I guess times are a changing... I personally dont have any issue with my name being on a list or some of my details being used such as mobile or email as long as I have been asked first. So far (touch wood) I've never had a problem with people abusing any of the information I have provided.

Nowadays its more important to be careful about what you post on social media, that you ensure you redirect your mail if you move house, that you keep your computer security uptodate, and that you watch out for phishing emails. You should even be careful about what taxi company you use if you believe everything you read.

  • (Member)
I have travelled with JY since 2006, I have only put my name on one list that was for a group photo to be sent out, only the manager had the information in the list and she promised to shred it when not needed.

As a general rule I do not put my name or details on anything I do not have to..I am very choosy who I give my personal details to.

So if JY were to introduce a list system in any shape or form, I will not be joining in.


  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia,

That sounds fine to me - it's the disclosing of first and surnames and addresses that I felt was excessive!

All the best,
