  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Still waiting for my new brochure before finalising my choice of trips for 2017 in case anything new tops my wish list; I see the website has been updated with new tours added but also note that for some of the existing tours and dates in the May brochure there have been some significant price increases, the Peru and MEeico trips have increased by £300 (10%), is there a change to the itinerary that I haven't spotted, it doesn't appear to be an accross the board increase on all trips



  • (Member)
Hi Tim,

Could you possibly advise whether you have received your brochure yet?

to explain the price increase: All of our prices are based around costs given to us by our suppliers which can fluctuate from time to time. At the time of printing the brochures, the prices stated were accurate and loaded into the system which then feed into the website. The only time a price is fixed is once your booking is confirmed.

I would always suggest that travellers visit the website or call one of our holiday advisors for the latest prices.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Tim,

Could you possibly advise whether you have received your brochure yet?

to explain the price increase: All of our prices are  based around costs given to us by our suppliers which can fluctuate from time to time. At the time of printing the brochures, the prices stated were accurate and loaded into the system which then feed into the website. The only time a price is fixed is once your booking is confirmed.

I would always suggest that travellers visit the website or call one of our holiday advisors for the latest prices.

Kindest regards,



Still not received the new brochure

I realise that prices may change after the brochure has been printed, as far as I remember the prices only changed on the website when the September brochure was published; with a new brochure and the pre publication teasers I waited until the new trips were published only to find that 2 of my shortlisted trips had increased in price by 10%, had I not waited for the new brochure (in which nothing topped the ones already on my shortlist for 2017) I could have booked at the lower price.

It would be helpful for us know that the new brochure may also mean new prices for some trips already advertised that way we can make a fully informed decision as to whether to wait and see if there is anything more tempting in the new brochure.


  • (Member)
Hi Tim (and Julia),

I sympathise - I've been looking at a tour that was priced at £1,299/£1,399 for the 2017 dates and it has now increased to £1,799 - much greater than a 10% increase!  I too was waiting till the September brochure came out, so I could choose from the full range of tours.  Wish I had just gone and booked now.  And I am STILL waiting for the Sept brochures - and disappointed to learn that there is not a full brochure - it is a pain having to flick from one to another.  To my mind, if JY have decided to only produce two full brochures a year it makes much more sense to produce a "new tours" mini brochure in May and a full brochure in Sept and Jan, as I would think that a lot more people will be looking at booking 2017 tours from Sept - Dec than they would from May - Sept.  Also, as shown by another recent post, some people think the mini brochure is the full range and do not refer back to the previous one, so JY are losing out on sales on existing tours.

I really hope the new brochures arrive soon as I am getting very fed up waiting at this stage.

All the best,


Looking online, I noticed that Magical Mallorca which was one of the holidays I was considering for 2017, has gone up by approx 20%. Price from a regional airport eg Bristol for 4.10.16 is £1228, price for 3.10.17 is £1488. Sorry but I find it difficult to understand why this has increased so much especially as this is a destination where so many airlines go and with so much choice of accommodation, surely it must be possible to negotiate a better deal?

I appreciate that this is an all inclusive holiday, but I'm not sure I would be prepared to spend this much on a trip to Majorca and if I did it would possibly mean booking one not two holidays for next year with Just You

Your comments would be appreciated



  • (Member)
'TimH' wrote:

Still waiting for my new brochure before finalising my choice of trips for 2017 in case anything new tops my wish list; I see the website has been updated with new tours added but also note that for some of the existing tours and dates in the May brochure there have been some significant price increases, the Peru and MEeico trips have increased by £300 (10%), is there a change to the itinerary that I haven't spotted, it doesn't appear to be an accross the board increase on all trips



I was also very disappointed to see that some of the tours had large price increases.  As now unable to do the tour I had been interested in and had been debating and planning and now to find cant do it is really upsetting - it has gone up by £400! 😞

I'm afraid that most of the price increases are not JY's fault. The £ has been devalued by up to 15% since the referendum. As aircraft fuel is usually purchased by the airlines in dollars this has not helped either.
  • (Member)
There has been a price increase this September - Roger has hit the nail on the head in that some of this has come from the currency fluctuations. This has impacted both us and our suppliers - while we are trying to absorb some of these costs, sadly it's impossible to absorb them all.

I promise, we will be continually reviewing our prices and would recommend that you keep an eye on the websites or call one of our holiday advisors for the most up to date price of your desired holiday.

Kindest regards,


P.S. Bob - you may have seen on another post that we are doing a bit of a work around on the brochures - you've been included in the list so hopefully these will be with you soon.

Angie S
I had not thought about this until now ... forgive my ignorance.

So if I book a holiday now and in a few months time say the price drops, what price would I pay when the holiday is due to be paid? Having now read the small print (and yes it's small) funnily it's the price when I booked.

