Julie Farrell
Hi All,

Read this thread with interest. I've just booked onto the America's Golden West trip in October 08 which I'm really looking forward to.

The brochure does very much imply an over 50s age range (nothing wrong with over 50s of course!), but a couple of friends have been away with Just You and said their groups had a good age spread from 20s to 80s - The under 50s were perhaps in the minority but age isn't important because everyone gets on so well with each other.

Ultimately, if you pick a trip that interests you, that's what you'll have in common with everyone else.

Personally, I'm looking forward to travelling with people with a slightly more mature attitude :)

Looking forward to meeting anyone else going to USA in Oct.


  • (Member)
hi julie

i am also on the same holiday as you! great to chat to a fellow traveller.

i agree with the age issue. yes, like most people, i was sceptical about age and travelling alone. but the reason i chose JY was because people seemed so nice from the messages and there are lots of positive remarks and stories. i too am looking for the mature attitude and not having to go with people who i cannot be myself.

looking forward to october and seeing you then. pls do keep in touch, would be great to share some travel tips! and some encouragement - still abit shakey-kneed!


Sarah W
Hello Boys and Girls! Now dont worry about the age range - I had a blast on the Wonders of China in February, culturally & socially - my first tour alone. The youngest was a 22yr old guy and the oldest was in her 80s, who could out-bargain the hardest stall-holder. We were a great mix of personalities; some there for the fun, others for the social side & others for the culture. Everybody found at least one like-minded person and little cliques chopped and changed all the time. One chap was a bit out on a limb, but everybody in their own way looked after him to make sure he wasn't left out of anything. I'm in contact with two of the girls and I'm assured a large G+T if I ever find myself in Dundee by another fellow. Our Tour Manager also looked out for us all, while respecting needs for solitude or company. Just do it - your fellow travellers will be just like you - fantastic!
Hi Everyone

I've just booked my first hol with Just You - doing the Northern Cyprus hol on 20th October. The age thing does concern me a little bit (I'm 37) but reading these threads it seems like most people, even the 'oldies' are young at heart which is the main thing !!

Its my third time travelling alone - did a coach tour 1st time then went to California alone in April this year. The coach tour was definitely better ! Not singles but a vast range of ages. And far less lonely !

If anyone is going on the Cyprus hol (esp if flying from Heathrow) then I'd love to hear from you beforehand.

Nicky :-)

Hi All.

I have managed 4 Just you holidays so far, with another 3 booked for later in the year. And as yet, I have still to come across the age range thing as a problem, On all my tours everyone has mixed very well. Once the bar opens, It appears the age thing goes right out the window. Regards Andy

  • (Member)
Hi All

Dont worry about the age thing, just go along and enjoy yourself I am sure you will enjoy it. You will meet lots of people and hopefully make lots of friends. I have been on a few Just You holidays and have enjoyed them all. Going to Rome in September with Just You, anyone else going?


Hi all,

Ive been on 2 just you holidays now and have booked for tuscany on 8th oct 2009 and am looking at croatia for may. I will be 31 soon and find the age thing no barrier. There is a wide range of ages on the holidays but everyone has a great time and you are never left on your own. I cant wait to go back to Italy again, I love it there!

Hi all.

Age is no barrier. Just remember for whatever reason, everyone that goes on the Just You holidays are basically all in the same boat, different circumstances of course,


Hi Just read your message I am in the same boat as you, I am 68 and lost my husband in June, I have taken the plunge and booked to go on the Shanghai & Yangtze Gorges Cruise with Beijing add on leaving on 18th October, if you havent booked anything yet why not join me?


Hi Im going Hinckley Island on Nov 15th. Would anyone like to get in touch with me? Im new!Thanks

Im going on my 1st Just you holiday on 12th November to China. I am 31. I am really looking forward to it. Im not worried about the age range or if im the youngest. The majority of my friends are older than me anyway!

Is there anyone else going on this holiday?

the age range when i went to china was from 26 to 80. we all had a great time and the ages never mattered, we all got along well.
  • (Member)
Hi all,

Like most of you who have travelled alone the first time is daunting..

i'm looking at booking my first holiday,gonna hit the life begins at forty shortly & want to try new things.

are there many of you out there around same age range & where do you recommend.

my best mates are a lot older so please don't take any offence about age.

don't want to make enemies before i book.

All the best


  • (Member)

I am 50 and have been doing JY holidays for 3 years now have done 5 and booked for Safari in 2010..I would look for a holiday that interests you, then the people on the tour and you all have something in common, I have done 3 USA and Austrian Lakes and Poland and Tatra Mountains, all very different but great tours and meet some really nice people..


Hi there

Well its my 40th next year and decided to go it alone, All my friends are married etc and friends have other plans and I wanted to do something special for it, I love to explore and see new things, So I am thinking of going on the Amercias national parks and canyons on the 8/9/10 from manchester. I must admit that im a bit nervous of going. The ages do not bother me. Everyone is in the same predicament one way or the other, if you pick the same holiday as your travellers then you have something in common there, no matter what the age gap.

  • (Member)
Hi all. Age dosent really matter as I found that people mix well on these trips. I,ve done 6 and going on 7th this Christmas to France, all with Just You. Ages range from 20s to 80s and on my China trip there was a gentleman aged 90 who was extremely fit for his age. Its great that people on their own can get about and meet others in the same circumstances.
  • (Member)
I would like to add, that you dont have to be on YOUR OWN,to travel with JY, I travel on MY OWN,( butI do have a Husband and family, who I leave behind.) I have also travelled with friends I have met on JY holidays, but as well I do travel on MY OWN. Just in case someone thought you had to be ON YOUR OWN. Great holidays to go on and nice groups of people.


Thank you for all your posts. I'm looking into JY Hols, and like many of you I'm nervous. It'll be my first hol on my own, and have many questions, doubts, etc. I hope that I'll be able to book a holiday - once I know when I'll be abseiling for charity. Another big step - one at a time.
  • (Member)
Hello. I am considering my first holiday alone since my son went to University. Any tips please?
  • (Member)
Hi June

I'm sure you would have a lovely time on one of our holidays. My best advice is to have a look through the messages on this site to see what our customers think of us.

Let me know if I can help you with anything. You can write to me using the 'Ask Your Editor' section.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor