penny carter
I have just returned from a great holiday in Croatia with JY. However, with the new brochure arriving a couple of days before going away, several people on my trip and myself began a discussion on the prices in the new brochure and I'm sorry to say, JY, but everyone said that they are now going to be looking at other companies because they feel that JY are getting too expensive. Indeed, 2 ladies said that this JY holiday will be their last for that very reason. I'm sure similar discussions are taking place as we speak.

I have travelled with JY for 9 years and have always had good holidays. I was hoping to go to New Zealand next year but noticed that on my chosen date, the price had gone up by a staggering £800 ! I have now changed my mind! 

I have put off booking next year's holiday with JY and have started looking at other companies who offer solos holidays and they are now better value than JY in several cases. Solo travel is on the increase and more and more companies are seeing a future market in this.

I have read the comments that other people have made on the prices in the new brochure and I'm concerned that JY have not responded to anyone on this subject. I think you should take a look at your competitors, JY, and see what you're up against. As with car insurance, energy companies etc. people will shop around for the best deal. Please be careful - you are in danger of pricing yourself out of the market! 



The above article was in the Daily mail in 2015 which I'm sure people have seen. The price of some of the hotels is ridiculous even for a single.

I don't think the tour operators such as JY, TS, etc choose the hotels anyway, they may pick the airlines to join up with a tour organised by a third party in the country and hotels are included in this which is why they can't use the direct flight to Costa Rica - other tour companies do tho. I remember a company called Compass was used somewhere and if those on the first trip to Borneo May 2016 remember there was a rep on board from the company organising the tour checking everything out including the hotels which no doubt her company had booked, she said some things would be tweaked for the next tour.

So maybe JY/TS should shop around with tour organisers in the countries concerned or cut their profit margin.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike and others,

I agree that the "no single supplement" tagline isn't strictly accurate - I suppose what it really means is that the supplement is included in the price quoted and there are no "extras" for single accommodation in a double room.  I too would like that slogan dropped.  Regarding the difference between JY and TS + single supplement prices for (almost) identical holidays, the way I've always understood it goes something like this:  TS negotiate the room deal with hotels on the basis that the vast majority of rooms will be double occupancy with just a couple or so for singles e.g. 16 rooms for couples and 4 for singles on a tour.  On the other hand, JY have to negotiate a deal with the hotel for exclusively single occupancy e.g. 20 rooms for singles, and consequently may well be charged a higher overall cost for the group booking, making the tour more expensive for JY to run than it would be for TS.  Perhaps if I've got that wrong Julia or Mildred could correct me! 

This still doesn't explain the huge price hikes for many of the long haul tours for next year however.  As things stand it looks like I will just be doing short haul next year and will take two holidays in 2019 instead of three.  I realise I'm still incredibly fortunate to be able to do this, as many people struggle to be able to afford one holiday away per year, but from JY's point of view, they will be missing out.  Most of the people I meet on JY's long haul tours take several holidays a year and I'm sure many of them are now thinking about having to cut back as well - or go elsewhere.  Hopefully the new brochure in September will show a re-think and a reduction in prices - it's not too late JY!!!



  • (Member)
We are delighted that so many of you have taken the time to explore our new Just You brochure. There’s been a lot of chatter and questions posed regarding our latest pricing, especially on long-haul holidays, and the labelling of ‘new’ tours. As always we appreciate your feedback and have therefore addressed the key points for you below.

‘New’ Tours

Since September 2016 we launched 47 brand new tours, these are completely new itineraries. This number excludes tours which have undergone itinerary revision and upgrades. We label tours as ‘New’ in our brochures until the first departure has operated, a policy that we have been consistent with for several years. Hence, a tour may therefore be labelled as ‘New’ in consecutive brochures prior to the first departure given how far in advance we promote our holidays.


Many of you have rightly identified that some of our prices have increased and have cited examples of specific holidays and departure dates. On average we have seen our long-haul prices increase by 2.8% and our short-haul prices increase by 1.9%. There are of course a small number of individual tours that have increased more than this due to specific market and destination conditions. New Zealand is an example of this where excess demand and limited supply of appropriate accommodation continues to drive price increases.

We have done all we can to mitigate price rises whilst maintaining the high standards of service delivery and value for money that you deserve. However, uncontrollable market factors including adverse currency variations, airline costs and oil related price fluctuations have continued to impact costs.

There has been no change in our pricing policy following our recent acquisition and if anything, the strength of the wider group has enabled us to minimise increases.

We will be continuing to closely monitor all costs and external market factors and will of course look to pass on any savings to you, our customers as soon as we can.

