Angela Bingham
Hi Monty

I too would like my final documents sent to me in the post please. I am on the holiday to Croatia and Makarska riviera on 20 May 2016.

Thank you 



Hils - We sent an incomplete set of the final documentation to a couple of people - you were not effected. As I said to Bob on his thread, we are still working on putting together the final information for your whole group and we will send out your final documentation once it is complete. This should be towards the back end of next week, maybe the week after.

Tessa - Your account already states that you will receive all documents by post, so your next set of documents should be sent via the post.

Angela - I have changed your preferences, so you will now receive all future documents sent via the post.

I hope this helps.

Kindest regards,


Angela Bingham
'Moderator' wrote:


Hils - We sent an incomplete set of the final documentation to a couple of people - you were not effected. As I said to Bob on his thread, we are still working on putting together the final information for your whole group and we will send out your final documentation once it is complete. This should be towards the back end of next week, maybe the week after.

Tessa - Your account already states that you will receive all documents by post, so your next set of documents should be sent via the post.

Angela - I have changed your preferences, so you will now receive all future documents sent via the post.

I hope this helps.

Kindest regards,


Thank you Monty.


  • (Member)
I am going on the Florida tour, on 10 May, I was able to book my seats, with B A ,at  cost, why is it not possible for J Y to do this for you when you book
Super Star
I am travelling from France for my tour to Burma at the end of February 2017 so I would definitely prefer to receive my documents by email. The international post is dreadful - dont know who is to blame the English or the French. Just got an easter card from a friend!


Hi Stella,

I love the username! I have doubled checked and I can confirm that you be receiving all documents by email.

Kindest regards,


It appears many people are having problems regarding final documents, I have just returned from China and had no final documents, not even an itinerary, which was given to me half way through the holiday. I struggled at the airport as only had flight numbers. The only paper work I had was my final invoice to show them.I was told by Just You this was ticket less and didn't need this information, but quite clearly at Heathrow I did need final information. This was very distressing, especially as it was my first trip with JY and I was very distressed.

At this point I wanted to come home. For the price you pay for these trips I feel the least you should get information either by post or email without further charge. Kind Regards Karen

  • (Member)
Hi Monty, I received my final documents for my Borneo holiday and they are complete.....except there is no voucher for access to an airport lounge. Will that be sent with the travel wallet and luggage tags? I'm travelling with Singapore Airlines out of Terminal 2.

Many thanks



Karen - I have had a look at your booking and from what I can see your final documents were sent 2nd class at the end of March. I am very sorry if you felt as though there was a lack of information in your pack. Someone from our customer service team will be in contact with you over the next couple of days so we can find out exactly what happened.

Mike - Your lounge pass was sent with your final documents so you may have missed it when flicking through your documents. We have sent another one to you today so you can access the lounge before you jet off to Borneo.

I hope this helps.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Monty,

I received my lounge pass in the post today, together with my travel wallet and luggage tags for my Borneo & Singapore holiday - thank you very much. I can confirm that I did NOT receive a lounge pass with my final documents as you have suggested; my final documents consisted of 9 pages in total, none of which were the lounge pass. Neither was it on a separate attachment with the email.


Hi Mike

expecting to see you at the 3 Magpies on the 18th, what time was it again, was thinking 6.00 - 6.30, hoping to be back at PI for 8.30 to catch some of the others before they turn in, not sure how to describe me but Diane ( DINA ) is unmissable with that mop of pure white hair and possibly wittering away in poor dave's ear hole lol, oooh i'll be in trouble when she see's this that'll be another thump she owes me ho ho

had my Travel wallet today with Luggage Tags and lounge pass, thanks JY you know we like to keep you on your toes with the odd whinge lol now we can finally really look forward to Borneo and Singapore

Two weeks today we'll be up up and away.............

all the best


  • (Member)
Hi Dave,

6.0 - 6.30 at The 3 Magpies is fine by me, so let me get this right....I need to look out for a guy with a lady who has a 'mop of pure white hair' and who may, or may not, be 'wittering away'! OK that seems simple enough!

See you on the 18th



  • (Member)
I am also not keen on receiving the final paperwork by email, and prefer post. Why not amalgamate the pack with the labels and lounge pass? I don't mind receiving invoices and changes by email, but not the itinerary etc.


  • (Member)
Hi Dave

I am surprised that part of your last post wasn't deleted, as you dared make a comment about a fellow traveller. If you insist on making comments about my hair you will end up in the trees with the other cheeky monkeys in Borneo.

Hi Monty

My final documents for Borneo May 19th I am very happy to say have arrived in the post today, Thank you.

Seriously, regarding  the post by Abbadave when he comments on my white hair, I haven't a problem with the comment.

Hi Mike

Look forward to meeting you at the Three Magpies on the 18th for dinner,along with Dave and I think Daphne, otherwise see you at the airport on the 19th.

Yes, my hair is almost white and has been for years and  on principle I won't have it coloured.

Looking forward to this holiday with equal amounts of trepidation (humidity, snakes and creepy crawlies) and excitement.

All the best


Hi Monty

I do not recall having been asked if I would like the final holiday information via e-mail or post.  I received it by e-mail and have requested that it be sent by post.  It seems a bit much that we are expected to print off twelve pages ourselves.!!



RayT - Would you like me to change your preferences so you receive documents by post for your convenience?

Angie - I have checked your account and you will receive everything via the post in the future.

Kindest regards,


Hi Mike

hopefully get there for six then, looking forward to a chat a meal and a pint or two, loved your comments by the way, oh and Di knows i'm only joking lol and if I can swing in the trees like a monkey at least i'd be fit and well, looking forward to it immensely

and my thoughts on having to print out our own itinerary it's a cost cutting measure without a doubt, 9 pages I printed out and with the cost of ink these days, I too do not recall ever asked about preferences and do not see the sense in then sending your luggage tags by post, JY shall seriously have to change their policy on this or they will lose some very loyal and big spending customers, even if for instance a third of all customers are happy to accept this that's a huge saving that is being made in passing the costs over to us, I do hope JY will review this in the not too distant future



  • (Member)
Hi Monty,

Yes, I would like you to change my preferences to receive docs. by post.

Thank you very much.


Hi RayT,

I have changed your preferences so you will now receive all future documents from us by post.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
My thoughts on receiving final documents by email:

I agree with AbbaDave that it makes little sense to send final documents by email and then send a travel wallet, lounge pass (where applicable) and luggage tags by post.

What with some people complaining about not having access to a printer, and others receiving incomplete information, I think JY should seriously consider the wisdom of the old saying....'if it ain't broke don't fix it!'

Please let's just return to the original policy where people received all of their documents etc by post, or at least have good old-fashioned post as the default method of delivery unless a customer specifies otherwise. Come on JY, let common sense prevail!

