(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi all

I'm new to JY and since I am quite shy and I won't know anyone else; what do the Tour managers do to help you meet others in the group?  

Is there an enforced table sitting chart or do they tell you where to sit on the bus?  Do they play any games or give you name tags?  I don't like wearing name tags if I can help it.

Any info on what to expect would be great.  thanks

  • (Member)
Hi you really have nothing to worry about!  Before you go to the airport, put the Just You tag on your hand luggage and this will help other travellers to spot you.  If you are on a long haul tour, you will probably have an executive lounge to meet the others and this is a great way to start getting to know the group.  If not, then when you go to the gate you may well bump into some of the group - you will certainly meet some at the baggage reclaim and this is the perfect time to strike up conversation and start getting to know people.  After 14 tours, I often find that people pair off with the person they sat on the coach with over the first day or two.  A few tour managers use seat rotation, but this is not popular with most travellers as many have a preference for sitting near the front or the back or just like to choose who they sit next to!  Name tags are not given - we are not on a school outing!!  People mix well on these tours and I find that after a couple of days, I've spoken to most of the group and by the end of the week I know everyone's names. Most JY holidays have at least some lunches and dinners included and these generally involve sitting at large tables, so you will get to know people that way too.  Don't be shy, strike up conversation and join in the general chat and you will be just fine!

All the best,


  • (Member)
At the airport, you will be greeted by the Tour Manager. After you check in your luggage, you go to the Lounge where everyone - well, most from the group will be there. You will identify them from the JY luggage label. You have tea/snack, introduce yourself and get to know them. Everyone will be alone and on their own, like you. So getting to know each other will be important to everyone. From then onwards, I am sure, you will happily mingle with all of them or some of them. There are no set rules or name tags. Just go with the flow, you will enjoy the tour.
  • (Member)
Hi Silverbird

I have never come across any of these on the 9 holidays I have done.  All holidays have a welcome get together on the first evening but several travellers will already have met at the airport on the way out - looking for and displaying your JY luggage tags is a great way to break the ice.  Also you have made a great start by using the Forum which some travellers don't bother with.  Post details of a holiday you have booked in the Say Hello section and hopefully you will know already know some of your group before you even pack your case.

Good luck - come on in to the JY family.  I doubt you will regret it.

Best wishes

  • (Member)
Hi Silverbird,

You will be pleased to hear that no, you do not have to wear name tags or be told where to sit on the bus (although some Tour Managers like to do seat rotation every day), no games, no "enforced" seating charts. Normally all JY clients will be seated together at dedicated tables at meals, and all you have to do is chat to the people on either side of you! It takes a while to get to know everyone's names - I find a good way to do this is to be alert when the Tour Manager is giving out room keys, which she obviously does by name!

Everyone is in the same boat, although you may find some people know each other from previous tours. You never have to be on your own, unless you want to be. On the whole everyone is very friendly and we are all there for the same reason. I have made some very good friends over the years with JY - I have now done 19 JY tours.

Your Tour Manager will make sure that you are not left out of anything. Everyone tends to mix very well, so don't worry!




(Member) (Topic Starter)
That's a relief. I went on one tour and we had to introduce ourselves in a group circle. I would rather meet each other organically. I'm liking this JY tour idea more and more. Thank you all
  • (Member)
Crikey silverbird, that sounds awful!!  Hope you book the Danube tour...we are a friendly lot on the whole!



(Member) (Topic Starter)
One more thing, do you have to travel en masse? or does everyone kind of splinter off and do their own site seeing? Do you have to follow the guide or tour manager everywhere? what do most people do?
  • (Member)
Hi Silverbird,

It depends what kind of holiday you are booking - a tour or a holiday where you are based in one place. Yes, you travel together on the coach. You will have a Tour Manager and a local guide. If you go on the excursions - a lot are included, and some are optional - the guide will take you round to all the places of interest. You normally have free time to explore on your own, but if you have not been to a particular place it is advisable to go with the guide so you don't get lost for one thing! Obviously if you have been somewhere before and want to go off on your own, as long as you tell the Tour Manager and guide, then that's fine.

