  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Guys. I lost my darling wife, Jane, at age 50 in August 2013. We went all over the globe together but since she passed I have found that I don't want to go on holiday. The thought of her not being there is too much to contemplate. Having read some of your experiences I am sure this will resonate with some of you? Anyway, I have decided to grasp the nettle, as it were, and book the Inspirational China with Hong Kong add on for 2016. Feel much trepidation but I have been told by others in the same boat, once you jump in the water etc etc you will have a great time. I am sure they are all quite right. I hope very much that I will get to meet some of you guys in China!? I wish all peace, love, light, good health & happiness. :thumbup:;)[/font]
  • (Member)
Hi Kevin, I sympathise with you in your loss but I think you have definitely made the right decision. Many, if not most people travelling with JY are widows or widowers, so you will find a lot of people on the holiday will be in a similar predicament to you. One of the great things about a JY holiday is that everyone mixes well together, regardless of age or background. I did the China tour last year, just after the death of my mother. It was a very good tour to go on, busy with lots of different experiences and I'm very glad I went on it. I didn't do the HK add-on but I'm sure it will be an interesting way to end the tour.

Best wishes,


Kevin, good morning.

I have been on 5 long haul JY holidays - most recently Japan/Hong Kong - and all have been great fun. The ratio men/women is always that the majority of travelers are women although as everyone is in the same position of travelling alone for whatever reason I have found that everyone gets on and mixes really well.

Good luck and go for it !!!!

Pete ..........

Mick W
Lots on here including myself started using JY after losing our partners. I was a experienced traveller but didn't to go totally alone and a internet search brought me to this site.

That was in 2010 a year after I'd lost my partner and I booked to go to America and although an emotional time I've not looked back and have done numerous trips since.

My advice is just do it.


  • (Member)

Hello and welcome to the world of JY. I ditto what the others have said to you. I am one of the few people who leaves a hubby for me to travel the world he has no interest. I started to use JY in 2006 after the loss of my Father and have been lucky to go on 11 hectic tours. I have not been on the China tour. I have spent time with many people in your position, and although it isn't the same with out their partner by there side, and yes sometimes there are tears but it doesn't matter. What they all say is they have a great time away and life does move forward, these holiday are a great way to see the world, with others who have the same holiday interest, many good friendships can be made along the way which is a great bonus.

I hope you enjoy your time away.


Nancy Clayson
Hi Kevin

I lost my Husband suddenly to an accident in 2008. I was 48. I know the trepidation you are feeling. I did my first trip with JY in 2010, I think. My first trip was to China. It was amazing. I turned up at Heathrow just wanting to run home. But the first person I met that was going to China as well was so friendly. Then we met others on the same trip. Most people were feeling the same. The guide was excellent and all of us were in the same boat. Probably for different reasons, but we all got along very well and had a really great holiday. I have been on 2 more trips since then with much the same experience of people on the trips. Everyone will make you feel welcome and you will do the same for everyone else. Have a great time. The China trip is amazing. I am off to India this year.

Best wishes


  • (Member)
Hi Kevin

Hello and welcome. I think you have done the right thing. It is always sad to lose someone you love, but life has to go on. I have not done the China trip yet, but it is on my list. You will meet lots of friendly people and have a great time and make many more great memories to add to the ones you already have.
