  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
We did indeed get something out of this poll - the team have reviewed the results and read the comments that were left too....

It's a case of watch this space.

'Julia' wrote:

Hi all,

There have been a few mentions on the community and a showing of some interest in visiting Iran. Not one to ignore our community members, the Just You team have asked me to reach out and ask you for some more of your thoughts on visiting this country.

So first and foremost - would you like to visit Iran with Just You?

And then, leading on from this:

Would you be looking to travel within the next 6 months, next year or even further in the future?

Would you prefer a short "taster" style holiday or a more in depth tour?

Are the cultural customs a concern to you or do you consider them to be part of the adventure?

Why not vote in our poll and add your comments below.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Iran would be such an exciting tour and a short "taster" of perhaps a week would be interesting, perhaps followed by the option of a longer tour if people are interested. I for one would most definitely be coming along!