Hi Pauline

Yes, I settled up over the weekend too. I'm off to see the Travel Nurse at my doctors this week as my Typhoid jab is up for a booster and also to get a few Malaria tablets. I thought long and hard about whether to bother with Malaria tablets as we are only in the high risk area for a couple of days (Etosha) but I remembered that I always get bitten by the little critters so I will probably play it safe.

I'm afraid I can't help with the travel - I am lucky enough to live close to Heathrow but will be getting there early enough to have a decent dinner as I find plane food somewhat lacking!

I was also wondering about the Feb trip but as it dropped off the system I couldn't remember when they left to know when they were due back. Hopefully someone will take pity on us soon.

Hi Pauline,

I'm off on 27th May, are you off at about the same time?


Many thanks for your email. Like you, I haven't heard of many people doing the Canadian holiday which is a bit disconcerting but I did find out there is a lady going on the same holiday as myself from my home town!! How much of a coincidence is that!! I hope you have a good holiday, what date do you go? I will be in touch when I get back from my holiday. luvpxx

Yes I am going to see the Travel Nurse at the end of the month. I've chatted with my daughter about this, she's a Travel Nurse, and I think I will be getting Malaria tablets although I would prefer not to, but better to be safe than sorry. I don't think I will arrive early enough to have a meal but there should be plenty of snacks in the airport lounge.

See you there!


'Pauline71' wrote:

Hi Pauline,

I'm off on 27th May, are you off at about the same time?


Many thanks for your email. Like you, I haven't heard of many people doing the Canadian holiday which is a bit disconcerting but I did find out there is a lady going on the same holiday as myself from my home town!! How much of a coincidence is that!! I hope you have a good holiday, what date do you go? I will be in touch when I get back from my holiday. luvpxx

Hi Ya,

We fly out on 10th May and return to England on 21st May.

Will be thinking of you lapping up all that sun!!


  • (Member)
Hi Sally

I saw the travel nurse on Wednesday and had 3 jabs - typhoid, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. I need to go back twice to get the 2nd and 3rd dose of Hepatitis A (I think). We looked at the itinerary and the nurse said there was no need for malaria tablets. I am usually okay as mosquitos stay away from me, but I may bring along a spray just in case. Apparently I found out when I was in Marrakech that jasmine oil keeps the mosquitos at bay. I bought some and will try it out in Namibia! I too have booked the 2 excursions though was a bit wary about Dolphin trip as was not sure if the sea is going to be rough or not. I decided to take a chance and am going to buy the wrist bands and hopefully this will work. I did not want to miss anything. I have also purchased South African Rands so am almost ready for the trip.


  • (Member)
Hi I think the folks on the Feb trip are back this weekend, so hopefully one of them will write a review. I'll contact my medical centre when I get back from Iceland but am hoping I won't need any more jabs or malaria tablets! I thought Etosha is in a high risk area? So looking forward to this holiday, I bought a new bridge camera with a massive 65x zoom, so I'm looking forward to trying it out on safari!!



'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Sally

I saw the travel nurse on Wednesday and had 3 jabs - typhoid, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. I need to go back twice to get the 2nd and 3rd dose of Hepatitis A (I think). We looked at the itinerary and the nurse said there was no need for malaria tablets. I am usually okay as mosquitos stay away from me, but I may bring along a spray just in case. Apparently I found out when I was in Marrakech that jasmine oil keeps the mosquitos at bay. I bought some and will try it out in Namibia! I too have booked the 2 excursions though was a bit wary about Dolphin trip as was not sure if the sea is going to be rough or not. I decided to take a chance and am going to buy the wrist bands and hopefully this will work. I did not want to miss anything. I have also purchased South African Rands so am almost ready for the trip.


Hi Jaya,

You are organised. I have my appointment with the travel nurse booked for later this month. I'm hoping I won't need much in the way of jabs as I was only in South Africa/Zambia in 2011. Interesting about not needing malaria tablets so I'll see what my nurse says.

I'll probably still get some wrist bands as I found them very effective last time and some good old zeet spray. I haven't booked either of the additional excursions yet but I will definitely be doing the Dolphin trip.

Look forward to meeting up again in a couple of months.


Julie White
Hello Julia,

Will the Namibia trip be running in 2016? I cant find it on your website as it been taken down.

Regards Julie

  • (Member)
Hi Julie,

The team are working on the 2016 dates for this tour as I type and they should be included in the next brochure which is out in May.

