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Just received my luggage labels and I'm finally going ask about something that I have always thought quite peculiar.

Given that the labels are there to help identify the owner and hopefully reunited any lost/delayed luggage with that owner at the right destination, why does JY on the "Outward journey" think the "Tour" name and "Booking ref" would be the right information to supply to the airline? I'm sure the airline cares little about either.

I do actually delete these and write in date, airport codes e.g. LGW to SPU, airline, flight number and departing time.

For the "Return journey" I do the same. I do not include "Address" and "Post code" as this has been highlighted as a security risk letting someone know your house is potentially empty - and they could use a landline telephone number if included to check. I do add an email address with a mobile number, on both sides.

Just curious as to the rationale.


Hi Sandy,

I completely understand your curiosity and I am sure this is a question that many of our customers wonder. The reason we include this information on your luggage labels is to help out our over overseas teams with hotel porterage. Plus, it may help you spot your fellow travellers in the airport and pick out the correct luggage from the conveyer belt at the airport.

If you would like to attach your personal details to your luggage, may I suggest buying a sturdy plastic tag that you can attach alongside your JY luggage tag. This way it will last the numerous journeys you take around the world.

However, your question has got us thinking here at JYHQ, so we will be reviewing our luggage labels to improve these for you in the future.

Kindest regards,


I always attach a separate label showing details of the first nnhotel to my case. If luggage does go astray, I want to be reunited with  it ASAP.
  • (Member)
I'd always thought the two labels were one each for my suitcase and handbaggage but when I went on my first touring holiday, one night here, another two there, the TM was very firm that the labels were both for the suitcase - the second one to be used if the first one got torn off - so that it could be identified easily when bags were being taken up to rooms or loaded onto the coach at departure. I have always used my own separate address tags with a cover over the address section. As to the Return Journey section of the JY tag, I simply put my surname and postcode but it might be more useful if it just had the airport folk were going back to - simpler for sorting out when the group is going home to 7 or 8 different airports.


Why don't  tour managers have a small supply of labels to replace any that get destroyed on tour?  After check in  you can only spot fellow JY travellers if hand luggage is tagged.
I've never had a problem using the JY labels as they are.... my suitcase has never gone astray or not been where it should. 🙂
  • (Member)
Nice idea SarahS - I'll forward it on to the Tour Manager team.
Surely AnneF is right. We need one JY luggage label on our hand luggage so we can look out for one another after we have checked in.
'Nelson' wrote:

Surely AnneF is right. We need one JY luggage label on our hand luggage so we can look out for one another after we have checked in.

If 2 labels are needed for the main item of luggage (1 plus a spare) then a third one is needed for hand luggage especially to be identifiable to fellow travellers at the airport. When I receive my labels in the post, I think I will photo-copy (in colour) one of them just for my hand baggage.

By the end of a week or two touring around, in and out of hotels etc. most of the labels are getting pretty tatty so info on them is often not very clear anymore or has been been torn off completely.  

Perhaps JY could think about providing plastic covers for them.



  • (Member)
I am one of the unfortunate ones whose label gets torn. I had to borrow sellotape from the tour manager whilst on Mexico, Guatemala and Belize trip as she had no spare labels. I personally fortified the label with lots of sellotape whilst on the Borneo with Singapore Add-On trip and even that label got torn. Luckily the Tour Manager had spare labels. JY labels are needed so porters know which luggage to take and collect from the rooms. Plastic covers is a good idea or maybe stronger labels.


  • (Member)
Hi I never put a JY label on my hand luggage so I have a spare one for my main luggage - which I have had to use on numerous occasions!  For the tours when I haven't had to do this, I keep the spare label so I now have built up a small collection of them (I even have an old turquoise one!) for "emergencies!"  On most of the tours I've done, the TM has had some extra ones and they have come in very handy for those who have had labels torn off.

All the best,


Stronger labels or plastic covers would be great! 

I do put one on my hand luggage, but I know a lot of fellow travellers don't now.

  • (Member)
I to only put one on the main case, so I have a spare, must admit I have never been aware of tour managers having spares, will take that information on board for future reference.


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

I never use a label for the hand luggage, but I need the spare one for the return journey as the one I use for the hold luggage usually gets torn and can't be used again. You must be one of the lucky ones who needs only one label for the entire holiday and the return journey!


'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Bob

I never use a label for the hand luggage, but I need the spare one for the return journey as the one I use for the hold luggage usually gets torn and can't be used again.  You must be one of the lucky ones who needs only one label for the entire holiday and the return journey!


I put mine on hand luggage on day 1 for "fellow traveller ID purposes" but then take it off and keep it as a replacement for the main luggage one in the event of needing it

Just to say how valuable I have found JY luggage labels in the past to help identify fellow travellers before you get to know everyone. Over the New Year this year, sadly I had to travel with another singles company who do not give you their branded luggage labels, (only because I couldn't find a JY new year break with flights that I could get to on public transport how the holiday days fell this last time). So arriving at the airport I had no idea who was in the group. But the situation became worse when, mid flight, the plane was diverted. We had to collect the luggage and then board one of several awaiting coaches to take us to the original airport where the rep was. It was impossible  to keep the group together. Now back travelling  with JY and have 2 holidays  to look forward to.
  • (Member)
Hi Charleyhorse

I do agree with you that labels are very good at identifying fellow travellers and I used to put one on hand luggage, but since my experience with hold luggage labels being torn and destroyed, I try to save one for the return journey. Otherwise I would not have any left. Perhaps Just You can send 3 labels?


  • (Member)
The reason I do not put one on my hand luggage is, I still do not like flight travel so I would rather be in my own bubble till I get the other end. I like to be very quiet on flights and am very happy to listen to music etc. So I am more than happy to meet up at the destination. I don't mean to be rude ? I know many people love to have their label on show to see who is who and to buddy up with.


  • (Member)
I never use JY labels, as I always make my own. I have my name and mobile number (no home address) &JY emergency number at the top and then in date order every flight from to and number, every hotel, address and tel number, it sounds like a big label but not if you use a small but reasonable size font. I print off a big one for inside the case and then smaller ones as labels which I laminate and attach to cases and bags by using cable ties. I may sound a bit OTT but if you have ever stood at the carousel when everyone else has got their luggage and there is no sign of yours its not much fun. Quite simply it shows where the case should be at anytime in your travels and how to contact where it should be
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