  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I would love to travel but have never been abroad so I am finding it twice as daunting - never been on holiday alone and never been abroad either:s any advice please.
  • (Member)
Hi. I was in a similar situation where through my married life we bought up my sisters children as well as our own, the only holidays we could afford for all eight of us was Butlins!

However I took the plunge and have been abroad a couple of times to Europe with Just You and enjoyed every moment.

On both holidays no one was left out and you could join in as much, or as little as you wanted to.

I am confident that you will not regret your decision

  • (Member)

Stop worrying or thinking - just go ahead and book a holiday to a destination you would love to visit. I did this when I booked my first solo holiday with Just You in 2009. I always wanted to see Petra so I booked the trip to Jordan. I had a great time and am going on my 3rd Just You holiday in May. You are well looked after and everyone mixes well so you do not feel alone.


Hi Cazza

I can recommend a couple of trips which are not to far, And are very good starting points for your first Just You Experience. The Austrian Lakes is a fantastic place to start.

Just pick something and go for it,