Hope this helps.



'Dyuti' wrote:

At the airport, you will be greeted by the Tour Manager. After you check in your luggage, you go to the Lounge where everyone - well, most from the group will be there. You will identify them from the JY luggage label. You have tea/snack, introduce yourself and get to know them. Everyone will be alone and on their own, like you. So getting to know each other will be important to everyone. From then onwards, I am sure, you will happily mingle with all of them or some of them. There are no set rules or name tags. Just go with the flow, you will enjoy the tour.

Not strictly true Dyuti.  There is usually a JY Rep at the airport, though not always obvious,  but often TM's meet the group at the destination airport.


  • (Member)
Hi generally the group stay together when we are on an excursion, as the local guide would be taking us around and giving us commentary on the various sights.  Occasionally there may be someone in the group who wants to do their "own thing" and heads off by themselves - but they always let the tour manager know what they are doing, otherwise the poor soul would be in a panic thinking they'd lost someone!  Depending on the itinerary, there is often some free time after the guided tour is finished and then people splinter off to view the "sight" at their own pace, to take photos etc.  Everyone is pretty good at getting back to the meeting point/bus at the appointed time and tours run very smoothly.  People usually gather in the hotel foyer around 10 minutes before the bus is due to leave in the mornings and are good time-keepers as they don't want to inconvenience the rest of the group.  You can leave valuables, handbags, day bags etc. on the coach as it is either locked or minded by the driver when we are on excursion.  Hope this helps! 

All the best,


  • (Member)
Hi Silverbird

A lot depends on the type of holiday you have booked and whether excursions are included or optional.  Many of the long haul holidays do not have much 'free time' but when there is you are free to do your own thing and often on the included excursions there is time to 'wander'.  You can do this on your own or with any number of fellow travellers - your choice.

Hi Silverbird,

It depends on what type of holiday you book. If you book a tour - then for the most part the group will travel together - visit sites together etc. if you book a one destination type holiday you can of course go off and do your own thing or join in with the included excursions. I suggest you take a look at the different types of trips to get an idea.


'silverbird' wrote:

One more thing, do you have to travel en masse? or does everyone kind of splinter off and do their own site seeing? Do you have to follow the guide or tour manager everywhere?  what do most people do?

What you have to consider here is that once have arrived at your destination, you will travel between places as a group. When you go on an excursion and you get to the location, the Tour Manager will give you an idea of what to see and where to go as a group. Guided and assisted by local guides.

If you are someone who likes to look around by yourself then that is fine. 

Just make sure you arrange a meeting place/time with the Tour Manager before you split off.  Sitting waiting on a coach for one errant traveller can be irksome and generally will not be conducive to popularity.  

Having said that, if you choose to explore by yourself you will be missing out on some marvellous facts about the place you are visiting. The local guides are fantastic at being able to give you the local history and interesting facts about the location, that you would miss if you struck off on your own. 

In my case, being a bit of an avid photographer, I try to strike a happy medium. I know that the guides will be going to the most interesting places and therefore I follow. But not to the degree of being one of the pack. I can make the choice to follow, listen and learn, but also I can often be found investigating an interesting photographic opportunity just outside the group.  However. ! !  

I always make a point of keeping the group in sight.   ! !     I've lost track of how many times I've been chided (in a humorous way) for being last on the coach. Eventually it becomes a running joke and helps to bring the group together.  

No matter which way you you deal with it, you can be assured that the Tour Manager will never leave anyone behind. Although there might be some strays, when i'ts time to go they will check that you are all on board.  

Relax and have a great holiday. 🙂

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Wow. You've all been so helpful. Thank you again. What a nice community of people you are!
  • (Member)
I've been on three, one had "compulsory games" (of course they couldn't force us but everyone else participated).