Sole traveller
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone - have just joined and am thinking of going on my first solo trip later this year. Just wondered how everyone else has found the trips as I have never done anything like this before? Any feebback would be great! Was hoping to do a city break. Thanks! 🙂
  • (Member)
Hello and welcome to you,

If you look around the postings on the board I am sure you will find many similar questions to yours. I have been using this company for a few years now I am 52, I do have a HUSBAND but he hates sight seeing holiday's so I go it alone so to speak, I have done 4 long haul (3xUSA and 1xKenya), 2 short haul (Poland & the Tatra Mountains, Austrian Lakes) all have beed superb, stunning scenery and very nice people, Ladies outway the Men in numbers and age range can go from 20's - 80's. Every one mixes well after such a short time. I hope you give it a go.


Hi Sole traveller, welcome to the forum :)

I have travelled with both JY and Travelsphere (JY's sister company). In my experience the trips have always been very well organised and really enjoyable.

I'm going on the 'Walking in the Ahr Valley' trip in June and will probably go on the Prague trip later in the year.

I've met some really interesting people on the trips I've done and had a really good time so I'd thoroughly recommend giving JY a go.

If you have any specific questions just ask - I'm sure one of the forum menbers will be able to help.


Mick W
  • (Member)
Only one way to find out is try it.

Personally I did my first trip last year and enjoyed it so much booked a 2nd holiday on my return. Have 2 more booked this year so far.

Don't think you would regret booking.

Am off for my first trip in a few days to China - feels like a big step - but once its taken sure it'll be worth it. You won't know til you try!

all the best
