(Member) (Topic Starter)
Now Sharon

I havent even been yet, you are not reading my messages properly!!!! I go next Tuesday 14th and can't wait. I signed off here a week or so ago because I've been busy and thought today I will have a quick look and saw your message. Could not go without messaging you back. It appears you have been doing a lot of depositing of family recently,I think now may be the time to introduce you to a native man in Austria, but be careful Cindy doesn't pinch him you know what she is like with other womens men!! (Alright Cindy, don't lose your wig...I'm only joking) Well Sharon, I am glad you had a nice trip to Devon and Hello "To Russia with Love". My daughter is going to St Petersburg in Feb and staying at the most expensive hotel in Russia "The Astoria". Only 5 days though because of the credit crunching. Anyway my dear friends, I will be in touch when I get back and let you know how many more have joined my 'Fan Club'.

Take Care Love to Cindy, You never let me know about the baby??Are you a Granny??

See you soon, not long now!Bye Girls,Love Rosemary x x

(Member) (Topic Starter)

I had a thought you are going to learn Russian but you cannot work out the leaderboard. Obviously the more messages you send the higher you get, just press message board and roll down and you will see names i.e. Fred (6) posts,and whoever has sent the most messages in the last day or two gets higher on the leaderboard and you can probably see now I have overtaken Cindy. Never mind Cindy you can't have it all, you got Page 3. Right I'm going, see you later Bye for now x

  • (Member)
Sharon and Rosemary

Sharon depositing Son somewhere now that does sound like a good idea can I put my two with your one, some where far away from me....So learning Russia, good for you, have you got the trip booked yet??

Rosemary Have a good holiday, hope there is food you like there,leave the MEN alone, keep yourself for Austria. I am off to USA 10th Oct East Coast Trip 6 hotels in 10 day's. By the way, it was you lot leading me astray in POLAND!!!! I am a good girl !!!

My Grand daughter is due 12th November Myla Rose I think will be her name....

Cindy Dinsmore

  • (Member)
Sharon and Rosemary

My holiday to East Coastline was very hectic but a good time was had by all...how are you two doing? Any news??? So next JY holiday is Austria, looking forward to that. The granddaughter was born on 30th October and she is called Myla Rose - all is well.

Cindy Dinsmore

(Member) (Topic Starter)
CONGRATULATIONS Nanny - or is it Granny?? Please let me know - wouldn't like to upset you. Anyway, hello to you both, glad you had a good holiday Cindy. Mine was a brilliant island, hotel right on the beach of the Atlantic Ocean. I used to leave my doors open of a night and listen to the sea, it was wonderful. More an old people's country as it is laid back and slow paced and there's nothing much to do except go on the trips.Met a couple of nice friends who also want reunion next year. We will be able to open our own agency soon cos we will have enough people. Anyway big kiss for 'Myla' - pretty name - and look foward to seeing you and Sharon soon. Regards, Rosemary

  • (Member)

I am a Nanny - she is so cute...so glad you had a great time away on your last JY tour - if you keep adding friends each time, you will be able to run your own group one day!!! Maybe tour rep could be your next job ??? Is Austria your next trip or will you fit another one before that?

Cindy Dinsmore xx

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello !!!

again girlies hope both well and little "Myla" Just a quick note to let you know how I am looking forward to seeing you both in May,I don't know if you received my last message, so just to remind you I am off to "Lake Como" for Xmas had you forgotten already ?? and will speak soon.

Regards Rosemary

X for "Myla"

Hi Rosemary & Cindy,

It sounds like you both had good trips and congratulations to 'nanny' Cindy. (You don't look old enough to be a grandmother, though). I've been quiet because I haven't done anything lately, except work etc. To my great disappointment, my Russian course was cancelled at the last minute due to lack of interest. There aren't any near where I live (the one I had booked was 25 miles away)but I haven't given up entirely even if I have to do it over the internet - which, knowing me, means I'll probably end up learning hieroglyphics or something by mistake and be locked into some sort of lifelong contract. I have booked my annual sojourn to the Queen Fan Club Convention in March - which is always embarrassingly good fun but everyone who goes is of the same mindset so it doesn't matter (in fact, 'Nothing really matters, anyone can see, nothing really matters, nothing really matters, to me. Anyway the wind blows - gong) See, I'm getting into it already. I am, of course, looking forward to the Austrian trip but are they ready for us!!

Keep in touch,


PS Actually, hieroglyphics sounds quite interesting...............

