  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all,

There have been a few mentions on the community and a showing of some interest in visiting Iran. Not one to ignore our community members, the Just You team have asked me to reach out and ask you for some more of your thoughts on visiting this country.

So first and foremost - would you like to visit Iran with Just You?

And then, leading on from this:

Would you be looking to travel within the next 6 months, next year or even further in the future?

Would you prefer a short "taster" style holiday or a more in depth tour?

Are the cultural customs a concern to you or do you consider them to be part of the adventure?

Why not vote in our poll and add your comments below.

Kindest regards,



Given its proximity to on going terrorist activity and its human rights record, I have no interest in visiting Iran.


  • (Member)
Hi Julia

I would be interested in visiting Iran further in the future and prefer a more in depth tour. To me cultural customs are part of the adventure.

Best wishes.


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

I would be very interested in visiting Iran but not for a couple of years as I already have more tours on my must-do list than I can afford to do!!  Also I am somewhat concerned that if you visit Iran, you cannot obtain an ESTA for the US and have to apply for a full visa.  I hope that this situation changes over the next few years (if a certain presidential candidate with ridiculous hair and even more ridiculous opinions wins the US election, then there's no chance of that!).  I really want to do the Alaska tour in a couple of years so would want to do it first before I consider Iran, if the ESTA situation doesn't change. 

I think a medium length tour of around 12 days would probably suffice as I know from the few other tour operators that offer it, it would not be a cheap destination.  The customs I would find intriguing; however they would be more restrictive for female visitors than for men so some might be uncomfortable with this.  

On reflection, if JY are considering some more unusual destinations, I would be more keen to visit somewhere like Kyrgyzstan which is meant to have the most spectacular scenery - and even more so if it could be combined with a couple of other 'Stans as well!!

All the best,


Agree with Jaya. Iran has been somewhere I've been interested in going to for a while. I know BA are to re-start direct flights shortly.

However - cant remember, who it was - but someone mentioned that the US has recently changed the rules on its waiver system and, if you have been to Iran, you cant apply online for the US waiver visa but have to apply in person/have interview. As I regularly go to the States, this would probably now rule out any trips to Iran, until the system changes.


'lesley07' wrote:


Given its proximity to on going terrorist activity and its human rights record, I have no interest in visiting Iran.


Hi Lesley

I too agree with you!


  • (Member)
Hi Julia

I would be interested but it would be next year for me at the earliest.  I would like an in depth tour as it's not likely I would re-visit and I love seeing other countries cultural customs.

Before the fall of the Shah, the company I worked for had an office in Tehran and apparently the countryside is beautiful.

I would be interested.... my only concern would be if Travel Insurance companies would allow this country without huge increases in rates. 🙂
'Angie0912' wrote:

'lesley07' wrote:


Given its proximity to on going terrorist activity and its human rights record, I have no interest in visiting Iran.


Hi Lesley

I too agree with you!


Hi Lesley

I'm with you on this one too.  

I am also disappointed that Just You seem to be developing their offer of holidays in the Far East and neglecting to look at new areas the US.  There are some US holidays tagged as NEW in the brochure, but they are actually previous tours with small changes or an amalgamation with another existing itinerary.  

I have travelled with Just You many times and have two Just You holidays booked for this year - one in Europe and one in South Africa - but I would love to be able to look forward to a return to the States next year .  


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Chris,

Without wanting to say too much, you may want to keep your eyes peeled in September when our next brochure is launched.....

Kindest regards,


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Chris,

Without wanting to say too much, you may want to keep your eyes peeled in September when our next brochure is launched.....

Kindest regards,


 Hi Julia

Thank you so much - music to my ears!


Angie S
Didn't expect this to be considered so quickly.

I too would certainly be interested but not ideally until 2018. I think a fair few of us have already got 2016 and 2017 tied up or planned out what with the recent brochure. That's just my opinion I'm sure many others would jump at the chance to do asap.

The cultural customs would be a concern to me as a woman but I would not let this put me off if I was assured the tour was safe. I know folks, what in this world is safe!

Has anyone heard any feedback from anyone travelling to Iran with other operators. I must research to see what they thought and how they got on. I would go with JY btw!


Angie S
Should have done a bit of reading first then post!

I don't see any reason not to go!

Just remember JY we can't do all the tours at once! This and other tours better be on offer for a few years - our lists are getting longer by the day! A nice problem to have though.


Bridget Jane
I have to say that I too would not be interested in this holiday for all the reasons that have been sited in previous replies.



I would love to see Iran - maybe 2017 early summer/Autumn.  I'd want to insert US Historic Trail

first though, so I hope you'd run this US tour in early Spring 2017!  I was glued to The Silk Road yesterday

evening on BBC4 and would prefer a longer Iran tour to see as much as possible.  Also, I turned down

a chance to go to Iran a few years ago before the doors closed; I was nervous of the

internal flights given the Iranian air accident record. Hopefully this will improve now the embargos

are being lifted.  But I'd prefer no internal flights and definitely a European airline to get there!!

I understand that, in theory, you can own a second passport to avoid the 'previous travel destinations'

problem?  A second passport would be great given the time it takes to obtain multiple visas for trips covering a few different countries.

Central Asia - I loved Uzbekistan and I'd like to visit surrounding countries - Turkmenistan?

  • (Member)
I would be very very interested in Iran next year, I have no concernes about cultural differences or what is going on in nearby countries, its all part of the adventure. other companies are starting to do tours so why not JY. I would do its this year but as I am already doing Canada and the Silk Road this year one can't do it all.
  • (Member)
I agree with Angie. With the introductions of new tours, the list keeps on getting longer and longer and whilst planning which tour to do first, you always have a sort of 'fear' at the back of your mind as to whether or not some of the tours on your list will be on offer for a few years till you catch up or will they be put to rest. It is getting difficult to decided where to go next! The Silk Road is one tour which I really want to do one day and with the cancellations of dates recently, I am wondering if this one will be put to rest?


'Julia' wrote:

Hi all,

There have been a few mentions on the community and a showing of some interest in visiting Iran. Not one to ignore our community members, the Just You team have asked me to reach out and ask you for some more of your thoughts on visiting this country.

So first and foremost - would you like to visit Iran with Just You?

And then, leading on from this:

Would you be looking to travel within the next 6 months, next year or even further in the future?

Would you prefer a short "taster" style holiday or a more in depth tour?

Are the cultural customs a concern to you or do you consider them to be part of the adventure?

Why not vote in our poll and add your comments below.

Kindest regards,


Not likely - wouldn't go near it.


Historical locations would be of more interest to me, thanks.
Angie S
I wonder if JY got anything out of doing this poll. What it has shown is there is a core of people who would do this trip and obviously there are people out there who don't use the forum who would also be keen.

Although those who would do is the smaller percentage I bet if JY polled on other existing holidays, they would find perhaps more people would not want to do than do want to do!

I'm no expert however. I just hope Iran is still in the to do bundle rather than being put to the side for now.
