(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I am 26 years old and am wondering what sort of age ranges go on these singles holidays?? I'm not adverse to 'holidaying' with guys of my elder, but the holidays seem to have a target age range of 50 plus...

Can anyone give me an idea of whether any 'younger' travellers are there?


Hiya Faye, i've booked on a holiday to china in january, i'm 37, i've not been on holiday with justyou before and am also interested on what sort off age range their is.


Angel Cake
Hi Faye,

Just read your e-mail. I can understand what you are saying about the age range. I am 35 years old and I also get the feeling the holidays cater for the older age group which makes me a little reluctant to book. Also as I'm a little shy to begin with I may feel awkward with a large group.


i am a bit older than you at 42 but the age range does not seem to matter as everyone is in the same boat, they all want to have a great holiday. if you don't want to mix that's up to you. i have done 2 holidays with just you, last year austria, recently the douro river cruise, at both i was one of the youngest, but some of the older ones were more active than me.
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, can anyone enlighten us to the answers to any of these questions??


  • (Member)

I am also wondering as to the age range of travellers, I am 35 and have never travelled on my own before.

Faye - did you receive a response to your enquiry, have you booked with 'just you'



  • (Member)
Has anyone in my age range (i am 36) booked a holiday with these.



  • (Member)
Hello, Ive just booked on the China trip and Im only 25! I too am a little anxious about the age differences but im sure everything will be fine!
  • (Member)
I went on my first just you holiday to Thailand in May, being 23 I was by far the youngest person. But still enjoyed myself and Iam thinking about going to Australia next year with Just you.

I have recently booked with Just you and am 32. I am a bit wary about the age thing but at the end of the day, it's only a couple of weeks or so out of your life so why not go for it. Thats what I did. From what I've read so far, most people seem to love the holidays and the people and have booked to go again so all these people can't be wrong. Get booking!!


  • (Member)
Hi! Im 42 however look 32 and feel 42. I have booked the Australian adventure in June 2007. It is my first just for u holiday. I am a bit unsure of what to expect I have been on group holidays before and have met people travelling on their own. I admired them because its something I never thought I would do. If the people on this trip are half as nice as the people I met in china it will be an experience you will never forget.

so dont worry! go for it! life is not a rehersal live it

Tracey M xx

Hi all

I've just got back from my first Just You holiday. I was the youngest there at 29 with the oldest being 85. The ages didn't seem to make any difference at all. I had a fantastic time and got on brilliantly with pretty much everyone but mostly with the older travellers. I'm sure the more younger people give it a try, the more it will catch on. As long as you're not expecting suntanning and partying, you'll really enjoy it.

  • (Member)
Hi Faye

The way I see it is that this topic is the biggest anmd most viewed on the site. I guess if there are so many people who are concerned about the age range, there must be a good proportion of people who book who fit all age ranges! I'm 37 and whilst I have a wide circle of friends, I don't necessarily want to go on holiday with them. (Or they have partners, children etc. etc.) My friendship group ranges from 22 to 62 and we all mingle quite happily. I have been on holiday to several places where I was expecting a younger clentele only to be besieged by toddlers and children. I haven't travelled with 'Just You' before but I have sent for the brochure and fully intend to give it a go. Italy here I come...

terry smith
Hi im terry and booked holiday to china and yangze river cruise for 23/9/2006.I would like to hear from fellow travellers. Cheers.
  • (Member)
I did a Just You hol in March and admittedly it was a lot older than me (I'm 43) but I don't think it made any difference. I have just returned from another singles holiday with a different company - the age range was 24-45 - the average age was 31 BUT it was very different with a lot of gossiping and talking behind people's backs - never got anything like that with the older age group and I've got to say I think I had a better time with the older age group - everyone was friendly and I didn't feel on my own at all whereas with the younger group I felt a bit out of it at times.
  • (Member)
Hi there

I went on a Just 4 You holiday at New Year last year and that is one of the first things I noticed that most people seemed to be older than me which did put me off at first, but then we all mingled well and there seemed to be no problem. Obviously as with any large group there will always be some people you get on with better than others.

I am also going away this New Year to Andalucia - by the way I am 34 so it would be nice to hear from any other travellers who are going on this holiday.

Happy travelling


Julia Smith
Hi All,

I am 34 and have been on two Just You holidays. On one of these I was definately the youngest by several years but on the other there was one person younger - early twenties I think. The thing is it doesn't really matter. I admit I was relieved initailly when I realised I wasn't the youngest but in the end I socialised more with older members of the group. If you enjoy clubbing and 18-30 type activities then you may have difficulty finding companions on a Just You holiday but if you are happy doing touristy things then go for it.


I'm Gillian

I'm 26 I've been with just you about 6 times,They are great you get young to old


I'm 26 I went on the Australia adventure 2 years ago the trip was excellent

  • (Member)
I am 36 and about to book my first holiday as a single. Not been abroad for 6 years, am hoping there will a couple of people around my age, but after reviewing peoples stories, testimonials and pics, I am sure I will have a great time either way! CANT WAIT