(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello to Cindy and Sharon,Just to let you know I have made a big decision and booked to go to Lake Como for Xmas. This is the first 5 day break that I have had in years from work and I thought my kids don't always need me around(but Mum we do) So I decided I'm off! Just think I'll be on my way to St Moritz on Xmas Day on the Bernina Express, playing Snowballs while your nursing your hangovers. I'll have Xmas with the kids and grandchildren....New Year quite simple really.More stories to tell and more friends to meet. I'll never be able to give up work at this rate with all these hols.I've got to get to "The Azores" yet in October.Well girls you can't take it with you.( I mean the holidays) See you all later, can't wait until May. I've already booked it in at work so all looking good. My boss said when will you be retiring? I said never at this rate!Love Rosemary x x

  • (Member)

Good for you, booking holidays, that's the problem with me I think that's it all the holidays in brochure I wanted to do have been done, and then I get the new brochure with MORE to choose from .... and I meet such nice people !!!!! and then they want to see me again...I HAVE no idea why!!! I have the East coast liner 11 nights USA In Oct. with JY, 6 hotels so lots of travelling and things to see. GREAT... hope you have fun on your trips. you will never be a lady of leisure, just a lady that does HOLIDAYS...

Love Cindy x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Cindy, Another holiday ?? Tell me who are these people that just can't wait to see you again, it doesnt make sense ( why??) Ok Ok just a little joke.I hope you have a lovely time but 6 hotels is that all??You'll be kn.....d when you get back and need another holiday probably in May by the lakesin Austria relaxing and calming,watching the world go by (not men, I said world)

Take care speak soon , Regards


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cindy,

Forgot to say, these nice people that you meet on your travels? It did'nt happen to be 2 Ladies called Sharon and Rosemary ???? C U Later Rosie

  • (Member)
Sorry the names Sharon and Rosemary do not ring any bells....now Men in Polish National Dress that ring's a bell!!!!!. hope there are bells in Austria..!!
Hi Cindy & Rosemary,

I'm afraid I can't compete with all your travelling - I've just returned from a couple of days in Leicester! Fame at last for Cindy, though-I noticed the quote in 'Just You's' latest mini brochure. I suppose it's Cindy Shakespeare now!

Looking forward to Austria,


  • (Member)
Rosemary and Sharon..

Did you get the latst news sheet from JY in the post on PAGE 3..yes Page 3 theres a little comment from ME!!!!! never thought I would get to be a page 3!!!!!!

How are we all doing....?


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well Sharon I hope you had a nice couple oF days away! Well what do you think of our friend CINDY !! I Hope it doesnt go to her head ?? I suppose she'll get her holiday free now that's she's a celebrity.

Oh Yes Cindy was you reading this Congratulations on your publicity stunt.

Speak Soon Rosemary x

Rosemary & Cindy,

What can I say? I always suspected that Cindy was page three material!!!! (only joking). We'll have to watch out, though, Rosemary, she'll be taking notes next, ready to use in her forthcoming review. (I suppose we could always sabotage it)?


  • (Member)
Rosemary ..Sharon

Now, Now Girls lets not be bitter!!!! some of us are just picked out of LIFE'S hat...and it WAS ME!!!!!!!....OUR HOLIDAY SEEMS SO FAR OFF...boo hoo!!!!!


(Member) (Topic Starter)
How can Sharon and I compete with a page "3" Girl now?? Yes you were right Sharon watch what you say when you know! who is around, we don't want her pinching our punch lines.Now come on girls we need to set off on the right foot all this is so uncalled for.Just can't also wait for the holiday it will be great with "The Golden Girls" so keep saving the money and we'll have a grrrrreat time. Regards Rosemary x x

What happened to our other mate ?? is she still waiting to book her holidays ?? come on Eileen!!

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sorry girls got the name wrong I meant "Kathleen" where are you and is she booking this holiday ???

Hows the Page 3 Girl ??

Oh well Sharon I suppose we better get used to it.

Regards Rosemary x x

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Sharon and Cindy

Have you noticed whose top of the "Leaderboard"

Me of course !!

Well someone was showing off about her Page 3 debut,so I thought it only fair that I should be recognised.

Regards "Rosemary" x x

  • (Member)

OHHHH Get you top of the leader board...BUT your not a page 3 girl are you..see your a busy girl with all your JY hol's how many have you now pre booked????? seems like loads..you keep posting your posts!!!!!!

Sharon: How you doing, the kid's still being NICE CHILDREN...how's your health now ..you fighting fit???


  • (Member)
Sharon and Rosemary

I have made contact with KATHLEEN and still far to early for her to let us know???,if she will b joining us. she is getting a puppy in 3 weeks (New MOM again) and she has very short hair in her picture now ?? so not sure if that's a new photo or not. Sharon did you ever get set up on facebook??

Cindy x

Cindy & Rosemary,

Cindy, please can I have your autograph? I promise to treasure it and keep it in pride of place ABOVE my Queen ones. My son's about to start officer training with the RAF, one daughter's off to university (so it's been a very expensive time)and I am due to remain here with the 'metal enthusiast' for company.

My health remains the same - no better/no worse but I manage it fairly well - work has priority.

I'm not on facebook because I don't really know what it is and rarely use the computer at home (mostly to go on this website, or recently, to reserve things from Argos)!

Rosemary, sorry to be so thick but what's the 'leader board'? I could only find a picture of a young Indian boy sitting on an elephant so I don't suppose it's that?


  • (Member)

Of course you can have my autograph....so glad Kids are behaving and your health seems to be OK... so late nights drinking in Austria here we come!!!!

When you go to main message boards...scroll down past this section and you will find a section (box) that says

Most Recent Post

Most Popular Thread

keep going and you will see

Top Users

Rosemary is 15 posts and still Number 1 ..I am 12 posts. You are not in the top users....

Scroll Down again

(box) Top Threads

and your the Number 1 thread by Sharon Frith with

Austrian Lakes... So your Number 1 on there...you go girl!!!!!!!

I do hope that makes sense to you....


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Page "3" and Sharon - is that baby here yet?? By the way, Sharon - that was not me on the Elephant. As Cindy answered your question about leaderboard I didn't want to sound like an echo. Well, I have asked is there anyone else going on my trip to The Azores and it looks like it's just me and Andy - just the 2 of us (wasn't that a song? I didn't think they did trips for two only - or does everyone else want to remain anonymous? Anyway girls, keep happy - can't wait till May. Speak when I get back from holiday as long as BA don't go bust. Love Rosemary x

  • (Member)

Have a great time don't think BA are in danger of going BUST, enjoy your two person trip !!!!! I have had no responce to USA trip in Oct. so maybe just me and lady I meet On JY trip who I am travelling with.... Have Fun!!

Sharon Have you gone away as your being missed or have the kids worn you down...

I just got back from 2 weeks in Portugal with Hubby!! wont be going back there...nothing wrong just nothing I wont to see again.

Cindy Dinsmore

Cindy & Rosemary,

I haven't worked out the leader board thing yet. I tried once, couldn't do it, got bored and gave up! I've been very busy lately especially at work - partly as a consequence of going to Devon for a week with my mum and aunt. I also had to deposit one daughter at university one weekend and will soon be depositing my son somewhere in the country for RAF training.

I hope you had a good holiday, Rosemary and have added to your clan of 'Just You' clients. Hopefully, you will have a good time on your next trip too, Cindy (Wall Street crash etc. permitting)

I'm looking forward to starting my Russian lessons soon in preparation for another trip - probably in the very distant future.
