a laugh from the time we all met at Folkestone until we returned home. It was truly a house party in many ways.

Everyone looked out for each other, the friendship was marvellous. I have booked to go on the Shanghai Yangtze River Cruise in September.

By the way I am 62yrs old and have a good sense of humour .

Carol Fletcher

Caroline H
Hi Everyone

Age.... A tricky one this. I think "attitude" is more important. If you're with a group of people who want to get along with one another and have a great time, age isn't a factor.

I did an Easter Weekend in Folkestone with TravelSphere which evolved into Just You and had a really good time. I was 45 at the time with people on my trip of similar age, older and younger. We all had a super time. I've been on trips in the UK where I was the youngest and most of the others were about 10 years or more older than me, but I still had a wonderful time.

With regards to comments about another company that has specific age ranges - really it depends on the people on the holday - you can go on one holiday in a certain age-range and have a super crowd.... then go on another in exactly the same age range and there might be a little bit of bitching (but this is the exception rather than the rule).

I haven't given Just You in it's present format a try but certainly hope to do so.


Caroline H

Hi, I am new to the site and looking towards solo holidays. Your posts are encouraging for this 59 year old who is not yet over the hill but still loves to climb it. It is daunting conptemplating a holiday alone so this seems the safest way to go. I was concerned that the age range might be much younger, any one know if there are any holidays arranged spacifically for the over 50's other than through Saga? I will keep checking the site and hopefully find something suitable.

Silv from Fife


I have just received brochures and really would like to go on one of the holidays but i am worried about the age range as was told it was 50 and above,i am 43 but tend to be with people younger than me.

I would really like to be in contact with someone my age who is possible going on one of these holidays, not sure which one as yet .

  • (Member)
Hi, I'm 27 years old and will going going on the Wonder of China + Hong Kong trip on 12th September. I'm a bit hesistant about being one of the youngest there. Although I get on with people of all ages, I'm hoping there'll be some people around my age so I don't stand out too much!

I'm really looking forward to this trip as it's my first Just You holiday and my first trip alone. My grandparents on my mother's side are from China, but moved to Malaysia in their 20s. My mum has never been to China and now I'm beating her to it!

I'd love to hear from anyone else going on this trip.

Hi everyone. As so many of you have written - age doesn't matter! Us singletons have to take the proverbial bull by the horns and GO! If not we'll kick ourselves for missing wonderful opportunities, seeing new places and meeting new friends. I'm thinking about Lake Garda mid-September. Anyone been or going?
hi jackie

i've just booked sicily on 29 august 07. this is my first time with jy holidays

im 43 as well hope i enjoy holiday as would like to go further a field next year. i think everyone is nervous about age ranges no matter how young or old.

Hi guys,hope ur all ok! im new to this site and to single holidays never done one and are thinking about it but like many of you i have just been wondering certain things about these types of holidays and one is the age range,although it does not really matter to me as i tend to get on with all age groups,most times lol i would hope to meet some people my age range (38) mostly maybe i might find my mr compatable lol.

but i think regarding age range in another form go for it and dont worry about that at the end of the day we all want a holiday and have fun and explore thats whats its about!and the thing is when i have gone with my ex before we have found ourselves mixing with all age range and having a gr8t time,you can be anywhere in the world but its what you make of it that makes your holiday good!!!!

Im very nervous about booking single holiday first time but like some one said here grab it by the horns lol

Hi there,

I'm Pat Bryan, I'm 69 years 0ld (but don't feel or act anything like it!) and

I've booked for the National Pqrks & Canyons with the ranch add-on

on March 18 next year. I have been on two cruises with Just You in the

last year and really enjoyed them but now I'd like to go further afield and

as I've visited Arizona before with my late husband decided I'd like to see the different parts of it. The ranch really appeals as I love horses and

enjoyed the film "The Horse Whisperer"! I'm from "Up North" so will be

flying Manchester to Heathrow the day before. Anyone else going?

HI, I'm a 25yr old guy and i'm also worried about the age range I get on with most people but it would be nice to have someone of similar age. Does anyone have any ideas of what locations attract an age range similar to mine?
  • (Member)

I think it the luck of the draw to be honest.....

I would pick a holiday the YOU want to go on, then at least you are having a holiday you want to be on......

I have been to USA and Poland I am 48... I have posted re this before and on my stories/ is such a short time away, and the holidays I have been on there is so much to see and do,If you put your self out and talk to people (any one and every one) even if they are not in your age range they have stories and knowlege that can be facinating to learn. The older ones can even be much fitter than some of the younger ones, go with an open mind, and stop worrying about YOUR age or their AGE...If there is a holiday you fancy BOOK it........You will I am sure have a great time..

  • (Member)

I am 38 and I wish to go to Egypt. I speak three languages including Arabic. I know I will not have any problems in communicating there, but being a first time JY traveller I am worried! I always like to stay in 4-5 star hotel but in JY for Egypt it seems some hotels are under that? what about age range? Or if I would like to go to live music restaurant...I can not go by is quite daunting experience...please advise.

Thank you.

Sharon Porter

I have just read your message did you book for Lake Garda September?I am going 25th Sept flying from Manchester, I am very nervouse and would love to know of someone else going have'nt heard of anyone else am I on my own!!!! I am 61 just retired and love my holidays but never done one on my own before love to hear form anyone.

Thanks Maureen Kelly.

  • (Member)
Hi I am 37 and thinking of booking to go on the Kenyan Safari in Jan 2008.Athough I am not too bothered about age really i thought it might be nice to know who's going, or to hear from anyone who's already been and reccomends it.



  • (Member)
Im 31 and have just been to Peru and the amazon. Age range was 31 to 81 but no-one noticed how old or young anyone was. It really makes no difference.

I had one of the best holidays ever and wont hesitate to book another Just You holiday!

Just go and enjoy it!