Bridget Jane
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Not long now! Tip for making these dreary days go faster. Log in to a good weather ap on your computer or IPad and check into the weather pages for thailand! :cool::thumbup:Can't wait!!
  • (Member)
'Bridget wrote:

Not long now! Tip for making these dreary days go faster. Log in to a good weather ap on your computer or IPad and check into the weather pages for thailand! :cool::thumbup:Can't wait!!

Hello ! Yes the days are passing really quickly now and only 6 weeks to go. I'm seeing the Practice nurse at the surgery tomorrow to check on vaccinations. I was mentally trying to choose what to pack - very difficult when there is 9 inches of snow outside !!!! According to the guide books Thailand frown on lots of flesh on show therefore will need T shirts with sleeves.....Any excuse to buy new clothes !!!! Really looking forward now.:thumbup: