hi, i am thinking of booking a holiday, not sure what to do as i have never tried this. do i just jump in at the deep end and book a holiday or do i try a weekend first? :huh:
Hi stokedup
I say just go for it,choose somewhere you fancy and look forward to enjoying a fantastic holiday, I`m sure you won`t regret it. I certainly did`nt. Good Luck, Pat.
A weekend away is ok but it is hardly enough time to get to know those you are traveling with.
Don't bother about a weekend - just go for it. You will have a great time. Don't worry about it being your first Just You holiday. Everyone has been there, done that, so we know how you feel - but I can guarantee that whatever you choose you will not regret it.
Choose wherever you fancy. The Tour Manager will make sure you are okay and you will meet some smashing people.
Who knows, this could be the start of something big!
Good Luck
Be happy,
Best wishes,
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