As always we listen very carefully to your feedback and hope that we have addressed your questions, we’d like to thank you for your continued loyalty and we look forward to welcoming you soon on your next Just You holiday.

From the Just You team.

  • (Member)
Thanks Julia

As always you have given a clear and concise response.  We may not agree with some of the sentiment expressed but appreciate the clarity.

Bet wishes

  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

Many thanks for your explanation regarding the difference between a JY price and a TS+single room supplement price. Your reasoning does indeed sound valid, but I'm not sure that it completely explains why JY customers are faced with such a significant price increase v TS (with single room supplement) on the tour that I mentioned.

Anyway, I'd like JY to consider dispensing with the charade that there are no single supplements - particularly when it states in the brochure 'that it can be frustrating to be charged extra for travelling on your own'. Well...we ARE charged extra, and while we'd all agree that it's frustrating, we all recognise that's just the way it is.

Julia - many thanks for your detailed explanation regarding 'New' Tours and Pricing. You continue, as always, to help us gain a clearer insight into the inner workings of JY, and your efforts on behalf of us all are very much appreciated.

I do hope that JY will take note of the many valid comments on this thread regarding hotel standards, brochure information and, most importantly, price increases. It will be sad indeed, if previously loyal members of the 'JY family' are forced to look elsewhere for their holiday choices.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone,

Mike, thanks for your comments and I agree with what you've said.

Julia, many thanks for your detailed response, as always it's appreciated.  However I disagree with the maths - many, if not most, long haul tours have gone up by hundreds and several have gone up between £500 - £1000 so the percentage increase quoted cannot be correct.

Anyhow, I await the September brochure and the promised new Romania tour (amongst others, I hope!) and then I will be deciding where I go next year...and I still hold out hope that price reductions will be seriously considered by the team.

Best wishes,


Julia, thanks for the explanations. I did wonder if the takeover by G Adventures was having an effect on pricing. But from what you say, this appears to be in a good way. Some of us look into all of this in some detail, and there are often some real anomalies - for instance, was looking at the new tour Florida and the Old South and the price for the March tour is £500 more than the September and November trips and £300 more than June; does seem surprising that March is so much more than eg September (and, of course, March looks like the only time I would be able to do the trip).

Bob, thanks for putting up a rationale for the pricing of hotel rooms for TS and JY tours - I think this could explain some of it. +Hotels prefer 2 people in a room, as they hope for 2 lots of extras rather than one - although I always think this reasoning is very suspect as I think solo travellers tend to meet up in the hotel bar (if there is one) and may stay there, whereas a couple may just head out without stopping at their hotel bar.

Would like to get started on booking 2018, but am currently waiting on JY's ski trips (if any) and dates for 2018 Oz tour from another tour company so I can fix those first before looking again at what else I can do.


'katy1717' wrote:

Julia, thanks for the explanations.  I did wonder if the takeover by G Adventures was having an effect on pricing.  But from what you say, this appears to be in a good way.  Some of us look into all of this in some detail, and there are often some real anomalies - for instance, was looking at the new tour Florida and the Old South and the price for the March tour is £500 more than the September and November trips and £300 more than June; does seem surprising that March is so much more than eg September (and, of course, March looks like the only time I would be able to do the trip).

Bob, thanks for putting up a rationale for the pricing of hotel rooms for TS and JY tours - I think this could explain some of it. +Hotels prefer 2 people in a room, as they hope for 2 lots of extras rather than one - although I always think this reasoning is very suspect as I think solo travellers tend to meet up in the hotel bar (if there is one) and may stay there, whereas a couple may just head out without stopping at their hotel bar.  

Would like to get started on booking 2018, but am currently waiting on JY's ski trips (if any) and dates for 2018 Oz tour from another tour company so I can fix those first before looking again at what else I can do.


Good Afternoon,

Not to worry Katie- You wont be waiting very long.

Kindest Regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Katy, I'm trying to look at this situation from all sides and I believe in being fair!  But I still feel JY should be thinking again about the price hikes for the long hauls as I am convinced it will be counterproductive for them.  We'll see!  

Hope JY put on a ski trip that will be up your street!



  • (Member)
'katy1717' wrote:

Think everyone has some good points.   Re the costs, agree its probable the new owners are having an effect on pricing, and maybe not in a good way.  But, I haven't had next year's brochures from other tour groups yet, so can't see where other companies prices are going.

