The Metal Dad
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi! I'm a bit of a virgin to this solo travel, but I'm looking for some ideas for a couple of weeks holiday away from the stresses of day-to-day working and family life. October would be a perfect time and I'd be interested to get receive ideas or suggestions from anyone. Many thanks.
Mick W
  • (Member)
Just go for what you fancy, i'm sure you wont be dissapointed.

What do you like ?

Resort hols ?

touring hols ?

plenty to choose from

  • (Member)
The Metal Dad??!!!

Welcome, I have been on 8 JY tours and they have all been great fun. As Mick says give us a clue what sort of holiday you are after, the new brochure is due out this month so I am sure there will be something in there for you. Either wait till it goes live online or whenit is available order it to be sent direct to you.

Hope you find a holiday to suit you


The Metal Dad
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:

The Metal Dad??!!!

Welcome, I have been on 8 JY tours and they have all been great fun. As Mick says give us a clue what sort of holiday you are after, the new brochure is due out this month so I am sure there will be something in there for you. Either wait till it goes live online or whenit is available order it to be sent direct to you.

Hope you find a holiday to suit you


Hi Cindy.

Sorry about the 2 posts - I didn't think the first one had registered... :s

Although not looking for an "activity" holiday as such, neither am I the type to sit on a beach all day. I've been on a cruise before and really enjoyed it; the idea of meeting loads of new people and arriving at a different place almost every day appeals to me. I don't really like long coach tours although travelling by train can be quite interesting at times. I'm a great people watcher and so I like to have plenty of opportunity to just sit, relax and watch the world go by with a cup of coffee or a glass of local beer in my hand. I don't like being rushed around, as that isn't a holiday as far as I'm concerned.

So, have I managed to exclude myself from most JY holidays yet...? :cool:

  • (Member)
Still not got a name for you yet so Hello again Metal Dad

Of course you have NOT excluded your self from JY tours..YET

OK I have been on 8 JY tours there is a video link on here from my self under the name of NIXON so have a look might answer some of your questions or there is one from a lady called lovely Lesley as well.

The tours I have been on have been varied.

Austrian Lakes...very nice not to hectic

Poland and the Tatra Mountains ..Concentration camps just blew my mind away

Boston New England and New York.. Hectic but so worth it did my 1st helo flight around statue of Liberty

East of my fav's

Kenyan Safari.. I LOVE animals so dream trip

Hong Kong and New Zealand... AMAZING

Tuscany..nice gentle tour

Nashville and Memphis... Elive and Country music YEAH!!!

I was booked on the Australian tour but JY cancelled and I couldnt make the date they offered so went another way on that LOVE AUSTRALIA...

There really is something for everybody to be honest ..I know the route 66 tour is proving popular..when the new brochure comes out 17th Of this month have a LOOK .. there must be ONE tour that you like the look of.

Ladies always outway the men on numbers main age 55-70 with younger and older eaither side.. great fun lots to see and do and great people to meet along the way..


  • (Member)
Hello Metal Dad

I think you will enjoy Costa de la Luz. There are trips included, but only one is a full day trip to Seville. Others are half days and you have plenty of time to sit back and relax. Of course, you do not have to join in the trips if you don't want to. You are free to do what you want - if you just want to relax on the beach or by the pool then no problem at all.

Hopefully you will find something you like and go for it. Life is too short to waste time thinking and worrying about little things. You will have a great time with a Just You holiday and meet plenty of people.

All the best


  • (Member)

I agree with Cindy (aka Nixon).

Trips are plenty and varied and i find it hard to believe that there isn't something for everyone. Laying on a beach bores me to tears, so even in very hot countries i like to explore, although sometimes i could just sit in a cafe and watch the world go buy...

Wait for the brochure!


Hi Metal Dad,

I'm in a similar situation. It's been years since my last holiday and I've decided it's time I went on one, and that a Just You holiday might suit me very well.

I've been looking on the site and, being partial to historical and cultural excursions, am very tempted by the classic cities of Italy holiday (Venice, Florence and Rome - lovely!) but I'm not 100% sure yet. All I do know is that the thought of a holiday - especially one where it doesn't matter if you're alone - has me literally fizzing with excitement!

Good luck with choosing your holiday. Let us know how you get on.


'The wrote:

Hi! I'm a bit of a virgin to this solo travel, but I'm looking for some ideas for a couple of weeks holiday away from the stresses of day-to-day working and family life. October would be a perfect time and I'd be interested to get receive ideas or suggestions from anyone. Many thanks.

Hi Metal dad :s me too how about Kusadasi in October?

'The wrote:

Hi! I'm a bit of a virgin to this solo travel, but I'm looking for some ideas for a couple of weeks holiday away from the stresses of day-to-day working and family life. October would be a perfect time and I'd be interested to get receive ideas or suggestions from anyone. Many thanks.

Hi I have been to sorrento recently, it was fantastic, I went on all the trips, I was a. It nervous, flying alone etc. but the guide was great, and chatted to us all, once you board that plane that's it' Italy is very interesting, I came back and couldn't wait to get the new brochure for next year. Go for it!!