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Hi there

Can you please advise if there are any specific requirements when arranging travel insurance for Iran?

Thank you


  • (Member)
Hi Sandra,

We haven't be advised that you require any additional cover however, when buying your travel insurance it is worth checking that Iran is a destination covered by your policy.

Kindest regards,


Angie S
Hi Sandra,

I have a bog standard Aviva annual multi trip policy and before I renewed in December I carefully read the policy in there is absolutely nothing in it that excludes Iran.

When you go to the embassy for your visa as you know you must produce a copy of your travel insurance which must show you have evacuation and repatriation cover. My understanding is that this comes as standard under a good quality travel insurance product (basically, each policy is different so do check). My cover comes under the "repatriation" under the section on Emergency Medical Expenses. 

Where are you with going to the embassy? I've still to hear back from JY after sending in my education/employment history. I'm not as far down the process at this stage as what I thought I would be.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Angie S' wrote:

Hi Sandra,

I have a bog standard Aviva annual multi trip policy and before I renewed in December I carefully read the policy in there is absolutely nothing in it that excludes Iran.

When you go to the embassy for your visa as you know you must produce a copy of your travel insurance which must show you have evacuation and repatriation cover. My understanding is that this comes as standard under a good quality travel insurance product (basically, each policy is different so do check). My cover comes under the "repatriation" under the section on Emergency Medical Expenses. 

Where are you with going to the embassy? I've still to hear back from JY after sending in my education/employment history. I'm not as far down the process at this stage as what I thought I would be.


Hi Angie

I have annual travel insurance covering Europe and UK, but buy a single trip policy when I go out of Europe, which is usually once every two years, so I'm starting from scratch.

Thanks for the tips re evacuation and repatriation cover - I will look at that specifically (and Aviva).

I had thought that the travel insurance had to specify Iran on it.

As for the embassy, I too thought we would be further down the line, but since they requested all the information up front, I'm hoping that the trip to the embassy will be more of a formality and not take too long.

One thing to be aware of, I asked Just You what would happen in the event of the visa being refused and they replied that standard cancellation charges apply, so from the beginning of August that would be 50% of the cost of the holiday. Obviously, the nearer to the holiday date, the higher the cancellation charge would be, so that also adds to my concern that the visa process is not as far along as I would like.

I would not be happy to get to August, have my visa declined and then lose 50% of my hard earned holiday money and the embassy has not issued an authentication number yet.


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'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sandra,

We haven't be advised that you require any additional cover however, when buying your travel insurance it is worth checking that Iran is a destination covered by your policy.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Julia.

I will do a bit more investigating.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sandra,

We haven't be advised that you require any additional cover however, when buying your travel insurance it is worth checking that Iran is a destination covered by your policy.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

One other question - is the September 2017 Iran trip running? If so, have the visas been obtained from the embassy yet?

  • (Member)
Hi Sandra,

The September trip has been given the green light to go ahead.

In terms of the Visas, our team have applied for the authorisation code. As soon as this has been received, we'll be contacting our customers with instructions and an application form so they can arrange their own visa direct with the embassy in London.

Kindest regards,


Angie S
Hi Sandra,

It did go through my head on Saturday when I paid the balance of the holiday I hope I get my visa ok. I'm worried I go all the way to London and get one little thing wrong and I need to go back ... and also maybe be declined.  I'm not letting it worry me too much however as I've not read any bad stories - I'm sure it will be fine -  fingers crossed!

I think with travel insurance most reputable insurers are not too fussed where you go but just want you to comply with foreign office advice which with JY we will be doing. But you do have to check the policy wording or give the company a quick call. I gave Aviva a quick call to be 100% sure and they didn't bat an eyelid on Iran as it's within my permitted territorial limt - worldwide excl Trump land.

It's less than 80 days to go. Things should be happening soon!!

I've a feeling this post is going to come out weird looking again - not sure what my mobile phone does!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sandra,

The September trip has been given the green light to go ahead.

