On a slightly different note, one of the things that I noticed is that the newer long haul holidays are starting to become very expensive. A lot of the haul holidays are now far outside of my price range starting at over £4,000 before I even think about spending money etc.
Julie White
Hello Kerry,

I totally agree the prices have considerably increased.  I understand there might be slight increases because of the fluctuations in the sterling,  but these prices are getting silly.  Hopefully they will start looking at the costs or I might have to think about alternatives.

Regards Julie

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia/Mildred,

I hope the comments made by myself, Kerry, Julie and others will be passed on to the powers that be - we have been very loyal JY customers over the years and I personally want to continue travelling with JY for decades to come but if the prices on the long haul tours increase any further, I will have to cut back on the number of holidays I take with you.  Next year, I'm considering a couple of European breaks instead of my usual two long haul tours due to the increases.  This is very frustrating but the budget only stretches so far!

All the best,


  • (Member)

I totally agree with Bob. I too will have to cut back the number of holidays I take with Just You due to steep price increases and may be look elsewhere for the long haul holidays.



  • (Member)
Whilst agreeing with everyone on the cost of long haul holidays, I am still very happy with the cost of the Breathtaking New Zealand this year in October. A lot of effort went into looking at every other tour group, JY being the best option as a solo traveller. I did notice however in the new brochure that the cost for the same week in 2018 is £5919 against £4999 this year, almost £1,000 extra. Thank goodness I am going this year as that difference is my spending money :dodgy: 


  • (Member)
I agree with Bob and the rest who have referred to the prices of the long haul holidays. Starting at £3,500/£4,000 is not an option for me. Also I have noticed a significant increase in the cost of optional excursions. The trip I am about to go on has the optional trips at £60 and £80. Another company I go with charge £40/£50 for similar excursions. With so many companys  beginning to offer singles holidays or low single supplements JY will begin to lose out. After traveling with JY for so many years I will be sorry to have to look elswhere.
I haven't had a new brochure yet either, and that coupled with the fact that my review of the Catalonian Coast trip, which was sent for moderation early yesterday morning is still not posted, and no response from JY yet about my accident at the start of the holiday, leaves me extremely disappointed. :huh:
Good Afternoon Bosuncat,

A brochure has been sent to you. It should arrive in a couple of days.

In regards to your review, a member of our customer service team will be in contact with you very soon- My apologies.

Kind Regards,


'Moderator2' wrote:

Good Afternoon Bosuncat,

A brochure has been sent to you. It should arrive in a couple of days.

In regards to your review, a member of our customer service team will be in contact with you very soon- My apologies.

Kind Regards,


Thank you Mildred.  It's unusual for me not to get a brochure straight away.

  • (Member)

Given the selection already on offer I'm somewhat relieved there aren't a load of new tours in the new brochure. I already have a wish list which will keep me going for the next few years. 

Having blown my years holiday budget on just one holiday this year I, like many others, have already cut back on the number of holidays I take. On close inspection some of the holidays do appear to have remained a similar price next year to this year, but I agree the long hauls are getting very expensive. I have always enjoyed travelling with JY and will probably continue to do so, it just won't be as often as I would have liked. 


I suspect that the hike in prices maybe the result of the resent take over of JY

and the new owners wanting to recoup their money and start making a profit

as soon as possible.


I can't help agreeing with you Dave.
It has been said before on this forum that JY is on the way to becoming an elitist singles company for the 'well heeled" as the average working/retired single person can no longer afford their tours esp. long haul.  Another well known tour operator has recently started doing singles tours at over £1000 less than JY for a almost identical trip, albeit they have limited destinations which I expect will be added to in 2018 as they are proving to be popular.  There is also an Irish company who now does 'solo friendly' thus dispensing of the single supplement, some of their trips are nearly half the price of JY.  Another company includes door to door pickup, connecting flights and visas in the price worth £300 - 500.

When I started going with JY I had to book up to a year in advance but it's not like that now at all.  Last time I checked Central America there were only 6 booked and the second departure cancelled.  No wonder considering the price and few meals included other than breakfast.  I see a lot of the new long hauls have few meals included which leads to the 'group' splitting up with some eating from supermarkets in their room as they have been left on their own and these trips are where eating out is cheap e.g. Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Central America, Chile Arg. & Brazil (one dinner!).  A tour manager once told me JY include the meals where food is cheap, not the case any more it seems!