Kindest regards,


Blimey Bob - with that lens you won't need to leave your house. You'll be able to see the animals from your sofa. Atleast that will solve the malaria issue! According to fitfortravel website Etosha is in a high risk area so that is Days 9-11 only. Despite using the wrist and ankle bands and the 50% Deet I still get nibbled at so I have a prescription for 12 malarone (2+3+7) and will send to Travelpharm for the pills (£2.25 each).

As you say, hopefully someone on the Feb trip will take pity on us and post a review.

Julie - fingers crossed they run this trip next year. It sold out really quickly so hopefully you'll be okay. Seeing that Canadian elephants were spotted in Toronto, I've now got my eye out for an African Polar Bear.......!

See you Sunday Bob - make sure you bring your waterproofs as the forecast is looking pretty damp.

  • (Member)
Hi Sally, that's what I thought about Etosha all right - I have some malarone from my trip to India that I didn't use and they are still in date! Like you I do tend to get bitten despite bands, deet etc!

Yes I saw the weather forecast for Iceland for next week - it is looking wet indeed! Hopefully we'll still be able to enjoy the excursions and won't get too soggy!

And to anyone who was on the Feb trip to Namibia, please do write a review we'd love to hear how you got on!!



  • (Member)
Hi Mike

Look forward to seeing you again in couple of month's time. I decided to see the travel nurse sooner rather than later to make sure I get all the jabs on time. Just the last dose of Hep A left, which I get in 2 weeks' time. Had the second dose this morning. I have never used the mosquito spray, but think will get some for this trip just in case. Getting very excited. Also hope someone from February trip will post a detailed review.


  • (Member)
Hi All,

I've posted a review of the February trip. If anyone has any questions then I will try and answer them.



Julie White
Firstly have a fantastic time in Iceland Sally and Bob.

You will love every minute of it .I am envious of the whale watching.

Sally keep you eye out for an Icelandic giraffe I hear they are popular in that part of the world.

Hopefully I will get to see an Africa polar bear next year if I get the chance to book Namibia.

I will be waiting patiently Bob for one of your fantastic reviews.

Warm regards Julie

  • (Member)
Hi Julie,

Many thanks for your kind words, I'll do my best on the review front! Apart from hoping for Namibia next year, have you any more holidays planned?

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
'Julie wrote:

Firstly have a fantastic time in Iceland Sally and Bob.

You will love every minute of it .I am envious of the whale watching.

Sally keep you eye out for an Icelandic giraffe I hear they are popular in that part of the world.

Hopefully I will get to see an Africa polar bear next year if I get the chance to book Namibia.

I will be waiting patiently Bob for one of your fantastic reviews.

Warm regards Julie

Hi Julie,

Very envious of Sally and Bob. Am having my hip done next month, hence no holidays booked for 2015 which is driving me nuts! I am desperate to go to Namibia, so hopefully JY will put it on for 2016 when I will be raring to go! It would be great to meet up again.



'Julie wrote:

Firstly have a fantastic time in Iceland Sally and Bob.

You will love every minute of it .I am envious of the whale watching.

Sally keep you eye out for an Icelandic giraffe I hear they are popular in that part of the world.

Hopefully I will get to see an Africa polar bear next year if I get the chance to book Namibia.

I will be waiting patiently Bob for one of your fantastic reviews.

Warm regards Julie

Hi Julie

Also looking at Africa next year (mainly to add to my collection of exotic animals in unexpected places!!!! oh those Canadian elephants!) Just read the excellent February review of Namibia - sounds exciting - may post a few questions later - went to a wildlife talk on Namibia recently - amazing photos - not sure when is best for wildlife spotting.

Hope OZ was wonderful for you - where next?

Hi Julie

I understand the Icelandic giraffe migrates to Greenland at this time of year so I'm not too hopeful............! The review of Namibia sounds fantastic - I'm trying to put it to one side so that it doesn't overshadow the Iceland trip but it is sooooo hard. I'm sure between us we'll convince you to go for it in 2016.


Julie White
Hello Sally,

I definitely want to go to Namibia next year.

This year I am going to Japan in October and Vietnam and Cambodia for Christmas.

Another exciting year ahead !!!!

Enjoy Iceland

  • (Member)
Hi Julie,

Japan as well as Vietnam and Cambodia, that is fantastic! You will have to write a review of the Japan tour as I would love to know more about it - I hope to do it in two or three years if JY still offer it!

Happy travelling,


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