In terms of the Visas, our team have applied for the authorisation code. As soon as this has been received, we'll be contacting our customers with instructions and an application form so they can arrange their own visa direct with the embassy in London.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Julia

One last question.

Has anyone on the September or October trip received their authentication number from the embassy yet?


Good Afternoon Sandra,

I have spoken to our visa team and they have informed me that no one has received their Authorisation numbers yet.

As soon as we receive we will forward on the number & application form, so they can arrange their visas direct with the embassy.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Moderator2' wrote:

Good Afternoon Sandra,

I have spoken to our visa team and they have informed me that no one has received their Authorisation numbers yet.

As soon as we receive we will forward on the number & application form, so they can arrange their visas direct with the embassy.

I hope this helps.

Kind Regards,


Thanks Mildred

I will just have to be patient!

Kind regards


  • (Member)
Hello everyone going to Iran

Stay positive and good things will happen. I am sure you all will get your Visas on time without any problems. Have a great time in Iran.

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hello everyone going to Iran

Stay positive and good things will happen.  I am sure you all will get your Visas on time without any problems.  Have a great time in Iran.

Best wishes


Thank you!

Angie S
I've been told today that JY have just got the authorisation codes for the September tour to allow folks to go to the embassy -  departs 9/9. It's all a bit close to the wire for my liking.

I've warned my boss I may need days off at short notice to go to London. I hope I'm in her good books!!!

I was hoping to plan a trip to London and not get ripped off with last minute arrangements. Ah well the roller coaster ride continues. 

Feeling nervous.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Angie S' wrote:

I've been told today that JY have just got the authorisation codes for the September tour to allow folks to go to the embassy -  departs 9/9. It's all a bit close to the wire for my liking.

I've warned my boss I may need days off at short notice to go to London. I hope I'm in her good books!!!

I was hoping to plan a trip to London and not get ripped off with last minute arrangements. Ah well the roller coaster ride continues. 

Feeling nervous.


Hi Angie

That is very close to the wire!

I'm in Turkey for a week from September 5th to 13th, so will definitely not be going up to the Embassy before the 14th September, even if I get my authentication number.

Let's hope I get my visa in time or no trip to Iran and no money back from Just You..................

Once you know when you are coming down to London and assuming I'm not on holiday, I will try and either get my Embassy visit for the same day or work in the London office and come and meet you, if you would like to have a chat before we go - that applies to anyone else who is on the same trip.

What would be great would be a review of the September Iran trip before we go!


Angie S
Yeah Sandra,

Will definitely keep in touch and see how things pan out for possibly meeting up.

I'm sure it will all be fine in the end. We'll just need to go with the flow and be ready for a visit to London at short notice.

I was reading stuff on the internet last night. What I was reading is that you leave your passport at the consulate and it's posted to you a few days later with the visa. Or you can pay a good bit more to get that day. Don't take this as gospel though as things change. I read they are not too concerned with the content of the form as long as you don't mention Israel. They are more interested in the authorisation number and your money!

As well as a learning curve for us and future travellers it must be for JY too. It's a pity no one on the forum is on the September tour for feedback on everything!

We'll laugh about it one day.


  • (Member)
Hi Everyone going to Iran

I am sure you all will receive your Visa. Surely Iran wants your money and would like more tourists to go there so they will not make life difficult for you all. Think of it as an adventure!


Angie S
Be careful what you wish for ... visa application complete with application ID waiting for me when I got home tonight (Friday).

Now a trip to London to arrange. 

Sandra if you are up for exchanging email addresses perhaps JY can put us in touch.

Jaya thanks for trying to keep us calm!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have just received my authentication form from Just You so that is great news. I cant go to the embassy until i am back from Turkey mid September but that still leaves four weeks to get the visa. Now i feel like i will really go to Iran!
Good Morning Sandra,

If you reply to this thread that you are happy to exchange details, then we can arrange this for you.

Kind Regards,


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