I liked the idea when I went on holiday with JY everyone had paid the same price. Clearly I have been rather naive.

I want to book a holiday, seeing as I got my brochure yesterday (after two attempts) but maybe I'll hold off. So, getting like other companies the process of booking a holiday becomes a game of tactics.

Why is everything never straightforward? (that's in life in general not just JY).     Ah well ... I'll probably just end up booking the holiday although probably not quite as quickly as I intended to. It is acknowledged once booked, the price would not go up. So in theory, the brochure price could go up even more?? 

Best not to think about things too much!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
While I accept that currency fluctuations and fuel costs will impact, I would have expected that more across the board flat percentage increases would apply; looking at Peru, the changes fluctuate considerably between departure dates which suggests there is more than just currency and fuel costs coming into the equation; looking at the prices from Heathrow, 10 May up £100, 21 June up £300, 9 August up £100, 4 October up £200 and 8 November up £300
  • (Member)
Like you Angie, I just assumed we were all paying the same for the same holiday but perhaps we are NOT!!..

I tend to see a holiday and then book it, many times I am one of the first to book, as I like to have things planned well in advance.

Oh well will have to keep,an eye on things!

Can some one confirm that when we book that price in that day is fixed!

Or are you saying we could end up paying much more by the time final balance has to be paid!

How about if we lay in full,on day of booking, if the price goes up will we get another bill as time goes on


  • (Member)
Hi Angie, yes the price at booking is the price we pay regardless of whether it goes up or down in the meantime.  As sterling is expected to remain weaker in the medium term (or so I've read), I'd say prices are unlikely to be coming down any time soon and may rise further!  I did warn some of my UK friends that Brexit would mean more expensive holidays but they didn't listen to me!!

All the best,


Price changes are a fact of life, usually up, rarey down.  But what gets me is a relatively low headline price, in order to keep the apparent cost down, then to find costly optional excursions, which if not taken up, mean sitting in the hotel all day.

One in particular stood out, San Marino, one of the optional excursions is...........  the farewell dinner!  Well, it helped to keep the headline price down.

Rant over.


  • (Member)
Some of the price increases for 2017 are indeed eye-watering! Which brings me back to a point that I made on a different thread regarding included chauffeur service.

If this was included for the current 2017 prices it might help with bookings, as people could at least see something tangible associated (in part) with the additional cost. Currency and aircraft fuel price fluctuations, etc are all valid reasons why costs may have to rise (Roger is quite right to point that out), but customers don't actually see anything extra for their hard-earned cash.

So I think that this is something worthy of consideration. Over to you JY!


Angie S
Phew Cindy - I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought we all paid the same.

I agree Bob - exchange rates are not going to change anytime soon for the better. Oil price will go up again. I would be amazed if holiday prices come down. I just better get that holiday booked and forget about it. I feel however for folks who are perhaps being budgeted out.

At the welcome first night get together everyone will be comparing what they paid! Ah the joys. 

Sorry if I'm being a tad negative JY - still love you!


These price rises and Brexit consequences mean I'll be spending more holidays discovering the UK. Maybe JY need to look into creating innovative UK holidays for those abandoning foreign travel for the foreseeable future.
  • (Member)

Unfortunately prices always go up and seldom come down. I see this year on year and we just have to learn to live with this. My train fares go up each year despite poor service and by the time I add on all the other increases I find that I have less and less money in my pocket each year as the salary is not keeping pace! Personally I feel blessed in that at least I have a job and a roof over my head.


  • (Member)
Why is Just You's prices increases when similar trip with their "sister" company Travelsphere have cut the price of some holidays. The one I have compared is Pompeii, Sorrento and the Bay of Naples.
Good Afternoon LizC,

Although we try our best to keep increases to the minimum sometime they are necessary. We negotiate each tour individually to try to balance quality and affordability. For the tour Pompeii, Sorrento & the Bay of Naples for example, we use almost in exclusivity a family run hotel, Hotel Palma. In order to keep providing a good quality service they needed a small rate increase.

Rest assured we negotiate the best deal for our Just You customers.

Kind Regards,


  • (Member)
Hello All,

Due to price of single fares which would take me to New Zealand for last New Years Eve, the only tour was with Titan and would cost 8K to celebrate my 60th. My daughters could not come, one being pregnant so I had to change my plans and look to this year.

I have checked with all companies with most charging 6K for a single person. I finally went back to the company I knew best was JY. For £4,999 I get to go to Singapore for a few days- they have a Hard Rock Cafe and Universal Studios on Sentosa Island 😃  plus see most of New Zealand and tick a few boxes. Roll on October 🙂

So for me, this company has it right on prices.


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