  • (Member)

after your post re Ian I did put him in Google and found what you were talking about...I still think you might be a closet stalker..its so cold here do you think it will be woolies and fleeces in Austria.. I think so,


  • (Member)

I have noticed YOU have the pole position on the leader board, thats because you do not stop talking... Ha Ha.. I dont mean to be rude... !!

Cindy x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Ok Ok I can take a joke (I don't think) as it happens I ordered a brochure and next thing I had an email from Ian(he recognised my application) we had a cosy chat and then told him the "4" gorgeous women that were in his party were now having a reunion and he has sent his regards to you all.It looks like you have take over now but your pretty good at talking as well from what I can remember and I have quite a good memory.

speak soon Love Rosemary

(Member) (Topic Starter)
By the way don't get too carried away you've got another 3 and half months yet, the weather does change you know !!!
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Take a look also at the message below ours that's me as well Lake Como

Just keep notching up.

  • (Member)

JUST by posting 3 seperate messages instead of combining them ,all on one message is as my kids would say..


I really enjoyed having IAN as outr tour guide he was very good at what he did, and was so nice to US OLD DEARS!!!!. wonder who will have the delight with us in Austria...

Cindy xxx getting older by the minuet.

(Member) (Topic Starter)

Can we just get one thing straight the reason there were 3 messages because I had after thoughts!!! is this not allowed ?? Now stop being so bossy!! Anyway how is our little "Myla Rose" getting on enough about you.

Where is Sharon gone to Egypt or hibernating ??

I also hope Kathleen is getting over her sickness period and has booked her time off work for Austria"

Will speak again soon ("Perhaps")

Regards Rosemary

(Member) (Topic Starter)
To Whom it may concern

Do you fancy in Sept Prague,Vienna and Budapest??? Cos I do either 22nd or 29th with u know who,let me know

OOps!! another afterthought. From Guess Who??

New Year greetings to Cindy, Rosemary and KATHLEEN!

I'm very glad Kathleen is able to join us on our 'Austrian Adventure' (actually that would be quite a good name for a holiday). As you will see I'm writing to all three of you in one go because I want to be at the foot of the leaderboard - then I don't have to make any effort! I hope you all had a good Christmas and Rosemary's spaghetti bolognaise with sprouts and stuffing was nice. I suppose that Cindy is now preoccupied with knitting, bingo and bus passes, now that she is a granny - will she be able to keep up with us in Austria - there might even be a folklore evening!!!! I suppose if a bottle of water costs £4.00 I'd better start saving up or just dehydrate. Perhaps we could fill bottles up from one of the lakes?



  • (Member)

There you are we thought you where hiding from us... so if water cost £4 I shall just have to stick with alcohol more for your money !!!!!, no more word from Kathleen as of yet...OMG I do not do BINGO!!!! Myla Rose is getting to be a chunky monkey taking after Nanny Cindy I think in the weight department. but all seems well with her. Regarding Prague etc, I went last year with Hubby, I do go away with him sometimes, its a beautiful city we spent 3 nights there lots of walking and sights to see,I went round the Jewish Quarter on a tour re (Holocaust) AGAIN - fascinating - so I shall not be tagging on for that one, anything else on offer Rosemary our trip advisor!!!!!!!!!!!Ha Ha. I am away with Hubby March to Gran Caneria been there before so we know whats around going all inclusive this time in veiw of the Euro rate of exchange.

Love Cindy x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi girls

Probably changed my mind again I was looking on Travelsphere site and the single supp. is not that bad so may go with them as they have quite a variety of holidays and when I spoke to the Office they said quite a few single people also go with them, I now fancy Jasper,Banff and Lake louise in Canada perhaps November. I'm getting excited already. I have had a nice offer from my friends I met in The Azores to meet with them in "Costa Luz" bit I am not really a Spanish person,I like a holiday that's a bit different from the norm.

Hope you are all well and speak soon

From your Rep Rosemary

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to Kathleen,Sharon and Nanny Cindy,

Hope you are all well, thought you had all gone into hibernation??

Just thought I would let you know how excited I am about meeting up with my fellow travellers to Austria.

Did get on Facebook but it puzzles me I got a present on there from Kathleen(what do I do with it??) but I do get a little bit confused at my age (had another Birthday last week) That makes me oooh forget it.

