  • (Member)
I visited Hawaii many years ago as a young girl!!!!! And memories of Pearl Harbour, and the Polynesian dancers is still in my memory.

have Fun...


Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone

Who else is watching Hawaii Five 0 on sunday nights. Thinking I will be there in October it looks so nice. Another month gone only 6 more to go.

  • (Member)
'Mandy wrote:

Hi everyone

Who else is watching Hawaii Five 0 on sunday nights. Thinking I will be there in October it looks so nice. Another month gone only 6 more to go.

Hi Mandy

,I was looking in the Times Archive for any features on Hawaii,and they had a review of Hawaii 5-0 describing it as a guilty pleasure,which I agree with.

Sky recently showed Paradise Hawaiian Style,I know it's 50 years old,but, it does show the Polynesian Centre park back then.


Brenda K
'sallyc' wrote:

Aloha Brenda (just getting some practice in!)

Glad to hear you are joining us. October seems so far away, and I know it's wrong to be wishing the time away but watching Hawaii 5-0 isn't enough to keep me going!


Hi Sally Thanks can't wait it's very exciting. Hawaii 5-0 may not be enough but it at least gives you a taster, among other things :-)

Have you booked any of the trips? I think I got a bit carried away and I've booked everything!


  • (Member)
Hi Bren

I'm certainly going to book all the trips before we go - I'm just going to leave it until a bit closer to our departure. It still seems so long until we go. I'm off to Cilento Coast in a couple of weeks - I can't go more than six months without a JY holiday. No one mentioned when I first started that these holidays were so addictive......! :thumbup:


Brenda K
'sallyc' wrote:

Hi Bren

I'm certainly going to book all the trips before we go - I'm just going to leave it until a bit closer to our departure. It still seems so long until we go. I'm off to Cilento Coast in a couple of weeks - I can't go more than six months without a JY holiday. No one mentioned when I first started that these holidays were so addictive......! :thumbup:


Oh lovely, I hope you have fab time 🙂 how many JY hols have you been on?

  • (Member)

Sorry for the delay in replying - between Just You and Solos I've done 18 of these trips, mainly to far flung places.

I've just spoken to the office and they've told me that there are now 36 people booked. That's an awful lot of names to learn so I'm glad there's a few of us on here to start the ball rolling!


Brenda K
'sallyc' wrote:


Sorry for the delay in replying - between Just You and Solos I've done 18 of these trips, mainly to far flung places.

I've just spoken to the office and they've told me that there are now 36 people booked. That's an awful lot of names to learn so I'm glad there's a few of us on here to start the ball rolling!


Hi Sally my turn to apologies I keep forgetting my password and user name, written it down now! Honestly I use pcs all day but when I get home my brain says ok that's it no more thinking!

Lots of people yes which will be good. You've done a few trips then so that's reassuring JY must know what they're doing. What's the average number of people on a trip?

How was your trip to cilento was it?

Only 4 months now, everyone is so jealous that I'm going, in a good way jealous :-)

Bren x

  • (Member)
I completely understand about your brain switching off when you get home.

The Cilento Coast holiday was great thanks, just enough to keep me going 'til October.

The average number of people really depends on the type of trip. Some will have around 15 but the trips like China will regularly have 40. I've never been with more than 30 or so. What tends to happen with the bigger groups out of necessity is that smaller groups emerge after a couple of days. When you are having to find places to eat it is a bit impractical to go as a large group but you quickly find people you 'click' with and tend to stick together for meals. The rep is always there to make sure that no-one gets left out.

According to my countdown app it's 3 months and 19 days to go. We should be getting an Information pack over the next couple of weeks which should make it seem more real.

I love peoples' reactions when you say you're going to Hawaii - and people who have been before have nothing but good things to say.


  • (Member)
Hi guys

Have alook at the link below - its a review by Eric on behalf of his partner who has just come back from the Travelsphere Hawaii holiday - an identical trip to ours. It sounds great.:thumbup: 

  • (Member)
Hi again, thanks for the link. Excitment building now! Back when I booked in february it seemed so far away. Good to know I'm not the only one counting the days on their phone. 109 left!

Bit worried about all the early starts as I'm really not a morning person. Think I might just stay on west coast time for sleeping in Hawaii to give me a couple of extra hours. I think LA would be the place I'm least looking forward to going but I see that as just a stop over to break up the journey home and the other places more than make up for it in my mind. Seems like my perfect holiday with lots of excursions but still some time to relax on the beach with my kindle full of books. Most looking forward to? Hmm everything now! Also going to have to visit the cheesecake factory and I found a yummy looking frozen yoghurt place on tripadvisor too 😃

  • (Member)
Cheesecake? Frozen yoghurt? Now you're talking!!! 😃
Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sally Thank you for the link from Eric's wife review about the holiday for Hawaii. After reading this I am getting more excited about the holiday, and nervous at the same time as this is my first holiday with Just You.

