  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
As you know, we regularly review our programme of tours and destinations. I know a couple of you have asked about whether or not we'll be bringing some of them back any time soon. Our lovely team of Executives have asked for your opinion on what to prioritise bringing back.

So, now's the time to cast your vote. Why not vote above on which countries you'd like us to revisit and have your say in the comments below?

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)

Back in 2010, my first JY trip was Jordan, Sinai and Egypt. A brilliant tour as it ticked a lot of boxes, Petra, Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx. Been to both Memphis in Egypt and Tennessee, visited the ruins of Jerash on the road to Damascus. Saw the River Jordan and paddled in the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. I belong to the Hard Rock Cafe group and I have been offered a lot of money for the bottle opener fridge magnet as it was closed 3 months after due to the fighting. I believe they are reopening somewhere else which intriques me.

I understand the problems of doing that tour in this present climate 😞 A great shame.


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

I did the JY Jordan tour in 2014, just before it was "rested."  It is a fantastic tour, in a wonderful country.  Every day was a highlight and I strongly recommend it to anyone if it is reintroduced.  I've been to Egypt (twice, not with JY - many years ago) and to Israel/Palestine (also many years ago pre-JY) and loved them both.  The situation in both is relatively stable at present and I see many tour companies are re-introducing tours to the region, so I hope JY customers have the chance to visit this wonderful part of the world again before long.

I voted for Uz, but could have easily voted for Turkey as I want to see both countries - things seem to have settled down a bit in Turkey recently although the political situation is far from ideal and heading towards a dictatorship and I would be a bit uneasy about visiting there at present, which is a pity as I really want to see the country!  If given the chance, I would prefer the TS 12 day tour as I really want to see Cappadocia.  Hopefully Uz will be reintroduced in a couple of years, although given the other countries on my wish list it could be four or five years before I could do it!!

All the best,


Hi Julia,

I voted for Israel, Egypt and Uzbekistan. I'm hoping to do something to both Israel as well as a Nile cruise in the next couple of years. . Uzbekistan, I would like to get to sometime just don't know when I'll fit it in. Turkey, I'm sure it's ancient sites are really interesting but, in the current political situation, I'm won't be going there.

I did the JY trip to Jordan a few years ago, which was excellent (Bob was on the same trip and wrote a terrific review, as usual). For me, looking back, the things that would have improved the trip would have been for it to have another day in Petra - couldn't do the walk up to the Monastry in the day we had there, possibly a further day to chill at the Aqaba hotel, and none of the Health and Safety nonsense about taking the 4-wheel drive at Wadi Rum.


  • (Member)
I have voted for Uzbekistan and Egypt - want to do the Nile Cruise. Unfortunately I had to cancel the Nile Cruise/Sharm el Sheikh add on in 2012 as I had to undergo further cancer treatment. Was very disappointed so here's hoping that it will be offered in the near future. I have been to Jordan and would not mind going back again if only to take some photos. I had bought a digital camera especially for this trip, but also took my other one as I had a roll of film to use up and unfortunately something went wrong and I lost all of those photos. I have only got very few photos of the Jordan trip which were taken using my digital camera. I have done the Turkey trip and the only disappointment was not seeing Cappadocia. Apart from this it was a fantastic tour.



  • (Member)
I am glad that the tour which included Jordan in 2010 had the 4 wheel drive in Wadi Rum and time at Aqaba before we left for Sinai. We were early at Petra and had a whole day. A lot of people walked up to the Monastery. I had my first and last camel ride which I loved. The hotel was in caves and very unusual. Listened to the local Meuzzin at something early in the morning as Dawn was breaking. Loved that trip 🙂 