Yes I have booked for the "Rockies " in November (so excited) especially as my youngest daughter said she'll join me.So this will be my Summer Holiday as everyone in work has grabbed Sept and part Oct. So the rest of my hols in the Summer I will spend with the grandchildren picnics and the woods and seaside ,I love being with them all.I get 6.1/2 weeks this year cos I have done "25" years at my store.Anyway I will sign off now as I won't have anything to talk about on holiday (HaHa)

Reagrds Rosemary x

  • (Member)

You will never be lost for words, I posted on main page if anyone else was going and a lady called Liz is, I sent cheque of today for my balance, so hopefully its all systems go,

Sharon Kathleen Rosemary.. are ou travelling up night before ??? I am leaving here in the morning and going straight to LGW, so no doubt will meet up with you some where...I do have a MB phone No but wont put it on here maybe I can give it to Kathleen via Facebook??she is looking forward to meeting us again!!

WOW Great trip there to the Rockies and bnice your daughter is going as well, she will be hooked on the holidays then ..nice amount of holidays from your JOB now..more holidays

Cindyxx ...(NANNY)

Hello Rosemary, Sharon and Cindy,

Sorry, I keep forgetting to go on this site and then find I've missed all kinds of messages. Have the time off with work so all systems go. Looking forward to meeting all of you again. I now have Cindy's mobile and Rosemary's email. The only one I can't contact is Sharon. Still I'll see you all in May.

Rosemary, Cindy & Kathleen,

I'm glad to hear you are all excited about the Austrian trip. I am very jealous of Rosemary's holiday entitlement (I get four weeks - one of which has to be taken at Christmas). One of my weeks will be spent in Devon (next to Dorset) with my mum and auntie which will be fun/relaxing. Most of another will be spent travelling to and from Lincolnshire to witness my son's RAF graduation (hopefully) and the other will be spent frightening Austrians with you lot!

You will be very relieved and impressed to know that I have started my Russian lessons at last. I have found a native speaker/teacher who lives quite close and she appears willing to at least try to teach me some very simple words like, 'Hello. Where is the vodka?'

Regarding Austria (I am not learning German by the way - someone else can do that), I have booked into a guest house for the evening of 9th May. I can't remember its name at the moment (I am at work)but it's reasonably priced and I can give any of you the details if you like. I might have to book into it on the evening of our return depending how late the flight gets in because it's difficult to get further West than Poole after a certain time.

Looking forward to seeing you all.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well a big "Hello" to Kathleen and Sharon

they have finally resurfaced about time don't you think Cindy ??

Sharon must be very proud of your son that is brillian news.

As for the Russian Lessons I am overwhelmed!!!

Speaking of the German(Well I know a little) I'll get you by (Sprechen de deutsche ??) thats just for starters. You are vey lucky Sharon ucan take hols at Xmas we have cut off point about 19th Nov,.Unless you are lucky for your days off to fall over Xmas like they did last year.Well girls just to let you know I am off in April to my weeks keep fit holiday at "Torquay" full board and three trips.Not bad eh!! Well I thought I will need to keep up with you lot and I'm not being left behind.

Regards for now and speak soon

Rosemary x

  • (Member)
Well hello to my 3 musketeers !!!!!!!!

Well we all sound very busy people at the moment, I am off to Gran Caneria with Hubby on Monday for a week in the SUN, well, hope so. Then can look forward to Austria, I have re posted to see if they know who the tour rep will be? Myla Rose getting bigger by the week,kids doing my head in, usual week for me ..Take Care

Cindy x

Dear Cindy, Rosemary & Kathleen,

Have a good trip (playing golf?) in Gran Canaria, Cindy. I hope you'll bring some pictures of Myla Rose with you to Austria. Enjoy your keep fit (if that's possible) in Torquay, Rosemary - you obviously intend to be raring to go for Austria.

I'm sitting here at home because when I woke up at 6.15am it was unfortunately snowing (again) and the road out of Weymouth was closed. Such a pity - so I had to go back to bed. Unfortunately it's still closed, so if I can get over my disappointment, I think I'll sort out the paperwork and pay my balance for Austria (or AVCTPNR in Russian, the N&R should be written backwards but for some reason that's not on my keyboard. I'm only showing off and had to look it up in a dictionary!)

See you soon,


Cindy, Rosemary and Sharon,

Sorry to have to tell you this [and sorry for me] but I've had to cancel my Austria trip to buy my new car as the trek to work by train [3/4 miles to station at my end and over a mile at work end] was making me too tired to work. I'm only coping with shortened shifts and being followed by occupational health. Hopefully things will be better for the next year and I'll be able to join you on a different holiday. Hope you enjoy the trip and please tell me about it when you get back. I'm so disappointed.


  • (Member)
SO one of us shall be missing BOO HOO!!!!!! dont worry Kathleen I shall keep an eye on Rosemary and Sharon and make sure they don't miss I said on Facebook maybe we can do something another year. Well my week in Gran Caneria was very relaxing it was between 25-35 so VERY HOT.. BUT a very lazy holiday not like the rush and adventure of a JY tour..

Cindy x