  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just came upon this site. Wondered what the age range might be. Travelled to lots of countries but never alone.
  • (Member)
Hi Jane

There is a wide age range - from 20s to 80s. It all depends on the type of holidays. But, why worry about age - it is just a number. As long as you get on with people of all ages then you will be fine travelling with Just You. You will not be alone unless you choose to be.



'jane10' wrote:

Just came upon this site. Wondered what the age range might be. Travelled to lots of countries but never alone.

Hi Jane

I just posted a similar question, I'm in my early 30s and wanted to know if it was likely that there may be others of a similar age.

  • (Member)
Can I suggest if either of you have a particular tour and date in mind that you either ring the office or post on the editors board where Julia might be able to give you a break down on age and m/f ratio etc.

Can I add that really don't worry about age as Jaya said it really is JUST a number,I have spent some fantastic time with much older and also much younger people, just go and have fun and have a great tour, that's what it really is about. I worry more about the fitness, I am now 55 started using JY in 2006 but I am not that nimble these days arthritis. So age is not my problem health is,

Any other questions about JY just ask, I have my 10th tour booked.
