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Hello my name is Dawn and I love travelling but have never done any solo tours and suffer from extreme anxiety so not been brave enough yet to make the final decision as I'm nervous about the first steps of the journey at the airport doing all the process alone. Is anyone going on this trip that I could meet up with at airport? Thought it was worth an ask. 

i was also looking at the new one with Boston New York and Washington for September 2024 and Greast eastern explorer in USA for September 2023 if not doung one above. Anyone on any of those? Thanks 😊 

Hi Dawn 

I did Canadian tour last September it was amazing . Honestly i did things on my bucket I had always wanted to do a helicopter ride,  water rafting I have made new friends  . You can join in as much as you like or a little as you want to . everyone chats to you and you will be fine . For me I get nervous about getting to the airport on time  so I always travel the day befor if you can afford it  . 

I going to New York in September  with JY 👍 

enjoy your trip . 

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you so much for your reply. I will be brave and book tomorrow so I get in the January draw! Just hope someone comes forward on here to say they are going as it would be nice to meet someone at the airport to tag along with! 

Enjoy New York I have been fortunate to go and it's amazing will go back one day! Probably when I do the Grand East! 

Hi Dawn

I hope you've taken the plunge and booked, I know how scary that feels but you won't regret it.

I'd advise you to make sure you put one of your luggage labels on your hand luggage, that will help anyone else on the tour to spot you and say hello, Also look out for others with the label and be brave and say hello to them.

There will be a JY rep at the airport, usually somewhere near the check in area, and you can always stay with them until someone else who is also on your tour turns up. 

Have a great time whichever trip you choos. I did the Rocky Mountaineer trip in 2018, it's a fabulous country.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you for your reply.. yes I booked it yesterday 😬 so nervous. Apparently they don't have representives at the airports now as much and your tour guide is the other side! I've booked the Canada and New England in the fall trip for October 2nd I just hope someone else is going that comments on the thread would be nice to meet someone at the airport. 
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An update.. I'm all booked for Canada and New England in the fall on 2nd October this year.  As seen in oroginal post it will be my first holiday with Just You so incredibly nervous and anxious. Is anyone else booked on this? Would be great to meet someone in Heathrow at checkin? 


I am all booked and will be on the Canada and New England in the fall on 2nd October . Very excited, as Ive always wanted to go to Canada, but nervous too.

Sure it will be amazing.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Wow that's amazing. I am so glad you commented. It is my first solo tour so I'm really nervous. I get lost so easily so I am a bit anxious as well. Would you mind meeting in the airport to go through checkin together? Have you done other holidays or is it a first for you as well? ☺️

It is my first solo trip, and its been a long time since I went abroad, so hope processes at airport arent too much of a challenge.

It will be lovely to start meking new friends at the airport. 


I've booked this holiday too - my second Just You trip, but the last was 10 years ago - so feeling very much like a newbie. Glad there will be people to look out for at Heathrow 😊! 

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Unfortunately I won't see you on this holiday now as I have changed my holiday to the west coast and hoping to do something similar to this next year. Enjoy though as it looks amazing ☺️
Kate O
  • (Member)
Hello all

I'll be going to Canada and New England on 2nd October.  This will be my 2nd Just You holiday, my first being Peru in 2019.  I'm really looking forward to it but the Covid break has made it feel a long time since my last 'solo adventure'.

I really look forward to meeting everyone.