I would have thought being taken over by a bigger group would have reduced the prices.

Like some of the others contributing to this subject I also will be reducing the number of long hauls taken with JY and other singles companies to probably 1 or 2 a year and looking to other companies to see the rest of the world even if there are couples on the trips.  I do not use the singles cos. for Europe as the tours are too short when you add hotels/connecting flights and choose to use local companies where I can fly from direct from Belfast or Dublin.

I like JY because it is for any age group as is Solos, the other 2 predominant ones are over 50 with the majority of the groups being over 70, makes me feel 'young' of course, but I do like a good portion of the group to be younger than me!!

I hope this feedback is passed on to the JY tour organisers and their new owner, if it isn't I fear that there will be no new tours, bookings will be down and a lot of the existing tours taken off.  As hotels take up most of the cost maybe new hotels should be looked at coming down a star, not much time is spent in them anyway and as long as they are clean and centrally located, that is all you need.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Daphne,

I agree with most of what you have said and really feel JY need to listen to what we are saying.  However, I disagree with the suggestion that hotel quality could be downgraded in order to save on costs - in my experience of both long and short haul JY tours, the hotel quality is generally good; some hotels have been outstanding and a few have been disappointing.  I am not particularly fussy; however I have encountered many people on JY tours whose primary complaint has been to do with the quality of hotels - food, facilities etc. and I think if JY went for more basic hotels, then many of their customers would be up in arms about it!  It never ceases to amaze me the number of people on holiday who moan if there are not tea/coffee making facilities in the rooms, or if there is no hairdryer/ironing board etc.  I know I'm just a bloke but I really don't care what I look like while on holiday and I can do without tea for a week or two!!!  Now if there was no bar, then that would be another story...

All the best,


Think everyone has some good points.   Re the costs, agree its probable the new owners are having an effect on pricing, and maybe not in a good way.  But, I haven't had next year's brochures from other tour groups yet, so can't see where other companies prices are going.

I've just finished a 10 day Iceland trip with another tour group and their prices were higher for those who booked the trip later (I fortunately booked early on).  A big topic of conversation was how much more this company were charging for this holiday the same time next year - and Iceland is scary expensive, very relieved that all breakfasts and evening meals were included in my trip + I went this year.  (I notice JY only include 2 evening meals in their current offering.). Think Iceland may be an outlier costs-wise anyway.

Daphne, I've also noticed the group that started offering single holidays this year.  Am waiting for their 2018 brochures as I would like to do their India with Shimla trip next year, which I hope they will still offer to solo travellers.  (Also their Oz trip with Darwin looks great but only offered in main brochure so far.)

I'm one who wouldn't go if the hotels were downgraded, though will put up with the one night stays in not great US motels and the poor breakfasts, mostly I like to be comfortable.  I'm not fussed about tea and coffee making, nor hair dryers.  BUT good wifi is absolutely essential IMO .....


Hi All

I'm not fussed about rooms having tea, coffee, hair dryers and iron/ironing board. I would not want to see JY drop the standards of hotels - I've had some ghastly hotels with them anyway! And, I'm already dipping my toes in other holiday companies, some catering for solos and others paying the supplement. It's the content of the holiday against price that attracts me rather than the company. Like Katy, I'm going on a 10 day tour of Iceland soon, having discounted another company as the cost was £1K more expensive!

As for travels next year I think I'll have to consult the bank manager....



I would not like too see hotels  downgraded either.  I've stayed in some pretty basic hotels on JY tours around the world anyway. Any further drop in standards would certainly have me looking elsewhere. I don't want to pay more than I need, but do expect value for money. I will definitely not consider US holidays if paper plates and plastic cutlery is becoming the norm.  I particularly travelling with like all age JY groups, but for once age is on my side as I am eligible for the over fifties company's, who, by the way, although more expensive than JY on brochure price, offer ranges of included extras such as airport transport, insurance, dinners and lunches, wine with evening meals, complimentary water and more included excursions, and are often better value  overall than JY hen these are taken into consideration.
Hi guys - well something's got to give and it sure won't be the airfares!  I recently went to India with one of the over 50s singles companies and had the most dreadful experience with supposedly 4* hotels in N Delhi and Jaipur, 7 out of 15 nights I had damp (beds), noisy and stinking rooms, got little sleep, got bronchitis......... no monetary compensation offered, just a token off another trip with them (I think they know I won't be using them again).  It needs to be really bad before I complain about a room and this was!  

