Just received my luggage labels and I'm finally going ask about something that I have always thought quite peculiar.
Given that the labels are there to help identify the owner and hopefully reunited any lost/delayed luggage with that owner at the right destination, why does JY on the "Outward journey" think the "Tour" name and "Booking ref" would be the right information to supply to the airline? I'm sure the airline cares little about either.
I do actually delete these and write in date, airport codes e.g. LGW to SPU, airline, flight number and departing time.
For the "Return journey" I do the same. I do not include "Address" and "Post code" as this has been highlighted as a security risk letting someone know your house is potentially empty - and they could use a landline telephone number if included to check. I do add an email address with a mobile number, on both sides.
Just curious as to the rationale.