I too have booked Australia with stopover in Singapore. Looking forward to seeing the country but not really looking forward to the long flight. Anyone else doing Singapore?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Is anyone going direct from Heathrow to Perth like I am? I am also staying at Heathrow the night before hope I'm not the only one!
Hi Karen,

I am also getting excited about the holiday, wondering what clothes to pack, how much money to take etc etc. My first stop is also Perth but I am staying overnight at Gatwick rather than Heathrow.I am sure that we will all meet up in the executive departure lounge and hopefully find that we are sitting near each other on the plane. I have to admit that I am a bit daunted about such a long flight, it would be good to recognise a few fellow travellers! It should be a fantastic trip with so much to see. A holiday of a lifetime.

Looking forward to meeting you. Regards Heather

  • (Member)
Hi again all. Only 11 weeks to go (not that I'm counting or anything!). I know we will soon be paying and that will make it all seem nearer. I'm starting in Manchester (maybe overnight at Heathrow) but will be going to Perth on 2nd so will see you in the lounge if not before.

Already thinking about what to take as packing light is really not my thing, I like to have something to cover every eventuality. Must start to think about vaccinations etc - don't think we will need anything in Oz but want to be sure about Hong Kong.

Look forward to meeting you either in Heathrow or Perth.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well, that's it all paid now, that means I'm really going!! 🙂 need to get myself organised, so excited !!
  • (Member)
Yes, all paid for now. I've cancelled my Hong Kong add on but will be staying overnight in Heathrow on the way out to Perth. I just want the next 6 weeks to fly by as I'm getting so excited. I believe there are 22 of us on the trip.


I am impressed by your knowledge, thank you also for suggesting Boots to get a plug adapter. 7 people have said "hello" to each other on message board. We therefore have met almost 1/3rd of the group! I am meeting friends in Perth for a meal one night, they suggested I take insect repellent. Thought I would pass on their advice. Getting excited.
  • (Member)

I've got lashings of insect repellent and sting relier - if anybody is going to get bitten it will be me! I've got friends who've visited Perth and told me it's especially bad near the Great Wave Rock - but apparently it's a must not miss experience. I'm beginning to feel tempted by one of those rather fetching hats with dangling corks (only joking). Just wish the next 4 weeks would fly by.


I'm in a quandary now because my friends in Perth said not to do the trip to Wave's Rock because of the distance involved. I am sure we will be given a clearer picture by the tour manager when we arrive and then decide our optional trips.
  • (Member)
Hi Heather

It's good to get different perspectives of places. I hadn't realised Wave Rock was a long way. I think we'll be doing a lot of travelling so may just feel like relaxing. Like you say, I'm sure we'll get lots more info from tour manager and no rush to decide now. I just wish we were going next week.

  • (Member)
Hi everybody

My final holiday info arrived yesterday which was a relief as I was worried it may get caught up in postal strike. Got a bit of a shock when I saw the price of the optional excursions - seem to be much dearer than similar JY excursions I've done. Whatever, I'm not going all that way without doing everything I want.

Don't know about anybody else, but I'm getting so excited now it's getting closer.


Hi Lin, I agree that prices are a bit higher than I expected, especially balloon trip, but weather permitting I really want to do it. I will be leaving a week today for stopover in Singapore and am really getting excited. Look forward to meeting you on 2nd. Carroll

I had an email from Perth saying that the weather was unexpectedly and extremely hot last Saturday but had cooled down to the 20's this Monday. I hadn't expected that sort of temperature in Perth, just hope I am taking the right sort of clothes. Like you I am looking forward to taking the balloon ride. See you all soon.

  • (Member)

Hope you enjoy your stay in Singapore, Carrol - look forward to meeting you at the airport. I won't be joining the balloon flight as I'm terrified of heights but hoping to try diving on the Barrier Reef.

Not sure what clothes to take - been looking at forecasts and seems hot but I have a habit of attracting unseasonably cold or wet weather wherever I travel! Probably take plenty of shorts and a few warmer things just in case. Smart casual for evenings. Can't contain my excitement much longer. See you all soon.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Can't beleive it's only just over a week away now,very excited and only slightly panicky at the thought of going on holiday alone(!) but I am sure we will all have the best time, looking forward to meeting you all,if not at Heathrow in Perth! K x
Am having some difficulty obtaining my visa for visiting Australia. How are others faring?


keith d
hi linjay,

Just You told me 19 of us going,but this might have been before your message.Has anyone got thier visa yet?


keith d
Hi Carroll,

Just phoned 'just you,' visa is an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) added to passport on arrival in Perth. Confirmation slip should arrive in post,(mine is stuck in postal system)

hope this helps.