With JY the only bad rooms I ever had were in Cuba where nearly everybody complained every day, I just put up with them as we only had 1 or 2 nights in them and it was Cuba after all.  They will need to up the anti now the Yanks are coming.......

Still the question is why is the Irish company and the new Solos division of the well known tour company able to offer almost identical tours using 4* hotels for so much less??  Also I have stayed in many 3* hotels which were absolutely fine.  The Irish company often offers a tour where you can choose 3 or 4* with the 3* sometimes being more central. 

There is also the question of flight upgrades which also seem to be higher with JY than other companies........... but that's another story.


Hopefully JY/GA will take all the comments on board and have a rethink over the exorbitant prices of some of their tours.

  • (Member)
I too do not want to see hotel standards downgraded. The last thing that I want is to be stuck in an out-of-the-way hotel, eating breakfast in a corner of reception, off a paper plate with plastic cutlery and drinking coffee from a polystyrene mug! I expect a centrally located hotel with reasonable public areas, a restaurant where I can eat breakfast, a decent bar (most important!) and a clean, comfortable and spacious room. A kettle and some tea/coffee sachets with a few milk cartons doesn't seem to be asking too much either, but it's not essential. I refuse to do ironing (I'm on holiday!) so I won't be needing an ironing board.

Regarding prices, I'm still amazed at JY 's insistence that there are NO single supplements included in their holiday prices. Much as I like the company, and have enjoyed many holidays with them over the years, I do feel that it is somewhat disingenuous of them to continue with this claim. To further my point, I took a little time recently to compare the prices of JY's tour of Chile, Argentina & Brazil with the exact same tour itinerary (and same hotels) offered by TS. If I take the Nov 2018 departures as an example, there is a significant difference between the JY price and that quoted by TS including the single room supplement. For the main tour only, JY customers pay an additional £201 over the TS+SRS price, which increases to over £400 if you opt for the Rio extension. This does seem rather steep to say the least, for a farewell dinner and an executive lounge pass, neither of which are supplied by TS. And if you compare JY's price for the Nov 2018 departure with the TS 'standard' price in Nov, we pay an extra £1001 - equating to a single room supplement for 11 nights of £91 a night. Perhaps someone at JY could explain this price structure in a little more detail?

Maybe I could find other similar examples if I took the time to trawl through the TS brochure, but I do feel that single room supplements are being used to put unjustifiable (or at least questionable) increases onto many of our holiday prices. Most, if not all, JY customers know that we pay a supplement for single occupancy of a double room, and expect to do so at a reasonable cost. So please JY...don't try to kid us -.and most importantly PLEASE don't rip us off!


  • (Member)
'SarahS' wrote:

I would not like too see hotels  downgraded either.  I've stayed in some pretty basic hotels on JY tours around the world anyway. Any further drop in standards would certainly have me looking elsewhere. I don't want to pay more than I need, but do expect value for money. I will definitely not consider US holidays if paper plates and plastic cutlery is becoming the norm.  I particularly travelling with like all age JY groups, but for once age is on my side as I am eligible for the over fifties company's, who, by the way, although more expensive than JY on brochure price, offer ranges of included extras such as airport transport, insurance, dinners and lunches, wine with evening meals, complimentary water and more included excursions, and are often better value  overall than JY hen these are taken into consideration.


I have just come back from a independent Week holiday 8 days in New York close to Times Square   I would say 3 * no,way could I  afford Times Square itself, NO food just the room, 2nd hotel over in Long Island 5* breakfast was included, all,paper plates, bowls, cups and plastic cutlery..  

It is the norm unfortunately I am afraid, I have been travelling to the states for the last 25 years...