Not long now near the end of June so only 3 more months to go.

Brenda K
Hi Sally thanks for the link its good to hear about other people's experiences. Travel will be tiring and yes long but am expecting that really so wont be a surprise, it's the experiences when you're there that make the holiday, bit mushy maybe but true 😃

Yes getting closer almost starting to think about what to take, what to wear?! :cool:

Bren x

Brenda K
'Ariya' wrote:

Hi again, thanks for the link. Excitment building now! Back when I booked in february it seemed so far away. Good to know I'm not the only one counting the days on their phone. 109 left!

Bit worried about all the early starts as I'm really not a morning person. Think I might just stay on west coast time for sleeping in Hawaii to give me a couple of extra hours. I think LA would be the place I'm least looking forward to going but I see that as just a stop over to break up the journey home and the other places more than make up for it in my mind. Seems like my perfect holiday with lots of excursions but still some time to relax on the beach with my kindle full of books. Most looking forward to? Hmm everything now! Also going to have to visit the cheesecake factory and I found a yummy looking frozen yoghurt place on tripadvisor too :D

Hi Ariya

Well I'm a morning person so if you can prod me when/if I start flagging of an evening and then I'll come knocking on your door to get you up if you're struggling we should be absolutely fine :)


Brenda K
Hi ladies only about 10 weeks I think to go. Any tips on what to take not take, apparently really quite cold on the trip to Haleakala?
Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi as I live in the west country I will be staying the night before the holiday in a hotel at Heathrow. Is anyone else doing the same. Witch is the best Hotel to stay in. I don't know what time I will get there but we could meet up in the morning and go to the airport together. I am getting very excited now only 10 weeks to go.
  • (Member)
Hi Bren - I've also read about the trip up Haleakala being very cold so I think I'll take a fleece and gloves for that one. Otherwise I think the general rule of layers is sensible. I usually survive on combat trousers, short sleeved tshirts and long sleeved hoodies / cardies. Some shorts, a dress, and swimsuit should just about do it for me. In the evenings I generally go for black trousers and bright tops - nothing too dressy although I do tend to take one nicer top just in case we find somewhere a bit posh for dinner!

I don't usually bother with a hair dryer or iron as most hotels provide them.

Mandy - I am lucky and live very close to Heathrow so won't be staying over the night before. I plan to get to the airport around 7 am for an early check in to try and secure an aisle seat. I will be getting breakfast once I've gone through Security and am happy to meet up at any point - either before check in or after. Hopefully we'll get access to one of the lounges but this is not guaranteed. They are usually a nice way to meet your travel companions before the flight and start the long task of getting to learn peoples' names!

In 10 weeks today, we'll be in the air on our way! 😃

Mandy G
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sally great to here from you. It is nice to know if I am early someone will be there. Hopefully the last information we get from Just You will tell us where we meet everyone at Heathrow.
  • (Member)
I've also read that Haleakala can get down to freezing and below at sunrise but also once the sun has risen its really strong because of the high altitude so if like me you burn easily don't forget the suncream. I'll probably borrow my boyfriend's hoody and wear that over a cardy and tshirt with my light jacket. Then I can just take if off as we go back down the mountain.

I found this website pretty good for an idea of what the weather should be like:

San Diego October weather 

Honolulu October weather 

So early 20Cs for the west coast then about 30C for Hawaii.

I'll probably stick with jeans and tshirt for west coast, then for Hawaii I picked up some shorts and summer dresses in the sale. From what I've read Hawaii is really relaxed so you probably won't need anything too smart even for dinner, but then I don't really do posh dining anyway 🙂 Also even though it says on our info sheet to take mosquito spray I was talking to my boss at work whos been and she said its not needed, specially by the sea and everything I've read online said its not really needed unless you're prone to bites so I don't think I'll bother. One thing that's definatly on my list though is my bug catcher, I hate creepy crawlies in my room!

Has anyone got an idea of how much spending money they'll be taking? I was thinking about $1000 cash then will get a credit card with no international fees and just put as much on that as I can when I buy things. I don't really drink alot so mostly will be just spending on food and a couple of souvenirs.

Looking forward to meeting you all in a couple of months!