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sharon and Cindy

Sorry to hear about your "Russian" lessons well yes you could change to hyro whatever and go for a trip up the Nile,I think that would suit you maybe better I can see it now "Sharon" Queen of the Nile eat your heart out Lizzie Taylor. Well don't worry too much I'll see if I can learn you anything(but it might not be Russian)Hello Cindy are you out there?? she's probably busy with the nappies.I think it's disgusting that she is going on holiday and leaving that new baby(Ha Ha).Well girls I have done 2 workout classes at the Gym today and I am ready for a nice rest.So I am going to put my feet up for the rest of the day.

Regards Rosemary

See you both soon.

p.s. My Ireland trip in March has been cancelled due to low numbers,I was very disappointed.No wise cracks please.(like everyone must have heard I'm going)There you are I said it for you.

  • (Member)

Good luck with the Queen thingy, I just KNOW you will have so much fun!!!!! and good luck with whatever course you find yourself doing, I read somewhere classes where a good place to meet men is this why your doing it ????you still on MAN HUNT... baby Myla Rose now weighs 7lb unlike her Nanny who weighs so much more....


Sorry to hear Ireland had been cancelled its such a pain when that happens, lets hope Austria is a GO and does not get cancelled..loved your comments about Sharon Queen of the Nile... I have not got any other tours booked with JY at the moment think I have done quite a few in the last 2 years....

Love Cindy x (NANNY)

Dear Rosemary & Cindy,

'Merry Christmas'!

I like the idea of being 'Queen of the Nile'. Both of you could be my servants - okay, ladies in waiting, then. Have a prosperous and adventurous 2009.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Sharon and Cindy

I wish you both and your families a very Happy Xmas and a wicked "New Year"

I expect Cindy will be dressing up as "Nanny Xmas" for Mayla's 1st Xmas.

I don't like to rub it in but I am off fancy free on Tuesday to Lake Como,leaving all the family behind .Then I am having a big party for all the grandchildren when I get back.

Take care and really looking forward to "Austria" in May, bet your glad you booked early Cindy.

Will let you know what my JY holiday was like when I get back. Bye for now

Love Rosemary x x

  • (Member)
Sharon and Rosemary

I hope you both enjoy your Christmas holidays, Rosemary you being a lady !!!!!! of leisure and Sharon being entertained by the CHILDREN laughter all the way there Sharon !!!!!..For your information my day's of dress up are long gone... Ha Ha Ha ..baby is putting on weight just like ME!! ..Rosemary have a great time away, and I look forward to seeing you both in May give us something to look forward to, that's if they don't cancel it..!!!!!!

Merry Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year ..


Love Cindy x

Hello Cindy, Rosemary and Sharon,

Yes I'm still alive and as promised I have booked Austrian Lakes 10 May. You didn't think I would let you get away with a holiday together and not come [I'm afraid I'd miss something]! Looking forward to seeing all of you.


  • (Member)
Rosemary and Sharon

So we have Miss Kathleen coming to Austria with us.... so looks like late nights drinking and Austrian men beware - the girls will be on the warpath again for Men in lederhosen ??? Something like that.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well I can't believe it Kathleen how lovely to hear from you even better that you are coming on our trip!! Hello also to Cindy and Sharon

Happy New Year to you all!!

I had a great time in Italy at Xmas, based on Lake Como was a beautiful sight every morning ,St Moritz was unbelievable(out this world) I had Spaghetti Bol for Xmas lunch in St.M. and there was lots and lots of snow.Apart from a few hiccups which I will reveal when I see you everything was fine.All the shops were closed and I did suffer a bit from withdrawal symptons, but just as well the way the Euro is at £4 a bottle of water in the hotel?? We will have to crunch our money a bit in Austria, anyway lovely news Kathleen and will speak to you all later. Hope baby is ok Cindy ?? x x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just also found out that "Ian" Poland has opened his own travel agency for singles, but very limited on holidays only 3, cos I sent for the brochure.

Love Rosemary

Thought I would let you know that little bit of news

  • (Member)

Look forward to your tales on your trip, I have a few from my last JY as well. So where is Ian doing tours to then? How did you keep track of him? You're not stalking him are YOU!!!!!, Now we can say see you this year..xxxxx


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Dear Cindy

The brochure consisted of only 3 holidays, bit limited

1 for Prague 1 for Poland and `1 for 3 Capitals Vienna,prague amd Hungary that was all( bit disappointed).I will tell you name of company when I see you better not advertise on here.As for stalking how do u think I get my news then ????

(Member) (Topic Starter)

Now that you understand about the leaderboard, guess whose at the top ????

Hope your family all ok speak soon
