(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone

I have never been on a single holiday before and have just joined JY - if you could give me some tips I would be very grateful, a little nervous!

  • (Member)

I have done 7 JY Tours with my 8th Booked for 2012 to New Zealand, these are holidays that are well worth going on. I feel very safe and secure, great places to visit and a good bunch off people to meet along the way. I hope that you can find a holiday you like and book it and give JY a go. If there is anything I can help you with please ask and I will try and help where I can.


Sounds silly I know, but there is no need to be nervous. I have been travelling with JY for over seven years now and have never had a bad experience yet. Great mix of people - ages and interests - and you soon find others in the group with similar interests as yourself. You will have a great time - just go with an open mind.
Peter Jersey
'juliecherrycadman@hotmail.com' wrote:

Hi everyone

I have never been on a single holiday before and have just joined JY - if you could give me some tips I would be very grateful, a little nervous!

Hello Julie

Easier said than done I know but there is no need to be nervous. Remember that most people on the holiday that you pick will be in the same situation as you are. The group will very soon get to know one another and you will wonder why you worried. Your Tour Manager will look after you really well and make sure that you are not alone unless of course you want to be. Most groups have a majority of ladies which may calm your fears. Just pick a holiday that suits you and go for it. The new catalogue will be sent out very shortly and if you contact Just You they will be pleased to send you one.

Happy holiday


i was in exactly the same situation this yr but "bit the bullet" and went on America Golden West tour in sept ... had an amazing holiday and was lucky enough to meet 5 ladies who were on same wavelength as myself ... i haven't laughed so much in years .... am now struggling 2 decide where 2 go next yr!! am tempted by Australia (maybe bit pricey though) or Route 66 ....!! good luck, am sure you'll have a great holiday wherever you choose ... 🙂
Hi Kathy,

Oh Route 66, Route 66....

We have campaigned for this to be included and I am so glad we did because Just You listened and made it happen. So many people have had the dream to do this (especially me) so now we can.

I go on 3rd September - it will be murder having to wait that long but I have other holidays to enjoy first.

Hope whatever you choose, you have a great time. We may meet up one day on a trip.

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

'juliecherrycadman@hotmail.com' wrote:

Hi everyone

I have never been on a single holiday before and have just joined JY - if you could give me some tips I would be very grateful, a little nervous!

Hi Julie and welcome,

Have no fear we have all 'been there' wondering what going on holiday as a 'single' will be like. I can tell you - fantastic!

There has probably always been somewhere where you wanted to go - now you can. As others have told you - it is safe for a woman to travel with Just You (which is very important) so you will have no worries there. You will meet some great new people of all ages and everyone mixes and your tour manager will take really good care of you and solve any problems you may have.

Most people worry about the practical things like what happens at the airport, will I be eating alone (No), exchanging currency, electrical adaptors, suitable clothing, food etc. but all these questions can be answered here - either through Olly or one of us who has done that trip.

So please Julie - choose something you fancy - go for it - and have a holiday that you will enjoy. You will never look back (and will wonder why you ever felt nervous).

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

This is the first single holiday I've had. Is there anyone going on the Tuscany tour next week. I'm not nervous, but a bit apprehensive, so would like to hear from anyone on this tour.


Cherine :huh:

Hi Julie, welcome I am still trying to pluck up courage to book a summer holidays for next year. I am 52 and have been widowed for 11 months now, I know how you feel. Good luck
Hi Julie

I well understand you being nervous as I was 5 years ago. But once you get the first trip in. You will be fine and a regular traveller.

As a first trip, I can suggest depending what you are into. But for site seeing, The Austrian lakes is amazing and a wonderful clean country to start with. If you prefer some walking, I can suggest Walking In The Ahr valley with light flat walking however this is going via coach, But still a wondeful trip and well worth the coach journey, And for laying on the beach, I can definately recommend Bulgaria on the Black Sea Rivera. And for the price it is very reasonable. And it is an very intersting part of the world.

Go on. Pick something, pick up the phone and Book

Regards Andy

Hi Lavender,

What still trying to pluck up the courage to book yourself a lovely holiday? Surely not.

Honestly, there is nothing to worry about and you will have a really good time, meet lots of new JY friends and wonder why you ever felt unsure about booking something.

There has to be somewhere you always really wanted to go - well go there because you can. As everyone else has told you, your tour manager will take good care of you and you will see and do things as part of a group. I am widowed too but that doesn't stop me wanting to go on holiday - the alternative is worse. And - you are worth it!!!

Good luck - though you won't need it - and you will never look back.

Be happy,

Best wishes

Lesley :angel:

Just done my 3rd Tour in 12 months with Just You - (Toronto & Niagra Falls, Classic Cities of Italy, Magic of Kenya) - all brilliant. Pick something you fancy and go for it.
  • (Member)
'Cherine' wrote:

This is the first single holiday I've had. Is there anyone going on the Tuscany tour next week. I'm not nervous, but a bit apprehensive, so would like to hear from anyone on this tour.


Cherine :huh:

Hi Cherine. Snap. This is my first trip as well (Tuscany on the 20th)so that makes two of us that are a bit apprehensive. I will be the bald guy at the airport looking a bit perplexed so you should spot me ok. I am sure we will be fine and I look forward to meeting you and the others.


'kathy18' wrote:

i was in exactly the same situation this yr but "bit the bullet" and went on America Golden West tour in sept ... had an amazing holiday and was lucky enough to meet 5 ladies who were on same wavelength as myself ... i haven't laughed so much in years .... am now struggling 2 decide where 2 go next yr!! am tempted by Australia (maybe bit pricey though) or Route 66 ....!! good luck, am sure you'll have a great holiday wherever you choose ... :)

Hi Kathy,

I have just joined the forum this morning as I have been looking through the new Just You Brochure. I have been with the Adventure Company three times but never with Just You. I too am undecided about either Route 66, Australia or Argentina and Brazil. I wonder if anyone else out there has any thoughts or experiences regarding these three holidays?