Hi jens
I have been told you don't need to take malaria tablets and the side effects of some malria tablets make you feel ill, I have been on the world health web site. I will be taking 'jungle' insect repellent to spray on. the hotels we are staying at also provide Mozzy nets.
I googled the map of south Africa and the route we are taking contains loads of pictures that people have put on the map with all sorts of interesting places we are down to visit on our itinary.
I am taking pencils and chalks for the kids in Swaiziland for their school and pack them in my suitcase.
I will be taking a smaller suitcase though, as we will be stopping at quite a few hotels, last trip I did was China and found I didnt wear half of what I took and the suitcase was too big to lug around, so will stick to a smaller case and a flight bag.
Paid for the holiday last Saturday, so fully committed and the next step is changing spending money to African currency.
I am not sure what to take to wear but sure as hell wont need any ball gowns (normally go on cruises but now find them a bit boring since my adventures with activity holidays such as this)
I think i have planned for everything I will need buy hey ho there are always shops to buy from at the airport.
Time is rushing on and it wont be long until we all meet up at the airport i was told 30 of us at the last count 8 men (poor loves) with the rest us women.
chat soon
best regards
sue xx