I've just finished a 10 day Iceland trip with another tour group and their prices were higher for those who booked the trip later (I fortunately booked early on).  A big topic of conversation was how much more this company were charging for this holiday the same time next year - and Iceland is scary expensive, very relieved that all breakfasts and evening meals were included in my trip + I went this year.  (I notice JY only include 2 evening meals in their current offering.). Think Iceland may be an outlier costs-wise anyway.

Daphne, I've also noticed the group that started offering single holidays this year.  Am waiting for their 2018 brochures as I would like to do their India with Shimla trip next year, which I hope they will still offer to solo travellers.  (Also their Oz trip with Darwin looks great but only offered in main brochure so far.)

I'm one who wouldn't go if the hotels were downgraded, though will put up with the one night stays in not great US motels and the poor breakfasts, mostly I like to be comfortable.  I'm not fussed about tea and coffee making, nor hair dryers.  BUT good wifi is absolutely essential IMO .....


Hi Katy, I did a wonderful tour of Thailand over xmas and new year just gone and the meals were all inclusive and the extras were fabulous so check out One Traveller. Alan

penny carter
Hello all. I've been reading up on people's comments about pricings in the new brochure and I totally agree with what everyone has said. I love travelling with Just You but I'm struggling to find a holiday that is not too expensive.There seems to have been a huge increase in prices for next year and I fear that holidays will get cancelled due to lack of numbers.

Unfortunately, I've had to start looking elsewhere and I have found other companies that do similar tours exclusively for single travellers but quite a lot cheaper. I haven't booked anything with anyone else yet as I'm hoping that JY will have another rethink come September and reduce prices in line with their competitors if they can. I'm torn between waiting to see what happens, plus any new tours that take my fancy, or booking something now for fear of prices going up even more in the September brochure!

I have travelled with JY for 9 years and have loved every trip I've done with them. I feel happy and secure with them which I feel is important as a single traveller and I really don't want to be 'forced' to go with another company.

I've just returned form yet another fab JY holiday but whilst away, we all discussed the new prices and most people said that they are going to start 'shopping around' for better deals with other companies.

I know JY always listen to their customers and I really hope they will take all the concerns from everyone on board with regards to this subject.

Kind regards


Thanks Alan for the tip of tour group you used for Thailand - don't have their brochure (yet), will have a look. Have a holiday booked for November to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (not JY) - so working out what to do for 2018.

Hi Bob, from Mildred's hint it looks as if the ski option(s) will be available soon, so I'll soon know if anything suits - not a disaster if not, would be nice but so many other things I want to do as well so I'd find an alternative. The 2018 brochures for other tour groups just starting to come out, will be interesting to compare the prices.



I was looking at the brochure last night, and balancing out the two Andalucia trips and came up with a couple of notes and queries.

1. How come the London flights have shifted from Gatwick to London City? Personally a pain in the bum as I have to fly into Gatwick first anyway and taxi up to LC.

2. The Andalucia tour with Seville, doesn't have any 2018 dates yet. Is this being dropped or are the minute details still being finalised?

off topic

3. Why does the forum have an Americanized spell check?

I am hoping to go to China in 2018, looking at the October trip in order to give me more money saving time its looks like with the Hong Kong add on whilst i'm out that neck of the woods. Its going to be a £4,200 trip, that is before connecting flights, visa, add-on, overnight hotels, taxis etc.

Even though I am not in the same leagues as some of the other more frequent and more experienced JY travelers, I was wondering.. a bit cheekily perhaps - that with the elevation in prices perhaps it was time to bring in some tiered award scheme (or discounts) for the more regular customers who are spending a lot of their money on these holidays. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Green etc Or even some advanced early bird offers / brochures for 'repeat customers' like other travel companies offer.

Good Morning Chris,

In regards to your first question, what Andalucía tour are you referring to?



'Moderator2' wrote:

Good Morning Chris,

In regards to your first question, what Andalucía tour are you referring to?



Hi Mildred

Its the Treasures of Andalucia escape holiday - which has the Gibraltar excursion. 



'Moderator2' wrote:

Good Morning Chris,

In regards to your first question, what Andalucía tour are you referring to?



Hmm, thought I already replied..... 

Hi Mildred

The Treasures of Andalucia tour is the one i'm referring to. There is no 2018 dates for the Golden Triangle tour. 


Good Afternoon Chris,

Apologies for the delayed response.

Due to the high demand on certain routes from Heathrow & Gatwick, many routes for 2017 have proven to be difficult to secure for group space.

To enable us to secure group seats London City is the preferred option for 2018.

The forum doesn't have Americanized spell check- this is probably a computer setting. if you right click on a misspelt word- click on languages and set it to English United Kingdom.

Many Thanks,
