  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have looked at this holiday over and over for the past month and finally booked today. I wrote a 'for' and 'against' list and obviously the 'for's' won. :thumbup:

If anyone on this trip would like my email address I am sure that Just You can forward it on so that we can 'chat' about the hol. I know its a long way off but its something to look forward to Yours Sue

  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

If you have a look at some of the other threads on Namibia you'll see that a few of us who use the forum are also booked on this tour - myself, Jaya and Sally. I haven't met either of them before although we have "spoken" to each other via the forum over the last few years. This should be a fantastic tour and as far as I'm concerned, I can't think of a single "against" - I am so looking forward to seeing the amazing dunes and other scenery and the game viewing in Etosha. I can't wait! I did South Africa and Zambia three years ago and I have been wanting to return to Africa ever since. As someone once said, once Africa enters your soul it never leaves!

I am happy to chat via the forum, as I have done with many other people before my previous JY tours. Looking forward to meeting you in May and no doubt we'll be chatting on the forum in the meantime!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
Hi Susan

Looking forward to meeting you in May. This is the first trip where I am already 'spoken' with a few fellow travellers already. Usually I am lucky if I 'speak' with one or two on the forum. This is going to be a great holiday and I can hardly wait.



  • (Member)
Just 44 and a bit weeks to go!!!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi to my fellow travellers.

I am sure I have done the right thing booking even though I am frightened of animals, not mad on the heat and a long journey from Sheffield -about 30 plus hours. The appeal of Namibia really excites me and will give me experiences that I havent had before.

I have done many tours over the years with JustYou/Travelsphere and have yet to have a bad one

Counting the weeks!

Yours Sue:)

  • (Member)
Hi Susan

You certainly are brave to book Namibia especially as you are frightened of animals and not mad on the heat. I too am not too keen on the heat, but Namibia also excites me. I am looking forward to seeing the animals as well.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya

What you really mean is I am nuts but you put it politely i.e brave. I SO want to see Namibia and on my last holiday [Mexico] met a person who explained all about safaris and convinced me that I would be safe and really enjoy one. As regards the heat 😠 [me hot] I notice that the itinery takes us out in the mornings mainly and you can 'chill' by the pool in the afternoon and also the humidity is quite low in May/June

I am looking forward to meeting you as I have read your many emails over the years

Yours Sue

  • (Member)
Hi Sue and Jaya,

I went on safari for the first time in South Africa and absolutely loved it - one of the best experiences of my life! I've also done it in Botswana and India and don't worry JY only use reputable companies and the excitement is hard to beat! Like you I don't fare well in the heat, in my case as I'm extremely fair and don't tan (I just about survived Costa Rica with mid 30sC and extremely high humidity!) and as you mention May looks like a really good time to visit Namibia, temps only mid to high 20sC and low humidity - yippee! So excited...



  • (Member)
I to have been on Safari with JY to Kenya a few years ago LOVED it, the drive are in the morning and then laze by the pool PM... Loved seeing the elephants... You will have a great time I am sure



Well I’ve done it! After reading all your comments you have convinced me and I have just booked Namibia for May 2015.

The holiday looks amazing and I have wanted to return to Africa since I did the South African Explorer with JY in 2011. I loved the beautiful scenery and the safaris in the Kruger National Park were great fun.

Glad JY have added this tour as it looks really exciting and out of the ordinary.

I believe there are now 13 people booked on this tour with 12 places left.

I’ve done quite a few JY holidays and all have been outstanding.

Looking forward to meeting you all in May and keeping in touch on the forum.


  • (Member)
Hi Cheryl,

That's great news! I also did the SA Explorer in 2011 but I don't think I was on your tour? Looking forward to meeting you next May, it should be fantastic and I too can't wait to return to Africa!

Take care,


  • (Member)
Hi Cheryl

Welcome to the gang! I did SA in 2012 and loved every second of it - hopefully Namibia will be just as good.


  • (Member)
Hi Cheryl

Great to know that you too have booked Namibia for May. So now there is Bob, Susan, Sally, Pauline, me (of course, there are others who do not use the forum!). I am sure there was someone else as well but can't remember the name. Getting very excited and looking forward to meeting you all.


  • (Member)
I think Joolsg said she had decided to do this one rather than SA.
It's great to know so many people on the tour already. I always find it a bit daunting at the start of a holiday not knowing anyone and wondering who to speak to.

Already ordered a guide to Namibia so I can learn something about the country.

Bob, I did the South Africa tour in February 2011 but I don't think you were on this one.

Looking forward to keeping in touch on the forum and meeting you all in May. Can't wait!


  • (Member)
Hi Cheryl,

I went in Sept 2011! Glad you have bought a guide book, you will be able to fill us in on any details the tour manager doesn't!!



'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Cheryl

Great to know that you too have booked Namibia for May. So now there is Bob, Susan, Sally, Pauline, me (of course, there are others who do not use the forum!). I am sure there was someone else as well but can't remember the name. Getting very excited and looking forward to meeting you all.


Hi Jaya,

Either you know another Pauline who is going on this trip or you are psychic! When you posted your reply I hadn't booked although I had asked Julia about numbers on this holiday Anyway I have booked now, I have talked about it ever since it was first mentioned so I thought I had better get it booked especially after it was on the television last Sunday.

It will be great to meet so many people who are a!ready chatting on the forum.

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Pauline

Perhaps I am psychic without knowing it! Glad you have definitely booked. Look forward to meeting the 'gang' in May. I am so excited about this trip as have already 'met' so many people on the forum. It will be great to put faces to all the names.


Well I have just paid the final deposit and booked the two excursions so this holiday feels as if it is within reach. Looking forward to chatting to you all online and, of course, meeting you.

I wondered if there is anyone travelling down from Yorkshire on the day. I will be travelling by train from Halifax and then getting the tube from St. Pancras.

I hope that someone who is on the February trip will post a review as they have been very quiet on the forum.


'Pauline71' wrote:

Well I have just paid the final deposit and booked the two excursions so this holiday feels as if it is within reach. Looking forward to chatting to you all online and, of course, meeting you.

I wondered if there is anyone travelling down from Yorkshire on the day. I will be travelling by train from Halifax and then getting the tube from St. Pancras.

I hope that someone who is on the February trip will post a review as they have been very quiet on the forum.


Hi Pauline,

Many thanks for your email. Like you, I haven't heard of many people doing the Canadian holiday which is a bit disconcerting but I did find out there is a lady going on the same holiday as myself from my home town!! How much of a coincidence is that!! I hope you have a good holiday, what date do you go? I will be in touch when I get back from my holiday. luvpxx

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